Sad Science Fiction

I-stared-outside-from-the-window-in-the-middle-of-the-night and-pondered-if-I-could-ever-set-foot-into-the-world-with-all the-filthy-stench-spreading-every-second. The earth will surely collapse if another disaster hits. My parents are worried that we won’t make it out alive. Today was the day for my mom to get a monthly stock of food. She carefully placed the gas mask on her face and cautiously stepped outside. Every time we wandered outside we knew we were taking a risk. As I slowly walked to my room, I noticed a huge billboard sign advertising a high tech robot. Out of curiosity, I squinted my eyes and leaned in closer to see the sign. I tried to make out the words ton the billboard. No luck. Suddenly, I remembered that I had a pair of binoculars sitting in the rusty garage. I rushed to the garage door and rummaged through the old items to get my hands on the binoculars. Ah ha! I noticed a black binocular shaped item dangling on a piece of metal rod. Grabbing it quickly, I made my way towards the window. “S-u-r-v-i-v-i-o.” I mouthed out “Survivio, the robot that can keep you safe from any disaster!” I gaped my mouth wide open and sprinted to my parents. “LOOK!!! LOOK AT THIS!!” I screamed. I told my parents about the new robot and they were in shock. “And, how do you know this can keep you safe from...well...anything?!” my dad questioned. “Well, it is a very trustworthy company.” my mom replied. “They ran tests, and apparently it works! This is our only chance to be safe! So...what do you think?” I urged. “We need to check the price first.” my parents replied firmly. “Ok…” I hesitantly answered. I ran to my room and googled the robot’s name. S-u-r-v-i-v-i-o, I typed out. 

“Two. Million. Dollars!” That’s the price!? I headed downstairs to reluctantly share the news with my parents. TWO MILLION DOLLARS? Are you crazy, Cara? We DO NOT have such money,” my dad snorted angrily. “Calm down Dave, this is a high tech robot and it can possibly save you from any danger...a high price is of course expected…” my mom replied calmly. “I know that it’s a little above our budget, but we can make it work...right?” “I’ll help! I promise I’ll make a fortune!” I said confidently. “Cara, it’s not that easy to make money, especially in this chaos...but, we can try,” my parents sighed tiredly and went to their rooms. “Good night Cara,” my mom said. The rain poured down harshly during the cold night and I couldn’t get the robot out of my head. “$2,000,000...it is a lot, but it can work right? Maybe I can do some favors for my neighbors or uh...” I listed ideas of how to earn money to get through the night. “There.” I whispered as I carefully taped the list onto my wall. I slipped into my bed to pass the last 3 hours until morning. 

I woke up to the chatter of my parents talking, so I rubbed my eyes and walked down the frigid stairs. “Good morning Cara.” my parents greeted me. I waved tiredly and started to munch on the cold oatmeal. I would’ve vomited if I was living years back but since I was used to it, it actually tasted okay. As I slowly swallowed spoonfuls of oatmeal I laid my head on the table and slowly drifted off to La La Land. I imagined us at the National Park, breathing in the fresh air and having a picnic in the green grass. I missed those times when everything was normal and happy. I blinked my eyes and woke up to my mom’s constant snapping. “Earth to Cara? Were you daydreaming again?” “Oh sorry, I didn’t even notice.” I said while giving a big yawn. “You need a lot of rest and you can’t keep daydreaming since you have to be alert of what happens.” my mom replied. “I know I know...I just miss the old times.” I said with a gloomier tone. “It’s okay, it’s gonna be better sooner or later.” My mom promised. 

The next day I ripped the list off my wall and was confident. “I’m coming for you Survivio.” I whispered. I tightened my gas mask and wore the safety jacket. I looked brave...but on the inside, I was honestly terrified to step outdoors. I haven’t gone outside in literal years. But this was for my family, I had to do it. I hugged my parents tight like I was never going to see them again. My eyes welled up while my mind was making up dreadful things that could happen. The tears trickled down my cheeks while I waved from a distance outside. I saw them in the foggy windows worried for me, but I gave them a thumbs up to reassure them. I kept my head low as I walked in the dark fog, I looked left and right only to be greeted by the toxic air. “Here I go.” I said in a muffled voice. I knew what to do, just go to the neighbors and take out their trash. Just by doing this I would earn bucks because everyone is terrified of risking their lives to go outside. “2891.” That was the Robinson's address. "I can do this, just do it."

"I DID IT!!!!" I cried with joy. My parent's looked at me with proud gleaming in their eyes.

