Inspirational Kids Fiction

In the heart of a bustling city, nestled within the tranquil enclave of Purnama Park, there lived a dog named Steady. With his sparse fur, sluggish gait, and tendency towards confusion, he spent his days in solitary reflection within his owner's abode. For he believed that he was unworthy of the companionship of the other dogs in his neighbourhood, who seemed so much more glamorous, fluffy, and astute than he. They effortlessly caught flying frisbees and sprinted with great speed, leaving Steady feeling inadequate and alone.

But one day, an eerie event transpired in Purnama Park. The air was imbued with an unusual gust, and the earth beneath their paws quivered with an unsettling tremor. The dogs sensed something strange was afoot, yet the humans appeared oblivious to the signs, perhaps too consumed by their daily routines or lacking the sharp senses of their four-legged counterparts.

In a collective display of distress, each of the dogs unleashed a howl from the safety of their individual homes. Their haunting melody served as a means of communication, allowing them to connect and convey their shared anxiety.

Cody, Girly, Jonah, and Pretty, Steady's neighbours, joined in the chorus of howls, taking turns expressing their trepidation.

"The grass no longer seems welcoming," Cody lamented. "Something ominous approaches."

Girly chimed in with her own mournful tune, "The soil quivers with unease. A warning we must not displease."

These words only amplified Jonah's anxiety as he let out a plaintive howl, "If I press my ear to the earth, I hear a swirling stream's rebirth."

"Water!" Pretty yelped, her voice trembling with fear. "It's coming, to alter all that's here!"

As they gradually comprehended the gravity of the situation, the dogs' howls united in a symphony of terror. They hoped against hope that their human companions would heed their warning, but their barks and howls were lost on deaf ears. "A tempest looms," they cried. "Listen well, and you may hear. The water draws inexorably near. It will surge and flood the land. Nature's fury, wild and grand."

Steady remained silent, listening intently to the chorus of howls. Though his heart raced with fear, he felt too unworthy to join his voice with theirs. Instead, he bowed his head and prayed silently for safety and protection.

As the dogs howled into the dark of night, their human companions grew increasingly uneasy. Though the mournful melody carried great meaning to the dogs, to the humans it was a jumbled and incoherent jangle of notes. From his spot in the backyard, Steady could hear the sound of doors opening and the voices of men and women, pleading with the four dogs to quiet down. Some spoke in gentle tones, seeking to soothe the panicked pets, while others were more forceful in their commands to be silent. Steady, being a quiet and reserved dog, did not face the same problem as his neighbours.

"Please listen to us!" Cody and Girly pleaded to their human caretaker, an old woman who asked, "What's wrong, my darlings? Are you hungry?" Steady heard this exchange, and he also heard Jonah and Pretty being shushed when they were attempting to convey their urgent message, "We must flee to higher ground! We will perish if we stay here!"

Steady felt a deep sympathy for his neighbours, but he was powerless to help them. It struck him as strange that dogs could understand humans, yet the reverse was not always true. 

Despite feeling powerless, Steady knew he had to take action. With his keen senses close to the ground, he heard the gentle trickle of water, a harbinger of impending disaster. As the night grew quiet, he realised that he wasn't the only one who sensed the coming danger. The crickets chirped their anxious melodies, and even Lorna, the neighbouring cat, had taken refuge high up on the roof, bracing herself for what was to come. With a quick exchange of glances, Steady and Lorna telepathically conveyed their shared understanding of the situation.

On all fours, Steady jogged towards the door and used his head and paw to knock insistently. When he received no response, he increased the intensity of his knocking until, a few moments later, Mrs. Richard opened the door, puzzled. "What's the matter, Steady?" she asked.

Knowing that barking would be futile, Steady made his way upstairs to Angela's room, where he hoped to communicate the impending danger to his owner. 

With nimble grace, Steady rose onto his hind legs and deftly turned the knob of Angela's bedroom door with his paw. Mrs. Richard followed curiously behind. Upon entering, Steady noted the warm glow of a table lamp, and Angela soundly asleep in her bed. He moved with utmost caution, carefully controlling his movements and breathing to make the least possible noise.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Richard whispered as she reached down to pet Steady's head.

