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Mystery Suspense Thriller

I felt the crisp,cool wind flow through my hair as I rode my bike down the long,empty road. “Nic.” Hazel said out of breath,struggling from trying to keep up with me. “How much longer till we’re there?” “Just a little bit more up the road.” I said.Hazel groaned as she tried to peddle faster After a couple more minutes traveling through the street we saw it,The Old Foxx Museum, in all of its ancient glory.We parked our bikes by a stop sign, and started to walk up the entrance.The more we walked, the bigger the place got.As we reached the front of the museum I just stared at it in awe, taking it all in.It was a massive building with about 5 floors, it was probably the biggest building in all of Foxx port, even bigger than some of the churches here.The walls had patches of cracked paint and the yellowish red rays from the sunset highlighted the white walls which have darkened over time.Some windows were broken, while most of them including the doors were boarded up and covered with either graffiti or worn out caution tape. I took a closer step when Hazel wearily asked. “Nic, are you sure we should do this?”Without taking my eyes off the building I responded. “Hazel, everyone in town has seen this museum abandoned for their entire damn lives and no one knows or at least won’t tell us why.” “Well maybe they just couldn’t upkeep it anymore?”she suggested. “Hazel.” I said while scanning the building for a way in. “No one just abandons a museum full of a town’s entire history.” I snapped my fingers. “Just like that.Now c’mon I think I found a way in.” There was an open window on the third floor next to a large oak tree. I started to climb the tree while Hazel begrudgingly followed me.When we got to the second floor I took my bag off, handed it to Hazel and carefully inched across one of the branches until I reached the window. I then climbed through and stepped onto the wooden floor, which let out a loud squeak underneath my feet. I turned back to Hazel and gestured for her to follow.She hesitantly made her way along the branch but when she reached the window, she looked inside the room with disgust and shook her head. “Nope!” She said “Not doing it.” “Oh c’mon Hazel.” I said. “Just step inside.” “No way.”she complained “This place has been around here for who knows how long and I’m sure no one has cleaned in there in awhile. It’s probably filthy, there’s probably vermin running around in there, and I bet I’ll get a staph infection in there.” “Hazel stop being a drama queen and just get your ass in here.” “No way!!”Hazel whined “It’s getting late and I’m cold, tired, and scared, can’t we just go home?” “Not until we explore this place.” “Well I’m not going in.” “Fine, I’ll go in myself.” I said, annoyed. “Can you at least give me my bag?” Hazel grabbed my bag and playfully threw it at me. I wasn’t paying attention and the bag knocked me onto the floor.We both laughed at my little fall and as I started to get up the floor started constantly creaking beneath me until…..BAM!!!The floor gave out and I fell all the way to the 1st floor. “Nic!!!”Hazel screamed in shock “Are you ok?” She asked as I just laid on the floor. My back ached a little and I think I twisted my ankle but for the most part I was fine. “Yeah.” I said, a little weak from having the wind knocked out of me. I slowly started getting up and looked around before looking up at Hazel and said “There’s no way of getting back up there.Maybe there’s a way-…” “Nope.”Hazel said, sternly. “We’re done with this adventure. I’m gonna go find a phone, just stay put.” I then hear Hazel as she scurries down the tree and ran down the gravel entrance.It was pitch black so I reached into my bag and pulled out my flashlight.I figured while Hazel went to go get help I might as well explore the place a bit, I mean that’s why I was here in the first place. I slowly began to limp my way through the first floor and the first thing I noticed immediately was some broken bottles and needles on the floor. I guess some people would hang out here before the entrance got fully blocked off.As I continued to walk around I found all of these amazing things I’ve never seen before. On the walls were old vintage black and white photos of decades before like during WW1 or during during times of poverty and famine.The people in the photos all looked very serious and not a single person smiled, but I guess that was the standard for old photographs.Below the photos were old relics like old timey watches, and some old telephones and products I’ve never seen before that were covered with rust and dust.In the middle of the room was a big statue of the town’s founder, William.J.Foxx.The statue depicted him standing on a barrel and pointing up to something, I looked up to where he was pointing and saw a map of the entire town of Foxx Port at the time, it showed things I’ve seen before like all the churches and farms but showed things I’ve never seen before like old windmills and horse carriage stations. It was really fascinating to see all the things in the museum.When I finished checking out the first floor I decided to go up the stairs to check out the other floors too, unfortunately the stairs were blocked off so I couldn’t explore the other floors.However on the bottom of the blocked off stairs there was what seemed like a bible. I knew our town was fairly religious so I picked it up to see if it was part of the old relics of the museum.However upon further examination I realized that it was some sort of a satanic bible. I didn’t even know satanism had a bible,I figured it was probably from the same people responsible for the bottles and needles from before. I decided to keep it because I wanted to scare Hazel with it later, so I put the book in my bag and continued limping through the museum.As I continued my exploration I found a door that wasn’t blocked off at all.As I opened it I realized that it was a door to a basement, do museums even have basements?Ah who cares, more things to discover so I slowly crept down the stairs with each step having a little squeak or creak as I stepped on it.When I got to the bottom I shone my flashlight around the entire room only to

