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Friendship Romance High School

The house was dark inside yet the sun had risen. It shone as much as it dared through the gap in the black curtains in the bedroom of Cassandra Voltz. She sat alone in this room in full makeup running her fingers along the blade of a silver dagger, a drop of blood dripped from her finger and extinguished the candle. 

“It is done.” She said throwing her dagger at a poster of her ex. He was dressed like a vampire anyway, he wouldn’t ‘get’ what she was all about. 

The candle sent a puff of green smoke into the air, almost forming shapes she could use to express her pain. There came a soft knock at the door but she closed her eyes ignoring it deliberately. 

The door creaked and Carolyn entered bowing her head mournfully as though at a funeral. 

“Go away Carolyn, I just want to be left alone, life sucks, everything always comes back to pain.”

Carolyn smiled soberly and said “And so it is with regret that we acknowledge the death of a relationship, Buster, you were an ass and will not be missed.” She looked round the room and saw the poster of Buster torn.

In spite of her sorrow Cassandra couldn’t help but laugh when her ex had been insulted but she hurried her head in her pillow. 

“Nice, you got his eye with the dagger, want me to put him in the trash for you?”

She looked up to see Carolyn approaching the wall “No, I’d rather burn it, catch it on video and send it to him, my final text, his final…” but the next word was muffled behind her pillow.

Standing up Cassandra went over and handed over her phone already recording. Cassandra entered on screen looking unconcerned. The damaged side of Buster hidden from view. She began to speak in a slow sorrow

“I stand before you one last time to say goodbye, 

I have wasted my days with you by my side. 

I wanted laughter, you gave me pain, 

Instead of commitment, you brought me confusion

Where there was light, there lies only darkness

I have extinguished the flame that kept our hope alive”

Carolyn brought the camera down to see the remains of the smoke 

“What we have left is in the eye of the beholder…”

Carolyn fought hard to keep herself from laughing as Cassandra stepped aside to reveal the dagger protruding from the eye of Buster.

“You may believe you are the son of the devil

…but there is only one sure way to confirm your end.”

She ripped the poster apart and carried the bits into the back garden (Carolyn still filming) the camera focused on the barbecue pit, one of the pieces showing Buster’s smile and undamaged eye on top of the pile, the last to meet the flame as the charcoal became hot. They watched as the outer edges smoked, flickered then caught fire. The flames spread along the outlines of his neck and a flame shot out of his other eye. There wasn’t much to film after that the entire mass was ablaze and lasted only a few seconds due to the oils used in the masterpiece. 

“That’ll do it I think.” Said Cassandra focusing one last time on the unrecognisable pulp amongst the charcoal. 

“You need a kind soul, someone who won’t mistreat you or always ask you to come up with all the plans.” 

“I know there was a reason we’re good friends” she said. They hugged “I didn’t really want to hear you say you told me so… you haven’t done that.”

“I can say it now?” Said Carolyn

“If you dare.” Said Cassandra allowing her hair to hide one of her eyes “There will be sacrifice.”

Carolyn knew this to mean that she would be thrown out and ignored for a week, and dropped the subject.

After a few minutes they went back inside this time in the living room “So, who does the school have, good enough for me then?”

Carolyn raised her eyebrows in surprise “I don’t think dating a rebound guy is best for you, rather than go through all this again if it doesn’t work out.”

“I cared about this relationship too much, if I don’t care about the next one… I could act like a total jerk to the guy and-” but Carolyn had raised a hand to stop her

“Dating for revenge then? So someone he hates or cares about? I’ve only known you a short while but even I know you can do better; find yourself, become yourself then date someone nice.”

“Great, so one of my existing friends”

“Or someone new, I know that Carl guy from my class finds you interesting.”

Cassandra looked as though she had just been hit in the face with a crucifix she turned to Cassandra her expression bitter “Seriously? I’m sure I can do better than that loser!”

“He’s not the same as he used to be, he seems to be coming out of his shell… plus more people have taken a liking to him since he dealt with that bully.”

“Fine, whatever, I mean, if he’s popular somewhat, he might have charisma, know what he wants… so you think he’s worth making friends with?” Her frosty tone made it clear that she had her doubts but if she didn’t give him a chance she would never fail… nor take away the feeling of having tried. 

“You know, before you came over, I was planning to spend the day alone reading mystery novels that never work in real life, horror stories that appear more plausible as people have actually gone missing in mysterious ways.”

“You prefer mystery, don’t you.” Said Carolyn offering a bottle with no label containing red liquid. She poured them both a glass and sat back slightly more relaxed.

“I do, how did you know?”

Carolyn rolled her eyes and glanced in the direction of the barbecue “Isn’t it obvious?” 

“Say no more” she replied almost laughing “A guy with mystery would be much preferred to Prince Boring or Captain Predictable…” 

“How about colonel coward?” Carolyn suggested playfully “Afraid of commitment.” 

“Okay, we’ve made our point, and he would probably enter the battle with the shortest straw… not that that’s exactly important to me I’m sure most of the guys would laugh about it.”

“The best way you can make him suffer, is to ghost him, block or change your number.”

“Actually my phone has a feature that picks up on emotions and incentives, I can adjust it so I can’t hear from him. That way, even if he takes even your phone and shouts into it while you are speaking a mere whisper … I will only hear you.

“You’ve got the latest phone then?” She held it up and Carolyn took it carefully 

“There…e nice” she said carefully anding the phone back, “I’ve added Carl’s number in there for you.”

“When did you get his number? I didn’t even think you were that close.”

“Long story, I got it from Drake who apparently got it from Joey, while they were chatting after sports practice, I don’t think either of them knows I have it, but I’m sure Carl would have asked my friend Eva for her number before… refused every time.”

She caught Cassandra looking put out and added “Oh I don’t think he’s asked her since the incident the other day. In fact I’m not sure he’s quite become used to the shift in popularity.”

“I’m glad you came over, so… tell me about Carl, what do I need to know?”

Both girls took a sip of wine and leaned back in their chairs. Carolyn looked over the rim of her glass deciding how to phrase what she was about to say…

July 24, 2021 23:18

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1 comment

Danielle Cole
11:49 Aug 05, 2021

Well written. It ends on a cliffhanger which plays on our curiosity and entices us to read the next chapter.


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