Without hesitation, Steady led Mrs. Richard to the bookshelf and began sniffing along the row of books on Angela's nightstand. After a few moments, he stopped and nudged one particular book with his paw. Gently, he used his mouth to remove the book from the shelf and placed it at Mrs. Richard's feet.

Confused, Mrs. Richard picked up the book and examined the cover. It was a novel called "Raider's Ransom," written by an author named Emily Diamand.

Mrs. Richard knelt down to Steady's level and spoke in a soft voice, "Oh, Steady. I'll read the story to you in the morning. It's time for bed now." But Steady was frustrated by her lack of comprehension, and nudged her thighs with his head, urging her to stand up.

When Mrs. Richard rose to her feet, Steady dashed out of the room. He turned his head and emitted a soft yelp, hoping that Mrs. Richard would understand that he wanted her to follow him. She caught on quickly, and together they ran down the stairs and out the door.

Once outside, Steady pressed his ear to the ground, listening intently. Mrs. Richard looked on in confusion, asking, "What are you doing, Steady?" In response, Steady approached her from behind, rose up onto his hind legs, and gently pushed her back. Mrs. Richard stumbled and fell onto her hands, and Steady used his paw to guide her head towards the ground.

"Steady!" Mrs. Richard exclaimed, exasperated.

Undeterred, Steady once again placed his ear to the ground, urging Mrs. Richard to follow suit with an insistent expression. He hoped that she would understand the gravity of the situation and the need to act quickly.

Once Mrs. Richard realised what Steady wanted her to do, she released the book from her hand and placed it gently on the grassy ground of the backyard. With Steady by her side, she pressed her ear against the ground, feeling the ticklish sensation of grass brushing against her face. Steady watched her, his tongue lolling out of his mouth and his eyes blinking in anticipation. He hoped that she could hear what he and all the other animals in the neighbourhood had heard.

Suddenly, Mrs. Richard's eyes widened with terror. She quickly got on her knees, picked up the book, and began to read with lightning speed. Her eyes darted back and forth across the pages, and her finger traced the words as she flipped through the book. At last, she understood Steady's message and wasted no time in running to her neighbours' houses, pressing their doorbells urgently, even though it was the dead of night and they were surely sleeping.

With unwavering devotion, Steady trailed behind Mrs. Richard as she made her way to each neighbour's doorstep. After a few minutes, the residents began to emerge from their homes, rubbing their bleary eyes and shuffling about in their sleepwear, their expressions a blend of bewilderment and irritation.

Steady spotted his stunning and hip neighbours, Cody, Girly, Jonah, and Pretty, congregating in a corner with tongues lolling and tails wagging. He felt acutely self-conscious as he gazed upon their beauty and opted to maintain a respectful distance.

"Listen up, folks!" Mrs. Richard bellowed. "There's a massive flood heading our way, and we need to depart immediately!"

Her proclamation garnered mixed reactions. Some individuals ridiculed her, while others were seized with panic or confusion.

"Your furry companions were attempting to communicate with you!"

To Mrs. Richard's surprise, the onlookers erupted in raucous laughter, dismissing her as a lunatic. Annoyed and frustrated, she declared, "Very well, it's your choice. I'm leaving."

The individuals who trusted her warning sprinted back to their homes, rousing their loved ones from their slumber. Those who doubted her warning strolled leisurely back to their residences.

Suddenly, a section of the earth ruptured with an ear-splitting blast, and a colossal wave of water burst forth like molten lava. A man's voice shrieked, "Get your families! Run for your lives!"

In a frenzy of fear and panic, they all sprinted towards their homes, wailing and shouting.


The residents of Purnama Park and their loved ones stood in awe, disbelief, sorrow, and terror as they clung to one another while their homes were consumed by a merciless deluge. They were immensely grateful to Mrs. Richard for her prompt action, which had saved their lives and enabled them to take refuge on the hilltop with their cherished pets. Although they still required substantial assistance to endure and recover from the loss of their possessions, those could always be replaced. What mattered most was that they were alive.


Pretty's voice startled Steady out of his reverie, and he looked at her bashfully. Soon, Cody, Girly, and Jonah joined them.

"Congratulations, Steady," Jonah panted, his tongue lolling. "We did our best to make our human companions understand."

"You seemed to be the only one who could pull it off," Cody chimed in.

