My real estate broker sold me a haunted house

Submitted into Contest #105 in response to: Write a story that switches between first person and third person point of view.... view prompt


Fiction Horror

I stretched my back as I listen to my real estate broker’s grouchy voice. “I’ve already sent the papers,” he continues speaking. I do not understand why he sound so shaky and hesitant. Or is it the air conditioner from the office that has been buzzing my ears affecting my head? My broker said it is the most affordable and the cheapest house in the neighborhood. Well, for one reason, which is what I told him. To find me an affordable house. 

My arms and back felt a little bit warmer after I heard crunching sounds of my bones. I placed my phone back in my pockets, as I am about to pull off my hands it suddenly started vibrating… Oh. I swiped right; it was a message from my real estate broker. It is the photo of the house; the vegetation of the surrounding seems dry. It has a beautiful view overlooking the lake across the road. A two-storey house is quite huge for me. It seems fully furnished and untouched but old.

The honking cars started howling. It’s already rush hours. The aroma of the various dishes from the nearby restaurants penetrated the office room, mixed with the burnt gasoline smell from the vehicles passing by. 

My co-worker is already calling me. I know what she is going to say. She invites me for dinner. I declined. I still need to finish a few reports, and I’ll immediately head home. I still need to pack up a few things from my apartment.

The day came, he rolled some luggage with him. The moving company only has two people aiding him with his boxes. 

My realtor did not inform me that my house was situated in an end lot. I am guessing my neighbor lives half a mile from here, I noticed along the way here that there have not been any houses onwards. So, my nearest neighbor lives half a mile from us. I am guessing they do. The place was quite desolate. Although I did not have any problems for transportation because I have my own car with me, I thought the place was nearer to my work, but now I think it’s the same thing. I should’ve visited the place earlier to check, than check the day on. 

I felt an odd feeling about the place. It was humungous but sold for a cheap price. Php 3000 deposit for a two-story house? I can tell the house was expensive, but I am just lucky… I think. I opened the front door. A freezing wind vacuumed behind my back. It sends shivers down my bones. A scent of crisp burn-out coal welcomed us. I tighten my grip with my clenched fists, but a weird sensation of touch was holding my hands. I got goosebumps when I felt a hand hugging my legs. And then I look above the soaring chandelier floating down the ceiling. A mysterious quavering voice filled the living area. I looked around but there was nothing. The atmosphere then cleared after the driver placed the last box of my belongings above another. 

“Sir AJ, you just need to sign here,” the driver seemed to notice the chills as he rubs both of his shoulders with his opposite arms. The engine started and they immediately went on their way.

It’s been three days and, AJ is still not finished arranging and unpacking his things. There are still at least five boxes left. 

The water that streams from the icepack I applied in my head is releasing off steam. I reached out for my medicine in my bedside table. I noticed, even the daisies that I just recently bought yesterday wilted because of the heat that I am emitting. The continuously exchanging temperature of hot and cold winds that enters the house gives a strain in my body.

Annoyed of my current circumstance, I stand up at once, after landing a foot on the floor, my vision turned negative. Specks of bright jellyfish-like creatures started bouncing on the air covering my field of vision. My eyes dazed wide open straight to the darkness as I try to get a hold of my balance. A few minutes later I go to the laborers I hired to check for the progress they made. 

I called an electrician to fix the lights, and a plumber to fix the pipes and I still need to change the locks for my doors. I could’ve done it all myself, but I need to rest because Monday is coming after two days. If I am still sickly tomorrow, I know I can’t work on Monday. 

The electrician I hired said to me that the bulbs I bought might not be functioning well that’s why the lights keep on flickering. He offered me his help and told me that he'll just buy it himself. Before leaving, he wants to give thanks to my daughter who assisted him earlier.

My jaw dropped and my face turned pale. Cold sweat suddenly starts to pop all over my body. I was steaming earlier but right now I can slowly feel my clothes damping all over me. Sweat started to cover my hands while it steadily crawls like a bug inside my shirt. I don’t have any daughter. I’m only a 20-year-old without any children.

I was uneasy, but it intensified even more when the plumber said to give my thanks again to my house cleaner. I don’t have a house cleaner. He goes on his way after he organized his toolbox.

When I reached to close the front door, my hand is trembling non-stop. I tried to stop the shaking by holding it and pressing it against me, but the trembling traveled throughout my body.

Evening came, and the cold winds howled in the night, keeps bending the curtains back and forth. I didn’t know when I dozed off, but the smell of burnt steak jolted me off the sofa. I threw the burnt steak and just fried some eggs for dinner. I can still sniff the pungent burnt-out smell that remained in the atmosphere. I try to keep myself busy to distract me from horrible thoughts. Before I knew it, I fell in deep slumber.

