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American Contemporary Coming of Age

He finally made it up the tower, and there was the princess sleeping peacefully. He leaned in to kiss her. "Whatcha doing?" my best friend Sam startled me. I was in the middle of writing my masterpieace a fantasy-romance. Sam (Samantha) is my best friend we have been friends since kindergarden. There is always one kid who dresses werid and that would be Sam. Sam looks like a fairy princess dressed in pleasant blouses and long skirts. You wouldn't believe by looking at her that she is a tomboy. Her mom is a hippie and buys all of her clothes, and has the strange notion that girls should wear skirts. Sam is a budding naturalist, sketchbook in hand documenting the local wildlife. She has steel grey eyes and honey colored hair.

Right, I haven't introdouced myself yet. I'm Aimee, I am a writer. I have been writing since I first picked up a pencil. I have green eyes and brown hair. Actually really frizzy hair, I swear it has a mind of it's own. Sam snatches my notebook, reads it. She "yawns", my friend is more into action or adventure stories. See that boy over there, the one with the glasses trying to hide from our English lit teacher, that is my other best friend Oliver. A gangly boy with black hair. English lit isn't his best subject, and is horrible at reading out loud. He is the smartest boy in the ninth grade. Of course a moment later, he is called on and tries to read a passage from Romeo and Juliet without stumbling.

Our teacher Mr. Finch, announced our creative writing assignment. The winner will be featured in the Silver Springs Chronicles Mr. Finch is a very tall man and has a collection of bow ties, a different one for each day of the week. He also dresses like an English gentleman. I am a good writer, so this assignment will be a pieace of cake. My friend Sam thinks that I will be a shoe in for this month's issue.

Eleanor was also competing to be featured in Sliver Springs Chronicles. Eleanor was Aimee's rival, the two had been bitter rivals since the second grade when Aimee beat her at the science faire. Eleanor had blond hair and icey blue eyes. She believed that she could write a better story. The class had until the end of the month to finish their assignment.

That night, Aimee staired at her notebook, she had a million ideas for a story but none of them seemed good. She knew that Eleanor would have a really good story and would rub in her face. She was like the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz trying to thart Dorothy. The evil witch was jealous of Princess Crystal. Aimee wrote. Eleanor was a witch. Aimee wrote that in a far away kingdom there lived a beautiful princess, and an evil witch. The witch was jealous of the princess's beauty.

The next day, Oliver and Sam invited her to play baseball with them. Aimee did go, but sat on the bench furoiously typing away on her laptop. Sam was up at bat, her long tye-died skirt, and baseball cap didn't cordinate with each other. She swung hard, but missed then wack. The ball flew into the air, she went to first but only to be tagged by Oliver. It was Oliver's turn, he swung, the ball flew and almost hit Aimee. Oliver, of course caught it. "Why don't you put that down and take a break from writing". Take a break? She was just getting to the good part. "She is to interested her in her dumb story, to play baseball" Sam said.

The next few days, Aimee was glued to writing, she wrote non-stop day and night, crafting the perfect story. She even wrote while she was walking. Oliver had to stop her from running into a pole. At lunch the next day, Oliver sat by her at lunch. Aimee was to busy writing. "Yoohoo, earth to Aimee" he said, but it was no use, she wouldn't stop writing. In the hallway, she almost ran into somebody, Sam stopped her. Sam then yanked the notebook from her. "I wasen't done" Aimee said, snatching it back. "I think you should take a break" Sam said.

At study hall, Oliver sat by Aimee. A girl almost sat on him, she didn't see him. She apolgized. It happened a lot, Oliver felt like he was a ghost, invisible, nobody really saw him. "See I am a ghost, invisible" hiding in his navy blue hoodie. Sam sat by them. "Your not a ghost, I can see you" she said. Aimee had already put Sam in her story, and now had the perfect character for Oliver in her story. "Are you going to come out of there?" Aimee said. Oliver imitated a turtle, and poked his head out, but then retreated to his fortress of soilitude. "Actually it is quite cozy in here". Aimee laughed.