 Right when the sun blinded my eyes I stretched, gently tapped my alarm clock, and I rushed to put on my mask. Yes, it was 6:00 in the morning, but guess what? I'm eager, ok?? “Hopefully they won't mind if I start work a bit early..” I gave a sneaky smile and tip toed outside. “I can do this!!” I whispered. This time I was taking care of two houses! I could even do three, but I might be exhausted. I crossed the empty road and made my way towards the Willis’ house. I made my way towards their house and dragged the enormous trash bag they left outside. Ms.Willis pointed to her patio where the 15-dollar-sat. I said a muffled thank you and tried to rush to the dumpster. “Mission accomplished.” I said as I dusted my hands off. I was amazed that I had earned 25 dollars already. If I keep this up, who knows how much money I could ma-! I made a stop at the middle of the sidewalk and glanced at the huge poster on the gas station. “A chance to win 2 million dollars..?” I pinched myself to see if this was a dream. 

THIS. IS. PERFECT!!!!!!” I screamed. I couldn’t believe it, If I bought this ticket and got 2 million dollars, no one would have to suffer. I ran inside the gas station and desperately begged the cashier to show me where the ticket was located. As she opened the drawer and pulled out the lottery tickets, I was imagining the life we would have after I won. I closed my eyes tight and pulled out a ticket from the stack. “This one is the lucky one.” I smiled and checked the price. For sale, $35// to $25. It was perfect, I knew that this was all planned out to lead to success. I snatched all the cash in my pocket and blissfully handed it to the cashier. As the cashier inserted the ticket into the scanner, I looked at the bright neon sticker on the cash register that said “No refunds.” I nervously twirled my thumb and tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come out. But it was too late, my money had disappeared the second the cashier printed the receipt. There was no going back. I held the ticket in my hand, regretting what I had done. I dragged my feet across the cement and looked down at the ticket. “I ruined everything.” I whispered. Before I knew it, I was in front of my house. I stuffed the ticket in my pocket, hoping my parents wouldn't see it. “Hey dear, was it hard to handle 2 houses?” my mom asked. “Uh...no it was fine.” I said. I lied, AGAIN. I didn’t want any more guilt to pile up so I tried to tell my parents how I forgot, but they asked something again. “How much money did you earn?” I.WAS.IN.BIG.TROUBLE. I froze, I didn't know what to do, I looked at the clock and then at the sofa and avoided any eye contact. “Uh, Cara..?” my parents asked. I acted like I didn’t hear anything, scratching my head and then sprinting to my room. I took a deep breath as I shut the door closed. “I'm not sure, maybe some toxic air went in her mask?” my parents whispered. I stared at the wall and pondered why I always made the worst decisions. “What am I going to do...what am I going to do??” I said under my breath while I walked in a circle. I had to let my parents know, but I couldn’t! They would be in shock and devastation. “Mom…? Dad…?” I said as I slowly walked towards them. “Hi Cara, are you doing better now?” they asked. “Yeah...I’m fine.” I said. I looked down at the floor and frowned. “Is everything alright?” “Well...there is something I have to tell you…” 

“You see…” the words flooded out of my mouth, trampling over each other. As I finished the last word, I felt the weight get off my chest. I looked at my parents with regret and sorrow. I knew they weren’t happy to hear the news. “Cara...what you did was wrong.” “...but, I do get that you were really eager to get money.” my parents said with a serious look. I wanted to say I was sorry. I wanted to say how much I regretted it. But it wouldn’t come out, because as I opened my mouth only tears would pour out. I sat down, looking at my parents and trying to say sorry. “Sorr-” I bit my tongue hard and turned my face away. I couldn't cry in front of them after what I did. “I'M SORRY, I'M REALLY SORRY, YOU DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH I REGRET-” My parents came and hugged me. “It’s okay, Cara..” my mom said. It was already the next day and I felt scared to say hi to my parents. I felt so dumb and foolish, I couldn’t get past what I did. I carefully opened the drawer and saw the lottery ticket inside. I started to tear up since I knew that I had no chance of winning. “Why did you do this Cara…” I muttered to myself. I held the lottery ticket in my hand and wanted to tear it up, but remembered that I shouldn’t make any more irresponsible choices. I wiped my tears and placed the ticket in the drawer. Weeks have passed by in a blink of an eye. Although we watched the lottery tickets getting revealed every week, we gave up after the second week. But, I still believed there was a chance. I couldn’t give up. I held the ticket tight in my hands. This was the last chance, the last call. “..And the final winner is…” I closed my eyes tightly and prayed that our ticket would get called. “...9261725!” I was paralysed in shock. It was expected but it was still so shocking to hear that our number wasn’t called after the hours of waiting and praying. “It’s okay Cara, we can still do it.” my parents said sadly. I stared at the screen, hoping that it was an accident, or that they were giving out free money, or just anything! But there was nothing. I headed to my room, about to start sobbing. “Oh no! I'm so so sorry about that!” the announcer yelled. I yanked my head backwards to see what was going on. “Oh there it is! Well good news, there is still a chance for you people out there because we got the wrong paper!” “HUH?! DOES THIS MEAN WE HAVE A CHANCE?!” 