find nothing at all, except for a small notebook on the floor. I picked up the book, shone the flashlight on the cover.On the notebook there was a weird symbol printed on the cover.I opened up the book and flipped through the pages to almost all of them had scribbles of random sentences and the same phrase repeated over and over again, but it was all in some sort of weird language I couldn’t understand.In the back of the book there was a little pocket, I pulled out of that little book pocket some pictures of some random women.They all looked pretty beautiful, but every single photo was a little blurry and the women in those pictures never seemed to look at the camera. I was a little creeped out by the notebook so I turned to leave when something caught me by the eye. It was a small door diagonally across the entrance.Being curious I got down on my hand and knees, opened the door and crawled through.On the other side of the door was a decently sized room it seemed to be empty until I shone my flashlight across the room.There was candles in varying sizes sprawled across the room, on a big pentagram was on the floor and in the middle of the room there was a little alter. I was already getting anxious and felt like something was wrong but despite that bad feeling in my gut I slowly walked towards the alter, with flashlight in hand.On the alter was another smaller pentagram with candles on each of the points and a small table towards the side.On the table was a bundle of worn out rope, a knife with part of it caked in dried blood, and photographs of the same women from the notebook but this time they were on the floor of the alter, naked and mutilated.I gasped and backed away as I realized why no one talks about the old Foxx museum. “I gotta get out of here.”I whispered to

myself but as I turned to leave all of a sudden I hear a woman scream. I froze, then I spoke up “H-hello?” Then the scream happened again. I slowly shone my flashlight across the room, trying to find the source of the scream. “I-is someone there?”That’s when I heard a low pitched growl, as soon as I heard that I booked it out of there. I crawled back through the door, and tried to rush up the stairs, I’ve had enough of this adventure I just want to go home.As I ran up the stairs , my flashlight started to flicker. “No, no, no.Not now.” I said as the flashlight slowly started dimming making the room darker, and darker until it finally died. “Crap!!” I shouted.As I ran out of the basement and through the first floor I noticed that all of the pictures looked different, all of the faces looked distorted and twisted into weird smiles with their eyes all burning a hole in me, and the statue of William Foxx stared me down and his hand moved and pointed directly at me. I started to freak out and tried finding an exit, but to no luck, all the while the screaming and growing seems to follow me.My ankle was in excruciating pain from the fall before that was getting worse and worse the more steps I take and even though I tried to push through the pain, I just couldn’t do it, I can’t run anymore. I dropped onto the floor and backed into the corner, as I hear the screaming and growling getting closer and closer. ‘Welp, this is it.’ I thought ‘This is how I die.’ I shouldn’t have come here, I should’ve just stayed home, I should’ve just listened to Hazel. I closed my eyes, awaiting my fate when all of a sudden I see a bright light and hear “Nic?” I opened my eyes “Hazel?” I said, timidly. “What the hell Nic?!?”Hazel said as she puts down her flashlight and walked towards me “I told you to stay put and what do you do?You don’t listen and-…” I immediately hugged her as I cried into her shoulder.After a bit she hugs me back and asked. “You okay?” “Hazel it was terrifying.” I said “There was this room that-…” Just then the screaming was heard again.We both froze before Hazel shone her flashlight towards the sound, only to reveal a red fox.As soon as the flashlight was shone on it the fox screamed again and scurried off. We both breathed a sigh of relief before Hazel pulled me up to my feet. “How’d you get in here anyway?” I asked. “Well, I couldn’t find a phone anywhere, so I returned and tried to find another way in.” Hazel said while examining my ankle. “ I then found a loose board by the entrance, pulled it off and climbed inside.You know you really need to rest that ankle, it looks swollen.” I chuckled a bit and said “Thanks Hazel.” “No problem.” She said “Now let’s get home, I’m tired.” We started walking towards the entrance when Hazel asked “By the way, did you find anything interesting?” I thought about telling her what I found, but for whatever reason I just said. “Nope, just some old museum stuff.” “So I was right then?”Hazel asked. I sighed and said sarcastically “Yes, I shouldn’t have gone on such a stupid adventure.You were right.” Hazel playfully nodded and said “That’s right. I knew since you came up with this idea, I thought it was a stupid idea.”She opened the board and went through. “You should’ve listened to me, but noooooo you just haaad to have your adventure.”As she continued talking I took the satanic bible out of my bag and just stared at it, I looked back at the museum as the sun started to rise.All the photos and the statue looked normal again, but as I held the book I had this feeling of dread and like there was this dark energy around me that made the hairs on my neck stand up. “Nic!”Hazel shouted “You coming?” I looked back at her and said “Yeah, just a sec.” I looked back at the Bible and just put it down of a nearby table and turned to follow Hazel.

March 23, 2024 03:58

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Raina Matons
05:34 Mar 23, 2024

I hope you enjoyed the story. I’m open to any criticism so if you have any please let me know.


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