Aimee had finally finished her story, an A+ for sure. Princess Crystal and her two friends-Peony the fairy, and Albert the ghostly knight defeated the evil witch and saved the kingdom. A week later, Mr. Finch passed by their assignments back. Sam was surprised to get a "C", but with all the spelling mistakes it made sense. Oliver was happy to get a "B -" his plot was inconsistent but good enough. But where was Aimee's paper? Oh no. Mr. Finch held up two papers, "Both are excellent, but this one is amazing" he handed back Eleanor's to her. That meant, Aimee had the best story, if she won then her story would be read in front of the class. Oh no. She sunk in her chair. Then about a magical kingdom and a beautiful princess. Then the heroes got lost in the gumdrop forest, and then had to find the magical jewel of friendship. It was super enbaressing. It was finally over, not quite. She was then interviewed on Sliver Springs Live, the school's news report. It could not get anyworse.

Sam and Oliver were so excited to see there friend on t.v. Peony and Albert where such cool characters. Peony was a spritely fairy, and Albert was a knight but then died and became a ghost. Albert was very murose and a sour puss. Sam pointed, there was Aimee. "So Aimee, everyone is raving about your story" the host said, "How did you come up with the story?". Sam munched on popcorn. "Oh well, Peony is based on my best friend Sam". Sam nearly choked on her popcorn. Peony was a ditzy fairy who randomly broke out into song. Now everyone at school, would think she was like Peony, and laugh at her. "I am sure she means another Sam" Oliver said sheepishly. No it was her. So if "Peony" was Sam, then "Albert" had to be Oliver. Aimee thought he was harsh and melancholic.

The next day at school, the two friends decided to confront Aimee. Aimee was to busy signing autographs. Oliver fought his way through the crowd. "Isn't this amazing?" she said. Oliver crossed his arms, "You wrote me as a harsh, severe.." Sam fighting her way through the crowd, "Move aside, best friend comming through". She was out of breath, "And you wrote me as some ditzy fairy, do really think I am like that?". Aimee shook her head. "No, I.." Oliver snatched a copy of her story from someone. He cleared his throat. "He is the most dispicable person.. harsh.. incapable of feeling" Oliver read. Aimee nodded, Sam snatched it from him. "sing-songey, laughable". She read. Both crossed their arms. "No, really, I.." Aimee was intrupted by a fan. Sam looked at the crowd, they were giggling and pointing at her and Oliver. "Now were the laughing stock of the school". Aimee signed a paper. "No, this is great, they like my story". Sam tried to smile, but couldn't. "Yah, just peachy". The two friend started to walk away, Sam put on her large sunhat, Oliver put up his hood. Aimee stopped them. "Aimee, I am really happy for you, but everyone is laughing at us". Oliver said. Sam dragged Oliver away. "We should be going".

The next day, both refused to talk to her. She tried, but both refused. "Don't ever talk to us, ever again" Sam said. She tried to sit with them at lunch they moved away. Eleanor found her. Oh great. Eleanor smiled, "You really made a mess of things huh". Aimee nodded. She saw Sam and Oliver. Sam hiding under her large sunhat, Oliver in his hoodie, a few snickering as they passed by. She didn't mean for this to happen, she wanted to write the perfect story and win. Now her best friends hated her. Aimee had to make things right.

She decided that enough was enough, she confronted her friends. "Look, I am sorry, alright" Aimee said. Sam turned her back. "I am sorry, I thought I heard something, nope must be the wind". Oliver was going to say something, but Mr. Finch rushed in. He had made an error. Eleanor actually had the best paper, Aimee had an A-. Everyone flocked to Eleanor who beamed. Aimee breathed, finally not the center of attention for once. Aimee looked at her friends, Sam sighed, "Alright, we forgive you,". Then she pulled a notebook jammed packed with sticky notes. "Oliver.. well mostly me have a few changes, minor details of course for certain characters for your sequel" Sam smiled.

December 01, 2020 02:03

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1 comment

Trinity Womack
14:48 Dec 10, 2020

I like your idea of your main character being so focused on writing a perfect story because I feel we writers can all relate to that. There were some grammatical errors here and there, but besides that, it was a good story.


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