I sat in front of the tv, desperate to see who the winner was. “The winner is actually…7...82…” I looked at the paper, searching for the numbers. “THIS MIGHT BE IT, MOM DAD COME DOWN HERE!!” I screamed. We all sat in front of the tv, being so silent you could hear a needle drop. “..7..0..9..” 

“7, PLEASE SAY 7!!!” We hollered. “..6...no I meant 7!!!” “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” I ran around the house, panting and screaming. “I CAN’T BELIEVE IT…!” My parents were in disbelief. “CARA ARE YOU SURE??” My mom read the numbers over again and cried tears of joy. “WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR??” My dad called us into the car and I secured the gas mask. My prayers were heard. I couldn’t wait for the normal life to return.

“7827097” the woman said out loud as she read the numbers off the lottery ticket. “Yep, this is it.” She said as she gave us a smile. She placed the 2 million dollars into my parent’s accounts. I jumped excitedly, but while we walked outside, I noticed all the other people suffering. I felt terrible, but I didn’t know how I could help them too. “Low power.” the gas mask beeped. We had to go home and recharge it. I sank into my frigid bed and imagined I was running in a vibrant field of grass, breathing in the fresh air, while my friends and family called me to come join them in a game of hide and seek. I couldn’t wait for the normal life to begin. “Are you ready?” My parents asked. “IM HERE!” I yelled as I jumped into the backseat. It was another dull morning, but soon...soon...the days will be sunny. -HERE COMES THE SUN BY THE BEATLES SONG COMES OUT :)HHEEHEEHE- “Andd we are here.” my dad said while he parked the car in the deserted lot. There was no one in the stores, as usual. But soon...it will be packed and people will be running, completing their errands. I looked at my mom, then my dad and hugged them tight. I was so glad that this miracle happened… I pointed to the big poster of the robot Survivio. I squealed with joy and wanted to take off my gas mask instantly. But as I stepped in closer I noticed an enormous sign right next to it. In bold red letters it spelled, S-O-L-D O-U-T. "its okay." my parents looked at me hugged me tight. We turned our backs and continued walking. 

Then as we went to our rusty car, I noticed a box on top of it. "what's...this?" I whispered. 

I slowly opened the mysterious box and couldn't believe my eyes.

It was the Survivio. But that wasn't all. It had a note saying, "Throw this kindness boomerang." 

We then quickly made it home, with eager faces. 

The neighbors stared at us, whispering and crying. I noticed them and remembered… “Throw this kindness boomerang.” Then as my parents were setting up the robot I yelled, “EVERYONE COME TO OUR HOUSE! WE ARE SETTING UP THE ROBOT AND...WE WANT EVERYONE TO BE SAFE!” I didn’t even think of how much room there was, but I knew we had to pay her back. “????” my parents looked at me, confused. “Cara, why-” I stopped their sentence and said, “Just do a huge kind deed, then you’re good.” They looked at me with a huge smile. “We are so proud of you Cara.” they said. The neighbors came knocking at our door. “They are here!” I said as I nervously opened the door. I wanted to tear up as I saw their faces because I missed everyone so much. They all came inside and started thanking and hugging me. I felt so accomplished that I did such a thing. My parents guided them all in and when I saw the robot...I was shocked. 

It looked like a Survival robot bunker. Like those exact ones in the Survival Movies. I stepped inside the bunker with hundreds of others. They brought food and all the necessities as a thank you and also for them to survive. I felt so safe and as we sat in the lounge area we watched the tv. The news was going on right at this moment. “It appears that a nuclear explosion is going to go off in 30 minutes. After those 30 minutes, the world will come to an end. Please everyone, get in the survivio bunkers and we wish everyone…safety.” We locked the bunker and everyone closed their eyes and huddled together. We didn’t know for sure if this bunker would keep us alive. 20minutes. 10minutes. 5minutes. 4...3….2… 

And… There was silence. My life flashed before my eyes. I saw the red, orange and yellow. The colors of the fire. I rose up and desperately looked for my parents. As I ran all around the bunker...there was no one left. NO ONE. I unlocked the locks, hoping for any signs of another survivor. But there was N-O-T-H-I-N-G. I dropped to the ground and screamed while I sobbed. 

“CARA!! CARA!! CARA!!” “SHE’S AWAKE!!” I heard the joyful cries of my….parents!??!

I looked around, extremely confused. Did I reincarnate!?!? Do you remember me?” My mom questioned. “W- what is happening…” I muttered. “I thought everyone perished…” “WE WHAT??” My cousin yelled. “She has been in a coma for a whole month...it’s expected she had a long dream. “COMA??” I shouted. “WAS MY LIFE ALL A DREAM??” I pinched myself to see if this was another dream. It hurted...a lot. I screamed with great jubilant and hugged my parents as I flooded the hospital with my tears. They did not know how relieved I was that my other life was just a nightmare. 

June 18, 2021 03:36

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