Contest #246 winner 🏆


Drama Fiction American

Uncle Abe and Uncle Will haven’t played cards together in years.

If you want to get real technical about it, Uncle Abe and Uncle Will haven’t even shared the same room in years, but that ain’t news to anyone east of Livernois. By now, the entire city of Detroit knows about Abraham and William Haddad—at least those who regularly stop into the family party store for their weekly supply of meats, spirits, and fresh-baked pita. It’s old news. Two bitter brothers broken up over a girl who left town anyway. It’s been ages and the aunties need fresh gossip for their kitchen tables.

And they’re bound to find it, so long as they crane their necks over the deli counter and steal a glance toward the old store room. Between the cleaning supplies and the cases of Labatts stacked five high, there’s hardly enough room for one person to stand comfortably. Even so, they’ve set up the chipped vinyl folding table, diagonal, with one corner hanging through the door frame, and managed to stick four whole people around it—the uncles, my dad, and Aunt Sarah, who’s never once let the fact that she’s a woman stop her from being one of the brothers.

Grandpa used to joke that he stopped at four kids because they made up the perfect euchre game. Watching Uncle Will shuffle the deck and distribute two-three-two-three cards, then three-two-three-two, I get the feeling that maybe he wasn’t actually joking.

The rules to euchre are simple, just as long as they were explained to you at age four, and you’ve grown up watching your family patriarch play every Friday night since. Otherwise, they take about twenty minutes to explain and usually still result in some sucker mucking up their first hand. Between tracking trump, finding the bowers, and leading high off-suit, there are a lot of moving pieces, but the people at this table are pros. Mop in hand, I throw my headphones over my ears and make myself look busy, but I don’t press play on my Walkman. No chance in Hell I’m missing this game.

The siblings scoop up their cards, each holding their hand close to their chest like Grandpa taught them. With Uncle Will’s deal, it’s Aunt Sarah’s call. “Pass.”

Uncle Abe. “Pass.”

Dad. “Pick it up.”

“Diamonds are trump,” Uncle Will announces, sticking the deck’s top card into his own hand.

They zip easily through the round, like they already know exactly which cards will be played when. Part of that is just how euchre goes—it ain’t hard to count cards when there are only twenty-four of them to go around—but part of it is just the four of them playing the same game they’ve played since childhood. Dad’s hand is mostly red. Aunt Sarah comes in with the final assist to win all five rounds. Neither of the uncles looks pleased with the other.

Aunt Sarah picks up the next deal with a quick and efficient shuffle that was trained into her hands before she could even spell euchre the right way. The quiet around the table is unsettling. The only thing Michiganders love more than actually playing euchre is talking about how shit their euchre hand was in the last round. Time passes slowly between rounds without the standard bitching to fill it. My mop leaves streaks across the floor while Uncle Abe and Uncle Will glare at one another across the table.

Two-three-two-three, followed by three-two-three-two. The cards are drawn and it’s Uncle Abe’s call now. “Pass.”

Dad. “Pass.”

Uncle Will. “Pick it up.”

“Spades are trump,” says Aunt Sarah, debating which card she wants to ditch in favor of her new pick up. She takes too long, and Uncle Abe ain’t afraid to let her know by clearing his throat. 

Another round goes by quick. Uncle Abe shoots a look toward Uncle Will before he leads with a high red Ace. Turns out Uncle Abe’s whole hand is red, and would have made for a decent hearts hand, but that doesn’t do much good when spades are trump. Doesn’t matter. Uncle Will has enough black to carry them through and keep from getting euched—but it’s close. It’s exactly the sort of move that would usually spark banter between the rounds, but the uncles don’t spare a word and the silence seems to fill the whole store.

Uncle Abe collects the cards and knocks them all into a neat deck. At the end of his practiced shuffle, he presents the pile to Dad and offers the cut. Dad leaves one wordless rap of his knuckles atop the table and Uncle Abe distributes the deck as is. Two-three-two-three, then three-two-three-two.

Dad. “Pass.”

Uncle Will. “Pass.”

Aunt Sarah. “Pass.”

“What are we gonna do about Mom?”

