I met an old friend and her cousin at my favorite summer spot in the Pocono Mountains. It was my summer home. Here I would go canoeing in the summer, run along the beach and meet strangers, and make close friends. It was during this summer I met someone who I dearly love, though perhaps not as romantic as the prompt asks for. I was (and am still) someone who believes in staying close to friends from my time. And the person in question was the cousin of a friend. My friend’s name was Christine, and her cousin’s name was Amelia. I, of course, am your narrator, Jaclyn.
My friend and I went to the same elementary school. Our dads had similar jobs, and by sheer coincidence, her parents had rented a home in the mountains for the summer. Now, I didn’t exactly envy Christine, but others did. — my friend and I were both funny people, full of the twisted medical humor and stress of girls who had nothing to worry about in life. My friend met up with me in the daytime. Shortly after texting her, I discovered she was in the area, and so knowingly I went to meet her at her summer rental.
She had already told me she wasn't happy to be at the lake house, missing her home and friends in New York. I was less unhappy about the situation as I was there willingly, and my mom and I resolved to stay up there for a couple of days, rather than weeks. I did not really know whether it was worth spending time up there, but the view was so nice and the events fun, so I had a somewhat positive opinion of the place.
Now my friend’s cousin was someone who I had texted and met several times on the internet. We both had an interest in the same webcomic, so always texting about it and writing some verses together, we were close enough. I had found some solace in her company since I moved away from my home when I was younger. As time went by, our interests diverged, but even today I text her every couple of months for some updates on her life. This all lead to an exciting meeting between us — I did not know what she was like in person. Was she just as silly or entertaining? Was she as poetic, full of japery and such?
It was that fateful night that we met. Even though maybe not strangers in the night under the full moon, during the fateful Fourth of July we spent some days together, independently. Though now I think back to it and wonder if I missed some statements about freedom and breaking away from a king, mostly I think of what fun we had.
See, my house was on the lakeshore, so we would go out day and night, canoeing to the beach or pool. I familiarized them with the water, then had a blast. It was cringy teen shit for sure, being the sort of thing you would do if you were sick of the conversation and each other.
Mostly speaking, my friend wanted to jump out of the canoe while the fireworks were going off. I was happy to do so, as the fireworks were beautiful and would last for about fifteen minutes. So she jumped, and with the fireworks going off overhead, she landed with a splash.
Then I tipped us over, and we had a great time rowing our canoe and oars back to shore. Later on, after we did our flips into the water and had some conversations about body hair, she told me I didn’t need to capsize us, but I just smiled and smiled.
So that was the fun summer day we had together, though we were not romantic or strangers in the night.
Since this story is too short to publish in its current state, I will post four hundred extra words of nonsense here instead.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vestibulum nibh eget purus bibendum luctus. Vestibulum in nisl id dolor commodo elementum ac ac arcu. Nulla consectetur facilisis sapien, non semper neque feugiat nec. Sed vehicula neque mauris, et ultricies ipsum hendrerit sit amet. Suspendisse dictum auctor gravida. Sed iaculis felis vitae ligula finibus iaculis. Maecenas placerat ex ligula, quis consectetur nulla congue nec. Maecenas maximus tempor posuere. Cras in lacus et turpis imperdiet tincidunt. Etiam ut feugiat nibh. Duis sit amet ante efficitur, fermentum ante id, pharetra turpis. In in purus luctus, tempus eros non, gravida arcu. Quisque nec bibendum erat. In tempus rutrum vestibulum.
Quisque tempus posuere eros vel bibendum. Suspendisse et nisi eu libero pulvinar dictum at aliquet ipsum. Mauris non elit eget metus iaculis pulvinar ac quis turpis. Vestibulum in dolor ullamcorper, gravida turpis id, rutrum sem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam vestibulum massa vitae ligula tincidunt mattis. Vivamus sed nunc iaculis, accumsan mauris nec, viverra ligula. Donec massa odio, maximus eget libero eget, dapibus finibus risus. Sed non auctor orci, vitae lacinia turpis. Sed ac orci vitae sem feugiat tincidunt. Praesent finibus dolor tortor, at lacinia ex eleifend nec. Curabitur lobortis vel erat sed molestie.
In sapien tortor, gravida et ultricies in, facilisis ut enim. Nam facilisis faucibus risus vitae volutpat. Vivamus ut turpis interdum, facilisis lacus blandit, aliquet est. Morbi vitae sagittis leo, eu aliquet libero. Nulla vitae sapien nec dui vehicula fringilla. Quisque ac sapien eu sem faucibus dignissim a sed purus. Vivamus eu eros non libero vulputate eleifend. Integer sed risus tellus. Aliquam tristique, lectus nec cursus feugiat, eros odio porttitor dui, ac aliquet urna purus ultricies ex. Etiam congue mi magna, malesuada lacinia ipsum facilisis nec. Morbi consequat, sapien nec tempus dictum, leo neque iaculis ipsum, vel dignissim erat lacus eget risus. Nulla quis malesuada massa.
Sed ac erat nec eros fermentum dictum. Nullam pretium lectus commodo pulvinar molestie. Mauris pretium magna maximus, mattis lectus pharetra, faucibus purus. Duis odio sem, congue non risus vitae, vehicula maximus quam. Etiam gravida non lectus quis sagittis. Curabitur ac tempus elit. Aliquam eget libero posuere, suscipit magna quis, lacinia metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas dignissim sapien vel arcu posuere dictum. Cras neque lorem, fringilla in nisl eget, imperdiet volutpat arcu. Donec at consectetur justo, sit amet interdum ante. Suspendisse imperdiet dui ante, a vulputate est fermentum sit amet. Vivamus sollicitudin metus lorem. Duis vel facilisis orci.
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