Romance Drama

The wind calmly blows through my light brown hair, sending goosebumps down my spine as I stand outside my apartment, next to the wispy willow tree waiting for Manni. I lightly tap my finger on my thigh as I anxiously wait for him, letting the sharp cool wind kiss my face leaving it numb and pink. He lived a few minutes away, so he usually walked to my place when we wanted to hang out. The weather was starting to get cool as its early Autumn.

I observed how the grass became duller. The cool air from the trees let some of the leaves that were now a beautiful tapestry of orange, red and yellow fall gently down. I smiled slightly as a single leaf land near my feet. I have always loved the season of Autumn. I loved how the cool air carried the scent of smoked wood and how even the cool, bitter breeze can let something that was once so beautiful and what wanted to stay, can also leave in the end.

A few more minutes pass and I notice Manni walking up the sidewalk to my apartment. He was beautiful. his curly black hair, was getting tangled by the wind which was picking up speed. He wore a black adidas sweatshirt, which rippled as he walked towards me with his hands in his pockets and ripped faded jeans. My heart starts to pick up pace with the wind.

We are just friends.

Thats what we said to each other. The tension however was always the opposite. He smiles at me as he got to me, showing off his perfect smile, which crinkled his chocolate brown eyes, and his olive skin was flushed due to the sharp whiplash of the wind.

I run into him to give him a hug, my legs start to shake. He smirks as he notices.

He always noticed.

"Nervous or cold?" He asks, jokingly. I roll my eyes.

"Why would I have to be nervous about anything." He shrugs, leaving me curious yet I don't say anything.

"Take a walk with me?"

I nod as we turn to walk to a small park that was located about two miles out from the apartment. I look at the sky as the dying autumn day whispered its goodbye in hues of red and orange. I try to keep my composure, as I feel Manni observe me while I look towards the sky. It was hard to talk without getting flustered. We have been friends for about two years, after knowing were in the same literature class for sophomore year of college.

We both knew we had an attraction for each other, yet we never bothered on showing it off. It was as if one of us was waiting for the other to light the fuse. I knew I couldn't. So, we built a friendship, which I could manage. We would hang out every day after class, teasing each other on our work and asking about our days. We would get coffee and lie under the willow tree near my apartment, dazing off into the sky as we let our minds wander and daydream.

My eyes close as I remember the day I put my head on his lap letting his fingers play with my hair.

"What if you find someone who doesn't want me in your life anymore?" I ask him.

He smiles down at me flicking my forehead lightly, "Girlfriends come and they go but friends will always be right there when you need them. Never let them go."

I smile as I wrap my arms around his waist letting myself feel his solid body, "Promise?"

He leans in as he whispers in my ear, "Promise."

"What's on your mind?"

"Huh?" I say as I snap back to reality looking back at Manni.

"You're awfully quiet today." he observes raising an eyebrow.

"Oh- sorry." I mumble, feeling my cheeks heat up. "Just dozing off, what's up?" I ask as we sit down at a bench near a small pond.

"I wanted to talk to you about something?" He says his voice low.


He doesn't talk though, instead he observes me. Keeping his eyes fixated on mine, as if he was trying to communicate through them. I feel my body begin to shake with nerves. Just as I am about to ask what is going on with him, he leans forward and kisses me, his lips softly graze mine. He moves one hand around my waist slowly tightening his grip, while the other presses into my back slightly pressing me into his chest. My body goes numb as taste the hint of smoke and mint covering his tongue.

My hand creeps toward the back of his head lightly playing with his soft hair. His kiss is gentle and slow, which was the exact opposite of my pulse. My senses start to kick in as I start to get more aware. Manni was kissing me, and his hands. Oh fuck. His cold touch sent shivers up my spine, making my knees go weak.

Manni kissed me.

He pulls away and observes me. My head spins as I try and catch a breath.

"What was that for?" I asked breathlessly.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while." He smirks, cupping my face with his hand.

I close my hand letting my body feel his touch. This is what I wanted right? I wanted him, I've always wanted him. Yet I knew the consequences if I did let that happen. I knew a storm would happen, but it wasn't what I felt. It was an unsolved mystery in the wind that sent chills down my spine.

"I don't want to lose you to this." I whisper.

"You won't." He replies, leaning to kiss me again.



Little did I know that betrayal never comes from your enemies, and how hard it will be to turn the page, when you know that the person you thought and cared constantly about won't be in the next chapter of your story.

March 05, 2024 02:09

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Sam Newsome
23:48 Mar 13, 2024

...the dying autumn day whispered its goodbye. That phrase had me. I really like the image.


Masha Flom
00:34 Mar 17, 2024

Thank you so much for positive feedback :)


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Kristi Gott
21:57 Mar 13, 2024

The idea of the writer falling in love with a character in the story is so creative and original. The story has vivid imagery and descriptions. Well done!


Masha Flom
00:34 Mar 17, 2024

Thank you so much :)


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Mariana Aguirre
17:42 Mar 10, 2024

Love it 👏👏


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