It’s a slight breach in the etiquette of euchre to interrupt the call for trump, but Uncle Abe doesn’t seem all that concerned, and anyway he flips the top card in the deck to move the round along. His question goes unanswered as the siblings continue to search for a starting point.

Dad. “Pass.”

Uncle Will. “Pass.”

Aunt Sarah. “Pass.”

“Yeah. That’s what I thought.”

No one here is playing poker, but they’ve sure got the faces for it. Their eyes stay glued to their cards, fingers fiddling with the placement just to keep busy. Uncle Will is the only one with enough guts to speak up. “Call trump, Abraham.”

Uncle Abe’s answering laugh is low and humorless. “You want me to call trump?” he says. “How about you call your mother once in a while, then I’ll call trump.”

Aunt Sarah cuts in with a soft warning. “Abe…”

But it’s too late. Uncle Will is already throwing his cards across the table. “I didn’t come here to listen to a lecture.”

And Uncle Abe is already standing. “You weren’t going to come at all,” he hollers, a callused finger pointed at his brother. “Because she’s already dead to you, ain’t she?”

“Get your finger out of my—”

“Ain’t she?”

Uncle Will doesn’t rise to meet his brother. Doesn’t even meet his gaze. He just picks his cards back up, one by one, and fans them in his palm. With a nod toward Uncle Abe’s chair, he says, “Call trump, Abraham.” Uncle Abe looks like he wants to object, but Uncle Will is still the oldest of four, and his years away haven’t changed that. When he speaks, the others are obligated to listen, as outlined in the officially unofficial sibling code of conduct. “You lured me here with a friendly card game, so the least you can do is help me win it.”

Uncle Abe has got a nice, loud voice that resonates in his own outrage. “The least I could—?”

“Play cards with me, Abe,” Uncle Will says again. This time it sounds like less of a command and more of a plea. “Like we used to. Before we have to make a call we've never made before.”

This, finally, seems to be the thing that calms Uncle Abe down again. He returns to the fold-out metal chair that groans beneath his weight and sorts his cards into a neat fan once more. “Hearts,” he declares, voice short and sharp. “Hearts are trump.”

April 19, 2024 17:48

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15:22 May 10, 2024

Well done on the win, I only played Euchre a few times about 38 years ago, but I understood both the card game and the subtlety of family dynamics as being tied together. My siblings and I used to play Gin Rummy and the differences in how we played (one sister played with her cards to her chest, and she's still the reserved one) showed up repeatedly. :)


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05:39 May 03, 2024

This is so familiar! My family played so many games of Sheepshead in Wisconsin back in the 80s. Euche seems v similar. Think the Germans brought these to the MidWest way back when. The card table and folding metal chairs in the basement, and my mom complaining about what a bad hand she had in the last round and hopefully that doesn't happen again... Games were a great equaling force amongst my very varied distant relatives. It was all a great way to have them not talk about money and politics. The Reagan/Carter discussions back then were ...


L. D.
12:13 May 11, 2024

"we are all becoming our old aunts and uncles" I think as we begin to grasp that, we start to become wise.


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Sam Velasquez
13:08 Apr 28, 2024

I think many people can relate with this family dynamic. I could certainly feel myself in this story with my siblings, discussing our parents. Well done and congratulations!


Sarah Coury
18:14 May 01, 2024

Thanks! While no feeling is universal, I think tense card games with family come pretty close.


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03:49 Jul 03, 2024

Thanks i'd like to say it was wonderful


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Cortney Murchie
00:32 Apr 28, 2024

Well done! I'm always the odd one out because I can never figure out Euchre but this drew me right in and I felt as though I was in the room with them.


Sarah Coury
18:09 May 01, 2024

Thanks! Euchre is a tricky one. I definitely spend as much time teaching as I do playing, so you're not alone.


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Shahzad Ahmad
02:01 Jul 05, 2024

Well done Sarah. your story subtly melds family conflict with a cards game. It works so naturally that one hardly feels it. Great story.


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Emily Farr
15:20 Jun 06, 2024

I really enjoyed your piece, Sarah. It makes me want to move my summer trip to Michigan up by 3 weeks. Bravo!


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08:54 Jun 04, 2024

Very well written Sarah! Absolutely love how you used speech in this! Well deserved win!


