How Kind of You

Submitted into Contest #279 in response to: Write a story about a character who’s lost.... view prompt


Crime Fiction Speculative

It was luck, truly, that she found herself trapped in the bank. It’s not as if she was a robber, she simply needed to make a withdrawal for some odd hobby, and BOOM! Suddenly she finds herself alone. 

Now, she’s no coward or anything, but can you blame her for the loud shriek she let out upon the darkness that suddenly consumed her? Fear of the dark is a real thing guys, and rightfully so. It was probably some sort of sick prank or something, she always knew people were out to get her. Why? She couldn’t tell you, but she was sure the bank teller in booth 19 had it out for her from the beginning: casting her strange looks sometimes.  

Of course, she was used to the stares; she was a star after all. Ever since she was young, people had a certain fixation on her, their eyes always watching, judging, and threatening. Only a bit ago, she went through a self-discovery mission and concluded that they must’ve simply been jealous. Who wouldn’t want to be her after all? The realization, however, came with some unusual outbursts. Once again, that was not her fault. 

She needs her own personal space, you know? Why did they always have to be watching her? Life as a main character was hard. People always think they're entitled to your life, sometimes she just needed to push them a little bit to make some space for herself, you know?

Whatever, the stares were gone now. She should rethink this fear of the dark. 

With no one watching her, she felt strange… was this what power was? Freedom? She was the only one in the dark, no one else existed now that the eyes tracking her every move were gone. 

A smile like no other began to stretch her mouth, the corners of her eyes crinkling as she started skipping through the darkness. Her jaw hurt, it was sore, she had never used such muscles like this before, she didn’t like it, but she couldn’t stop it. It was like her racing heart and was powering her movement. 

Somewhere in the distance, she recognized a soft tune being played, it was from an old childhood song she had long forgotten about up until now. 

“Once I was seven years old,” she giggled at how perfectly she perfected the tone. Take that you wannabe singers back in fifth grade! Talk about show-offs: those three girls were always singing out of tune and too loud, did they really think they could outshine her?

But wait a minute- she glanced around, if she was the last person here, why could she hear their laughs echoing from down the hall? They were supposed to all be gone! Only her voice should be heard! It was probably that pesky trio once again, trying to steal her spotlight.

The smile fell, and her skips turned to stomps as she made her way to the furthest room. There, inside, she raged silently while watching those pesky fifth graders diving in piles of money, no doubt from a fabulous career in stardom that she was supposed to have. This wasn’t fair! But there was also nothing she could do; she was at a loss. 

“Get out! Get out! Get out! You can't be here!” she screeched. And poof, they were gone. The smile returned. Even after all these years, they were still afraid of her. Oh, how she adored the power she had.

Well, she couldn’t let all the money go to waste now, could she? It was hers, after all, they were the ones who stole it. If only she had a bag to carry it all in, her arms were far too small for such a large amount. Oh well, the pillowcase in the corner would have to do.  

“Once I was eleven years old,” she hummed as she stuffed the green bills inside. Take that, crazy mother! Take that, nonexistent father! Take that all those who tried to drag her down, who tried convincing her that she was sick, lost, disturbed!

Once it was filled to the brim and overflowing, she hoisted it over her shoulder and started skipping back to the entrance from which she came, such a strong girl she was, she could really do anything, couldn’t she?  

As soon as she stepped through the door, confetti cannons went off and a large crowd of people started cheering, dozens of paparazzi crowded around her while two nice men in blue uniforms escorted her to the car. So sweet of them all! What a pleasant surprise from her fans! Not only did they come to catch a glimpse of her, but they even arranged bodyguards and a fun party car for her! The red and blue lights on top of it really made the whole thing exciting if she did say so herself. One of the bodyguards even carried her things for her! A true gentleman. 

“Ms. Crowne, you are under arrest for the destruction of federal property, a botched attempt at theft, and the indirect murder of three individuals. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you by the state, you have the right to remain silent.” 

Wait what? 

“Um, Mr. Bodyguard sir, I think you're a little lost here. See, all of this belongs to me, my fans out there can attest to that."

"Fans? Those are families grieving over the loved ones you killed!"

The girl tried to hold her laugh, she really did, but seriously, media these days would do anything to get clout. Alas, she couldn't let her temper get away from her this time, with the media already painting her as the villain, she needed to play it cool.

"I commend your attempts at defamation, but my lawyers will be hearing about this. This is not my first rodeo with you lot," she shook her head to emphasize her disappointment. "It's a shame, really, ruining such a good day just because you have nothing better to do. Now would you please take me to my address?"

The man in blue looked over at his partner, both equally confused.

"What should we do?" the first one whispered out of earshot of the girl.

"I don't know," the second one replied. "I'm just as lost as you are."

Soft humming could be heard from inside the car: "Once I was 20 years old..."

December 04, 2024 16:37

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