The two female canines gazed at him with admiration, their tails swaying rhythmically.

"Well, it was nothing," Steady demurred, downplaying their praise.

"What do you mean, it was nothing?" Pretty countered. "Do you realise we're always envious of you?"

Steady blinked in confusion, his tail suddenly still. Envious? Of him?

"You appear to be the only dog capable of effectively communicating with humans," Pretty continued.

"But you all do it too," Steady protested.

"Not as skillfully as you," Girly countered.


"That's the problem, Steady," Girly interrupted. "You don't believe in yourself."

The other three canines barked their agreement.

"It's because I'm not attractive," Steady bemoaned. "I'm thin, sluggish, and easily confused. Angela loves playing frisbee with you guys, but I get flustered trying to catch it."

"Well," Pretty blushed, "I won't deny that we excel in physical activities, but we're not as clever as you."

The other three dogs barked merrily, tickled by Pretty's comment.

"I'm not that clever," Steady said modestly, once again downplaying their admiration.

Jonah chimed in quickly, "Remember when Nina was weeping because she couldn't loosen her water bottle cap? You were the one who opened it for her."

Girly added, "Remember when Mr. Lee forgot where he parked his car? You led him back to it."

Steady's eyes softened, and his ears drooped as he nostalgically recalled the moments when he aided the owners of those two dogs.

Pretty and Cody seized the opportunity to recount the numerous instances when Steady had assisted their owners - nudging their open purses with his head, keeping their children from stepping on chewing gum, and helping them locate misplaced items.

"And look around you," Cody exclaimed. "You've saved the lives of all these individuals and animals."

Steady surveyed his surroundings, absorbing all that his neighbours had shared. For the very first time, he grasped his own significance. Nonetheless, he remained uncertain about one matter.

"Why didn't you guys ever want to be friends with me?" he inquired.

Pretty emitted a playful growl. "You ought to ask yourself that, old boy. You're the one who kept his distance from us."

They appeared to have more to say, but their owners began calling their names, interrupting them. They had to depart. Steady was genuinely moved by what he had just learned. Those dogs he had always admired enviously, with their fluffy coats and robust physiques, turned out to respect him for his intellect. He felt content and proud of himself, and for the first time, he didn't hang his head as he made his way towards his beloved Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Angela.

"Steady!" Angela exclaimed when she spotted Steady trotting towards her family. Her excitement was palpable as she rubbed his head and ears, and Steady responded with a loud pant and an exuberant wag of his tail. Mr. and Mrs. Richard took turns petting him, and Steady revelled in the attention, bouncing around to show his newfound self-belief.

As he looked around, he spotted his neighbour, Lorna, a small black and white cat who appeared content as she regally licked her paw. As he observed Lorna, he realised they weren't that different. Lorna was thin, indolent, and clumsy, yet she seemed to lead a contented life because she possessed a robust sense of self-assuredness. She knew her worth, and it showed in her happy demeanour.

Lorna appeared to sense she was being watched, so she glanced at Steady and playfully remarked, "Go find something else to gaze at."

They both chuckled, but to their owners, it was merely a cacophony of meows and woofs. Steady couldn't help but feel a kinship with Lorna, and he knew that he could learn a lot from her about self-confidence and self-worth. 

April 14, 2023 12:12

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Mary Bendickson
00:17 Apr 17, 2023

Maybe Steady is a bit like you re-discovering your self-confidence and your self-worth.


Ian James
00:35 Apr 17, 2023

Yes, very much so! 😆


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Helen A Howard
11:20 Apr 16, 2023

Hi Ian I easily entered into this immersive tale. I thought you did a great job of portraying the frustrations of our canine friends when it came to trying to make humans understand, really well. Thank goodness Steady succeeded in the end. I love animals and found the particularly ending satisfying.


Helen A Howard
11:21 Apr 16, 2023

I found the ending particularly satisfying. Sorry, writing on my phone 😂


Ian James
22:58 Apr 16, 2023

Thanks, Helen! So glad you enjoyed it! The story was actually inspired by my super-smart pup, Sally. She was always hanging out under this little hut near my place, never really into socializing with the other dogs. This one's for her. Sadly, she passed away two years back, and I still miss her like crazy. 🙂


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