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Samuel Gordon
00:29 May 20, 2024

What the hell is euchre anyway? I never heard of it. Interesting to have a story told by an outside who may well be destined to one day become an insider. A bit frightening, really.


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Irene R.
13:40 May 11, 2024

beautiful and well-written it was a great read.


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L. D.
12:09 May 11, 2024

This took me back. To Detroit, the family hierarchy, the back room with a card table. (Except it was Gin Rummy.) Well done.


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19:59 May 08, 2024

Well...bravo it's 👌


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Julia Laity
23:48 May 06, 2024

Congrats on your win! I really loved the subtle way you dealt with emotion between the brothers. Well done! It was also nice to read something close to home - I grew up in Sterling Heights.


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09:08 May 01, 2024

Looove playing Euchre. When I was growing up we went camping out in the bush near a river, and four of us played this game every evening. At least the turn in this game didn't lead to too many misgivings being thrown into the shuffle. A lovely story indeed. Congrats. Just one question. Is there any significance in the title? I have always stated it as "Hearts (or whatever) are trumps" - plural?


Sarah Coury
18:08 May 01, 2024

Interesting! I actually did struggle with the title, because I've always heard it said "Hearts is trump." I changed it here to what I thought was the most grammatically acceptable form, but it looks like it could be a regional thing. (I also wasn't sure about "euched" vs "euchred" but I suppose grammar is never the main concern when you're probably more concerned about a quad-suited hand of 9s &10s).


21:35 May 01, 2024

I've always heard the plural version. Probably regional. Hadn't thought about that when I commented. But you're ok. I researched and there is a song and story both called Hearts are Trump. Hey, you wrote your title like this week's prompt! (I also like to recycle titles I've heard and that fit.)


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Deborah Robinson
03:42 Apr 30, 2024

Congrats! Lovely story


Sarah Coury
18:09 May 01, 2024



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Autumn MacDonald
01:43 Apr 30, 2024

Read this short today and it reminded me of how when I was younger, my family and I would visit my step moms parents home in Ohio. My step brother and step sister would play a French card game with their grandma at the kitchen table every time we visited. We only lived a 5hour drive away from them when we were living in Indiana at the time. I think the card game was called Milnes Bournes or some spelling like that IDK because I didn't know French and grandma pronounced it Mill Born when I asked whenever I would watch them play. Every game se...


Sarah Coury
18:10 May 01, 2024

Thanks for sharing this—I've always felt that cards have a different meaning with family. Something about that silent shorthand that comes with knowing one another for years and years. I was glad to put that sentiment into words.


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M. M.
20:29 Apr 29, 2024

What a nicely done piece of short story. You took us into their game and minds, the dialogue was set beautifully with the game at hand and tensions rising, "calms Uncle Abe down again" was so powerful. Congrats on the well deserved win.


Sarah Coury
18:11 May 01, 2024

Thank you! I've always believed that the best way to write a fight is to write around it. This seemed like a pretty good opportunity, and I'm happy it landed with folks.


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Arielle Baines
16:58 Apr 29, 2024

This was interesting for me to read as the oldest of 4. I reminded my sister and brothers to call our mother for her birthday last night. My sister responded "Mind your business and don't text me. Thanks" That's the first thing she's said to me in 2 and a half years, unfriending me on fb and blocking me on insta. Thank you for your story! It is making me process on my lunch break which is good.


Sarah Coury
18:13 May 01, 2024

Family can be tricky, depending on the hand you've been dealt. I'm glad to hear this piece helped in some small way.


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02:26 Apr 28, 2024

Congrats on your awesome story! I really enjoyed it!


Sarah Coury
18:14 May 01, 2024

Thank you, Julia!


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Annie Hewitt
18:48 Apr 27, 2024

Really, really well done. The narration is clean and straightforward. Beautifully written. Congratulations!


Sarah Coury
18:14 May 01, 2024

Thanks! I'm glad it landed with folks.


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C.K. Adams
01:06 Apr 27, 2024

Excellent all around. I was in the room with them. WONDERFUL pace and perfect length. Cheers.


Sarah Coury
18:15 May 01, 2024

Thank you! Sometimes a story tells you when its time to end before you get to make the decision yourself. This was one of those times, and the story was right.


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