The new edition

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about a person who collects superhero comics.... view prompt



The store was dark and cold. The man at the counter was picking his nose, eating pickles, and there was a traffic jam going on outside. As I was searching for the new Batman Arkham night edition, I found a book that had all the marvel characters and their stats. It was cheap and had bad quality. Well, I’m a cheapskate, so I took it. To be exact, it was 5 dollars. 

I grabbed it and went to the counter to ask where the new Batman Arkham night edition was. “Sorry Nate, but it’s not in the store. Too expensive,” he said. He also said that he saw a 3D version of the new edition. At the moment, I thought that it would be even better to get that one instead, but when he told me the price... let’s just say I changed my mind. Then I asked him where I could find the normal edition. He told me that I wouldn’t find it in New York. 

Then I made it my goal to get that book.   

     When I went home I read almost 50 pages of the Marvel stats book, and after, I decided that I could do chores and help people around the neighborhood. 

Things turned out good, but I wasn’t earning money fast enough. It was also hard and tiring. 

I came back with $1.90 I needed $12 more and I hated it when crazy Mr. Lawn (who played chess with his kitty and always lost), shouted at me it was so annoying.  

I thought about waiting until I got enough pocket money, but that took even longer. I did not want to go back to work and so that's why I had to wait it out. 

It took a long time, but I got it, and then I went to search for the bookkeeper. After I asked him where it was he told me that it got sold. I was so mad and frustrated, I gave him a sharp look and asked him If I could get it anywhere else. He told me that I could get it on Perter Avenue, and I said, “That’s not too far away.”

 And I went out of the bookkeeper shop, still frustrated a bit. 

When I went home I asked my mom to take me to Perter Avenue. She said fine, but I have to give her a dollar bill because that would be a burden for her. After all, she is usually busy. I was relieved that I could go, but I was just a little bit mad about the bookkeeper and a little itty bitty pissed off about the dollar bill because I would have to earn another. 

The next day I went to Mr. Lawn’s house one last time. It was again bothering, but it was worth it. I would get to add another book to my 8,652 comic book collection, which would then make my collection 8,653. When I went there I saw Mr. Lawn playing chess and losing again, and I asked him what I should start with first. In a very loud and obnoxious voice, he said that I should wash the dishes. 

I went to the kitchen and looked at how disgusting the dishes were. I quietly muttered, “yuck.” If he would have heard me say that, he would have started shouting at me, and I did not want that to happen. 

When I was done cleaning the dishes Mr. Lawn had come to look at me after losing to his cat, Mr. Nibbles. (He had been named Mr. Nibbles because he nibbled at everything.) He then told me to clean the chessboard and dust the house and went to watch funny cat videos on the TV. 

One more reason I hated him, was that he was a cat person and I hated cat people I prefer dogs and that makes me a dog person. Even so, I continued on my work. In the end, I had all the money I needed. 

Later that evening I went to the shop keeper to make sure that it was on Perter avenue. I was getting excited and I was ready to read batman the new edition. If you’re wondering why I‘m excited, well... that’s because Batman is my favorite superhero, even though his only superpower is wealth. 

One thing I don’t understand, though, is, “How do superheroes always pop up at the right time? Right, when the story is at its end they pop up and save the world.” 

After I thought about it a bit my mom told me to get in the car and bring the 1 dollar bill. I brought the one-dollar bill, ate a cookie, and got in the car. “Yummy.” I murmured. “Chips Ahoy!”

          We were on our way while I was thinking of two things, and those were, “how would the book be,” and again, “how do superheroes always pop up at the right time?” When we reached, as soon as we parked, I rushed into the store like a bullet. It was huge! So, the first thing I did was go to the counter and ask him where the book was. “He said, go find isle B-a in a very unfriendly and careless way.” 

I went to find the aisle and I saw almost twenty copies of the book! my eyes felt like I was seeing magic. It was beautiful. I picked one up and went to the cranky careless counterman and bought the book. I told my mom that I could go home myself the book felt warm in my hands and I was walking home proudly while my mom was going to work.

She worked at Walmart and since Walmart is 24/7 she works from the evening to-night. She is a cashier, and she thinks somehow that the job is fun. Whenever she says its fun, I always say quietly, “How?” and make a confused face.

I was thinking about all these things while walking home when someone tapped my back. He said in a bully voice, “Gimme the book, or else…” I whispered, “bully 2.0” as quietly as I possibly could but somehow he heard it. He tried to punch me when a man in a black coat came. He was wearing a mask. 

Then I realized it was Batman. But I didn’t have the book, the bully did. With a little POP PHOW PEW PEW PEW and a WHOOM Batman had the book in his hands...  and accidentally dropped it in the gutter on the sidewalk. 

Because of my excessive fangirling over him, Batman signed me an autograph. “Bummer that I lost your book, sorry kiddo.” 

“Don’t worry,” I said, “I’ll keep it just between us.” 

By then another superhero, Aquaman had come and I got so excited. He returned my book and batman gave me the original copy. I thought if this day could get any better. Aquaman was signing an autograph when my cheeks started to hurt from smiling. 

It was magic, but then they had to leave. Batman grapple hooked away and Aquaman somehow surfed the road. Then I saw Thor, Spiderman, and Loki.  I wondered if it was like a superhero parade or something. 

Then instantly I woke up, the batman Arkham night new edition which was now old was in my hand and my book collection was now at 10,100 whoo it is hard to have the biggest collection in the world. I will never forget when I met batman twenty years ago!!!

July 02, 2020 13:50

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