Indian food related to life

Submitted into Contest #100 in response to: Start or end your story with two characters sitting down for a meal.... view prompt


Desi Happy Inspirational

I was going to Amritsar with the desire to find myself and fulfil my dreams, I was sitting in the train thinking this is the last station and after today I will wait for the result of my hard work and if the result does not come then I will I will give up my dream. My name is Meera and I am a book writer and I want to travel all over the India and write about the culture and religious ideas of every city. Amritsar(city in Punjab India) was the last city but till now I have not been able to find that thing after traveling all over the country. I wanted what I wanted and probably didn't know what I wanted and I was going to Amritsar with the hope that I might find what I was looking for. My college friend Harleen would be waiting for me at the station but I did not see Harleen anywhere, the rickshaw men made a bunch around me, then I got a call, it was Harleen's call, she was said her grandmother health deteriorated and she will not be able to come and she has sent a friend and he will take me all over Amritsar, I was a little disappointed to hear this, in the noise of the rickshaw men, I looked back and saw a boy wearing a black jacket there Whose height was much more than me and I felt that my neck would hurt while talking to him I went to him and said "You are Harleen's friend? Maybe she has sent you to take me to Amritsar station?" That boy thought for a while and he said "Yes I am" I looked around me and said "I want to eat something first, so you know the best restaurant here, which means I can write about it and I am a writer. Saying this, I extended my hand to that boy and then that boy also extended his hand towards me and said "I am a singer but if we want to travel the whole day, we have to know each other's name apart from the work" I smiled. and he told his name "Amar Singh" I looked around and said "I think we should go in a rickshaw" I had said this and immediately after that Amar said "Rickshaw can't drive you all over Amritsar be more clearly visible on my bike” I had a little hesitation in my mind, but I agreed to sit on the bike thinking that because I was sure that Harleen would have sent Amar only after thinking. As soon as I sat on his bike, I said, "Where is the best restaurant here, let's start with that." To my point, Amar said, "If you really want to write about the food of Amritsar, then you should probably start from the streets here. Let the food of the streets of Amritsar reach you to your destination" I liked this philosophy less flirt but I did not pay attention to this, the bike started running and Amar stopped his bike after coming to a place where it was written "Ashok Kumar Ji Kulche Wale"(a indian street food) We both went inside and sat at the table and as soon as Kulcha came in front of me and I extended my hand to break the first morsel of Kulcha and Amar stopped me, I raised my eyes and looked at him and he said on seeing me "You are a writer Don't tell me, how does this Kulcha meet the personality of a person" I was very hungry, I said on his point "my brain is not working, I am hungry, you tell me, I am eating my kulcha", I said this much and I Started eating my kulcha and Amar picked up his kulcha and looking at it started saying, “This kulcha consists of radish, tomato, carrot topping along with curd and chilli. There is also topping and we are eating it with cottage cheese, then suppose all these things are all the qualities or habits of a human being, we can say whatever we want to say, but you must have seen that no one eating all these vegetables differently is something special in mixing vegetable. And people like it when it is together, in the same way you will bring your inner insecurities, pain and many things together and use them with your best quality cottage cheese then you will get a good result and Here cottage cheese is your writing and after saying this much, he put a morsel of Kulcha inside his mouth, I felt deep in his words but I did not say anything. After sometime we roamed the city and reached a new shop where we were going to eat samosas (indian rissole) but as soon as the samosas came in front of me I found the samosas a bit strange I looked at Amar and he smiled and said “This is layered samosas just like us in humans. Even so, how many layers are there in humans and it makes us different.” I really liked his words, but the pride of myself being more intelligent stopped me from praising him. And we both sat on the bike again, he kept talking about life till the next shop came, but I was not paying much attention to his words. Now both of us landed in front of a shop where it was written “Pede wail Gyan di lassi” (lassi is a indian drink made by curd) I had full hope Amar would say something about knowledge which would be related to lassi but he was quietly drinking lassi I told him “life from lassi” Won't you connect?" He said without looking at me, “Some things should be enjoyed in life without any thought, it is not right to give so much attention to everything” I was getting answers to my questions in Amar's words. As soon as I sat on the bike, I asked whether anyone There is such food in Amritsar, which can give peace to the mind, a smile came on Amar's face which I saw in the glass of the bike and with a smile Amar started the bike and after sometime we were in the Golden Temple and I feel that peace inside me It had never happened before today and when the Prasad(Holly food) of the temple came in front of us and I ate the first morsel and I realized that this is the peace I was looking for and perhaps this peace was the answer to the questions of my life. I had that peace of mind which made me realize that the most important thing in life is peace. Peace is the feeling which is the greatest of all feelings. Today I understood what I want to get and where will I get this feeling. And I came to know about such a great knowledge by having dinner with a stranger.

July 01, 2021 02:47

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