Fiction Teens & Young Adult

Two men are sitting at a table together. They have been friends since they were little. Jeff and Larry. They are 42 and 41 years old. It was a normal Tuesday for both of them, drinking coffee and talking about football. But while they were conversing, Jeff said, “Do you remember when we won the state championship together?” 

“I remember,” Larry says proudly. That was 25 years ago.

“One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four!” 

Larry looked at Jeff. “I don’t know how much longer- how much longer I can do this for!” It was state championship day and the coach wanted some early-day conditioning. It was 8:00 A.M. on Friday and the football players got to skip school because of the big game. They were in Santa Clara, California. Jeff was the quarterback and Larry was the wide receiver number 1. 

The game was scheduled at 4:00 and they were very excited to compete for the championship. It was so nerve-racking for him. It felt like his stomach was slime: Slipping and turning. The Los Angeles War Hawks had never won a state championship in their school's history. So they would be the first team in history at the school to win a state championship. Jeff had the best quarterback season in their school history. 4,389 passing yards, 46 passing touchdowns. Larry also had one of the best wide receiver seasons of all time at their school.

It was almost game time and the announcers were giving back-stories to some of their best players. They started by introducing Larry. “Larry Johnson, their wide receiver 1. He used to live in the projects of New Orleans but later moved to Los Angeles after a gang violence incident. This championship meant a lot to Larry. The stans were filling up with people from both sides. They were playing Grand Valley Las Vegas. 

Before the game started the team did what they did before every game, pray. It was their tradition before any game that they played. This was the biggest moment in Larry and Jeff’s career. There was now 20 minutes until the game. Since they were both seniors they got pictures with their families. It was now game time. They did the national anthem and then, it was time to play some football. They were ready. 

So Larry and Jeff walked to the center of the room to call them coin toss. “Do you want heads or tails?” The referee asked.

“We want heads, and we would also like to receive them first,” Jeff said.

“It is tails, the other team will receive.” The referee says. The opening kickoff went up. It went out the back of the end zone. “The Hornets will get the ball at the 25-yard line on the field.” The announcers boomed. Jeff and Larry looked at each other, “This is going to be the hardest game of the year so if I do my part you need to do yours.” Jeff said. But Larry knew he was locked in. The other team snapped the ball and ran it. Since Larry and Jeff’s defense was the best in the league they forced a fumble on the first play in the game. Jeff and Larry could almost feel the atmosphere. All the cheers and shouts went together like one perfect song. “

Yes!” The coach shouted. It was now Larry and Jeff’s turn to make something happen. In the first play, they ran a fake run and passed the ball to Larry. “Jeff, I'm open!” Larry yelled. 

“I got you!” Jeff resigned. He threw the ball to Larry for a quick 20-yard gain. Coach was already happy with Larry and Jeff but now he was going ballistic over how well they were doing. The next play was a handoff to their running back. “Go run!” The coach screamed. 

It was an easy touchdown. Los Angeles had taken a lead of 7 points. It was now game on. Las Vegas clapped back by scoring a touchdown of their own. But now it was up to Jeff and Larry to close out the first half. They had just 36 seconds left to do it though.

Jeff dropped back to throw and he chucked the ball deep to Larry and BOOM. It was caught! He got down near the 20-yard line. The ball felt as if it was gold right now. They ran the ball one time to get the clock down low and then kicked a field goal. The score was now 10-7. “The War Hawks will receive in the second half of the game. The War Hawks were in the best position possible right now. They were in the best spot possible, winning at halftime, and getting the ball first in the second half. 

“The kick is up!” The commentator said. “Larry Johnson. receives it at the one he makes a defender miss, hurdles one! And now he has a clear lane to the end zone! Touchdown War Hawks! The score was now 17-7. This was a huge booster for them. Larry looked up to the stands and the sounds and cheers went together like a perfect song. Larry and Jeff were having a great time and an even better game. 

It was now time for them to play lockdown defense on the Hornets. On the kickoff the Hornets got the ball, they had good blocks and were able to get the ball up to the 45-yard line. They ran the ball with their 5-star running back and got the ball very close to the end zone. Then, they scored a touchdown. “Ugh, not again,” Jeff told Larry. There were so many emotions on the field. It was part grief. It was part happiness. Both crowds were so loud they could almost not even hear their coach! They needed to step up. It was now 14-17 and it was the start of the fourth quarter. They had the ball at the 25-yard line since they kneeled it in the endzone. They handed the ball to their running back but then something horrible happened. BOOM. “Get on the football!” Their coach yelled. Larry dived for the ball. Jeff was not going to risk getting injured since he was the quarterback. But when Larry came up from the pile he was empty-handed. It was now the fourth quarter and Jeff was worried. The Hornets were now in possession of the game. 

They ran the ball a few times and then there were just 2 minutes left. But then, tragedy struck. They scored a touchdown and now they were losing by four. They could not win with a field goal since that would only be good for 3 points. So with only a few seconds left they needed to chuck up a prayer. “Guys the season comes down to this, we need to lock in,” Jeff said. For the final play, they ran none other than the “Hail Mary” The snap was perfect. He dropped back to throw “Jeff! I’m open!” Larry screamed. Jeff saw Larry and threw the ball up. It was caught! “Touchdown War Hawks!” The Hail Mary had worked. The War Hawks had won the game it was a miracle! The crowd stormed the field. It felt like a miracle. Larry and Jeff were embracing it so much. It was such a good day for them. 

“So yeah, that was how we won,” Jeff said. “Wow, that was so amazing,” Larry exclaimed. This meant a lot for Larry while he thought no one thought about that day anymore now he knew it would be engraved in his mind for eternity. Then they left the shop. 

January 17, 2025 19:08

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