Christian Friendship Kids

Funny thing about communication.

When all else fails.

We tend to talk about the weather.

As if we have any control over it. We plan for it, around it or above it or below it. We are convinced we can control it. Control our lives around it. As with any and many things that happen in our lives, we have very little control.

Make it rain?

You reign supreme?

Blah, Blah, What are you sayin’

Or “Put it all out there” for the world to see.

And decide

To choose.

Or “play” the victim.

How best do we come to term? Come to terms. With the day. With the way we behave daily, minute by minute, hour by hour. With the way we were raised. Or not raised up. For some it may be a deep and difficult struggle. Crying out, hoping someone, anyone will hear the outward cries of a struggle to figure it all out.

We rain on our own parade so to speak. When we feel alone, abandoned. We ask. Why?

Jesus too, felt this way. He asked “the why of whys” (pf) while left alone, abandoned, persecuted and left to die alone on the cross. He did not ask just anyone. Why? he asked His idol. His teacher. His mentor. His everything.

He asked God the Father. Why. Why was God abandoning Him. In this the greatest moment of need. Hurting and alone while others jeered, sneered at Jesus. Standing around bearing witness to His suffering. And not extending a helping hand.

Why? Why do we seek out persons, places, things that may not be good for us? We may feel alone, feel like no one cares. We become a person unrecognizable to others, to ourselves. Struggling to speak. Struggling to be heard. We align ourselves with persons, influences and activities not in and of our best interest.

The wrong idols.The wrong candy. Feeding and stuffing our souls and impulses with a cacophony of “treatments.”

We seek out anything to forget. Perhaps abandoning ourselves.

A period or feeling when a particular person, feeling, or quality is very important or has a strong influence. Pass the buck. Deny our faults and failings. We feel our struggle as terribly real. Others have moved on. Why can’t we?

Modern times offer access to so much. We become lazy. Forget to do the hard work. Forget to ask. Forget to pray. Until we are left standing against a wall of our own will. Of our own doing. The why of why’s. (pf) We are no better than another. In an effort to drive the point home, we drove the point into the ground only hurting ourselves as others stood by helpless. Or amused.

The train wreck of all train wrecks? We all hurt. We can all help one another. Simple. Simply. Authentically. By sharing the worst of ourselves, we find the best in ourselves. We oftentimes make excuses though. We forget about the bonds that unites us to others. Or we ignore it.

We, like Jesus, may feel abandoned.

But. We do not have to feel this way, because with Jesus and his beautiful repetitious stories He reminds us all hope is never,


On Him. On us.

With Jesus, and His Father’s stalwart and steadfast stewardship and guidance, there is always hope. For faith in a greater being than ourselves to show us the way.

Ask our own selves, “ The why of whys”. (pf) Forgiveness is the most powerful tool to learn, extend and share. And actually, the action may seem quite selfish because it frees,

You. Me. Us.

Share the pain. Share the gain. Make it rain? Sorta. But not quite. The path from here to there is oftentimes road blocked with cones of blockages in ways and means we never could have imagined. And it very well could be the best thing for us. How will we know? What do we do? Why am I here? How did I get so “stuck” in despair.

Seek and ye shall find. The answer. Freedom is learned, earned. Not burned.

Why? It frees: You. Me. Us. from a vicious cycle. From resistance of this or resistance of that. Social exclusion, sickness, injustice, oppression. (pf) Jesus was not just “putting on a show”. His pain was terribly real. In a moment of deep desperation, he felt abandoned by the most important being, that of His Father.

He cried out in front of God and the persecutors who stood by and watched him struggle and suffer. Jesus did not play the victim though, in his most dire moment, before he gave his life for others. He broke the chain. Gave himself. To others.

He broke free. From the ties that bind. From the chains of evil.

Free from the chains of alignment of bad influences, idols, and a search for meaning in the evil of our thoughts, words, and actions when we too, feel abandoned. Jesus forgave. He gave His life for us, for forgiveness. To learn, extend and free ourselves from the chains we place upon ourselves.

Do you want to heal or do you want to be right. A very good question of “The why of whys”.

Pride is a weak and weary knife in one’s own heart. A crown of sorts we bestow upon our own heads. And it can hurt. Terribly. In the worst possible of moments, Jesus cried out and was healed at the same time.

Tough love. Crazy love. Call it what you will.

His Father taught Him well. Serve others with the whole self, inside and out, even if and when others may see you as exhibiting. “Crazy Love”. The love may just leave a mark of connection in a dark moment of and for another. Who knows. You may not know you are doing good. So. Just. Do. It.

Not because it feels good. Not because you want something in return. Do it because giving of yourself to others is the best possible way to engage in His goodness.

Don’t knock it til you try it. That is one way to look at it.

One way to feel His presence by your side. Then. Take it from there. Sufferings of the soul. Jeering. Jesus felt them all as He gave His life to us. He did it for us. Whether you choose to believe is your choice.

Your choice. To take on the role of victim or take on the role of chooser. In order to feel the closeness of the Father. Extend yourself to another in the spirit of closeness. They may rebuke. And that is ok. But the mark you leave may be lasting in a way you did not realize. Take a leap. Of faith. In and for another.

And then walk along. Pride left behind. Goodness moving forward. Influence awareness is half the battle. Choose wisely who and what you will follow. The human condition is vast. The human condition is complicated. Jesus went beyond his human condition when He gave His life upon the cross. He refused to yield to despair.

He freed us from the abyss of our evil and immersed us in a greater love all by the faith He entrusted of himself and put into the hands of His Father.(pf)


April 02, 2023 14:03

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