Midnight arrived AJ was fast asleep. His hands started shaking in his sleep. He keeps groaning ang murmuring strange voices out of nowhere. Strangely, an old lady dressed in white, visits him in his dream. She was crying in the corner. While he slowly approaches her, the surroundings suddenly changed to an empty void, the floors started to get wet as waters suddenly appears. She raised her head, uncovering a face of horrendous white, aside from the long, misshaping cicatrices. Even without a mouth it started screaming like a banshee telling him to move out of the new house.

Eyes snapped open. AJ is covered in cold sweat, shivering, and heartbeat pounding. He rubs his eyes to fully awaken himself. Goes to the bathroom and washes his face. When he looks straight in the mirror, he hallucinates and saw the face with a cicatrices appeared behind him, in a haste, he swiftly drives his car. AJ still with his pajamas on goes uptown. He hurriedly calls his real estate broker to call off the deal. But his broker said it would still take days to process. He felt a sense of relief. He noticed that the water that streamed on his face drenched on his clothes.

The next nights he checks-in in a hotel, but the same dream appeared before him. His nightmares keep bothering him straight for weeks and even missed work without filing a leave.

Already broke, I return home. I invited my real estate broker to come over and bring the papers necessary to process the house. Right on time, this time I didn’t dozed off and burn the steak. During dinner he shared some stories about the family who previously lived and own the house. According to the last will of the father only the line of the family can live in this house, but the second-generation family descendants only have a daughter who’s infertile and the family line stopped. But he said that the daughter was the one who sold the house to their company as part of her dying wish. 

I looked around the house suspiciously horror might appear anytime. I slowly look in the mirror cautiously, as I go to the bathroom, a hanging child with a maid will surely gave me a heart attack.

A smell of burn toast bread was hovering the air. I sniffed it once again, I knew I didn’t burn something this time. When the lights started to flicker, and the winds slammed the door. I abruptly said to my real estate broker. 

“It was already late. I think I can accommodate you here, I have extra room downstairs and upstairs. I suggest you take the room upstairs because it’s larger and more comfortable.” I said with utmost and unshaking confidence. I just said it because if there is a ghost then... I don't know. I was just terrified on the spot, that's why I meant to say it.

I still didn’t tell him about the house, that it was haunted. A scared cowardly human scared of ghosts. I’m not going to tell him that. 

AJ suffered a restless night. From the lethargic way he moves, you can tell that he hasn’t slept well. He is like zombified with his heavy eyes-bags and worn-out self. 

I am impressed when I go downstairs, I saw my estate broker preparing breakfast for us. I initially thought that a ghost was moving utensils downstairs. I already grabbed the vase in my bedside table to change the water in it, and just in case… My pounding heart and alert mind seems to be alerting my defensive instincts to be prepared.

Strangely during breakfast my real estate broker shared his dream about an old lady. The same description of a woman I had in my dream, but it was odd. He said that the woman was nice to her. Like how the usual old women treat and talk to little kids. He had the same dream as me, but clearly it was a different approach.

I quickly broke him in chorus and shared my experiences in return. Mortified because this place has been festering me. We are both stirred up, and tension arose. Surroundings turned gloomy, as we both learned the horrors of this house. He told me it was not his first time sleeping here and he keeps having the same dream every time, but that dream never followed him anywhere.

AJ moved into a new home. The house was on sale, but it is still empty. AJ stopped having nightmares about the same dream after he packed and move his things out of the house. AJ returned in his old apartment where he used to stay.

AJ’s real estate broker was the third-degree cousin of the earlier owners. He didn’t know they were family, so he never was haunted in his dreams. The family sold the property to the estate company because they are blood related.

Now the ghosts are once again thriving. Trapped in the world, lost souls of the Earth. Trapped in a house.

August 02, 2021 14:55

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Ellie K
00:39 Aug 12, 2021

The plot of this story really captured my attention! The concept is really well suited for a short story like this one. Maybe pay a bit more attention to whether you're writing in present tense or past tense. Keeping it consistent helps keep the reader immersed in your story. Keep writing!


12:35 Aug 13, 2021

I think I did the same mistake again. My bad. It's a bad habit of mine I think that needs fixing. I did receive a similar feedback in my previous stories, writing in present tense or past tense. I will do well next time. Thank you!


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15:15 Aug 02, 2021

I am just practicing guys. I apologize if my stories doesn't fit the themes. I am learning. First person POV is not my forte.


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