Things had to change

Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about change.... view prompt



The sunrise was still pretty at least, kissing the skyline of another empty city. A tribute to what mankind once was, a reminder that we were better together. Tears trickled down Pipers cheeks as she looked over her "home" from the top cell of her apar-cell. All this natural beauty blending with what this great species can achieve blurring through the kaleidoscope of tears, all she could feel was despairing Resentment but not for the invading Alien species that came here and ravaged the planet and enslaved everyone, no. She could comprehend that in a way, what really upset her to the pit of her empty deprived stomach was knowing that humanity brought itself to its knees before the invaders descended and all they had to do was put on the chains. So much hatred and divide on a global scale, clawing and fighting not in unison as one army, instead selling out each other in small pockets to try and gain favour with the new oppression. The Maranians didn't care though, all humans were cattle basically. No favoritism no advantages to height, weight, mental ability, race or creed. All were meals. No favoured group just more meat for the soup. Some.... like Piper tried to unite humanity, attempted to get people to see that its time to put bigotry and general racism behind us. See that we could win if we fought in an army of 6 billion. There was no way the Maranians could hope to overcome the odds. They knew though, they knew how to twist and bend human kind against themselves. Knowing there was inherent traits in us that has been passed down through our history that will sell out another group in order to try and save the ones more like you and they wielded this invisible weapon with unnerving effectiveness. Maybe they had done this to every planet they encountered with life on it, no one knows because they devour everything. Every last shred of life will be gone, every human, every dog, cat rat, bird and everything else. Boiled down and put back into a primordial soup from where they came. The irony in that was not lost on Piper. The indifference was the real frightening part. They didn't see humans, or any other animal for that matter that has a soul, just food. The sun exposed itself in all its ignorant glory as it glided its angled trajectory past the spire of the empire state building. Lighting the blood stained, charred and cracked streets. The invasion seemed like so long ago but it was only mere months. That's how quick everything descended into this chaos. Was chaos the right word? Things in a way made more sense now. The answer to whether Aliens existed and whether race matters answered in one 3 day invasion and 6 months of following culling. The screaming would start soon. The blood curdling screams from liberty Island where the Maranians had decided to cordon off the Hudson Bay and use their lasers to boil it and guess who was marched in there to be the broth? Literally millions a day. The horrified screams of people boiling to death and the screams of the horrified that are bearing witness. She was close to being forced in there. Only a few days. They had made all the apartments and skyscrapers into prisons. Somehow barring all the windows and making them inescapable. This high up they didn't bother, if one was to try and get out the window, gravity would take care of them. It had took them 6 months but now they were farming and cooking efficiently, everyday more appartcells being emptied out and millions from all over this planet, marched down the decrepit streets that they spent generations building before becoming flavoring before the statue of liberty which the Maranians presumably left untouched out of spite and as another utensil to further crush spirits. Piper inhaled deeply, as she stared through the pane that was clearest. She was the only one on the top floor, she was small enough to weasel her way through and up the prison systems vents. Almost got stuck once or twice but she was determined if nothing and once she got up here she figured she may be spared the culling when they decide its time to empty this building. They might check every floor in which case she is up an alley without a paddle but if she hears them coming she will try and hide back in the vents. Some surely have evaded them that way. Hopefully they are the kind want to fight for humanity. She figured atlesst half of them were and 50/50 is still better than all giving up hope. The air that seeped through the shattered and cracked windows tinged with the scents of sweet processed human and other animals. She found herself thinking if they had a ratio. Five humans for every one dog per one thousand litres of water or something like that. She wiped her eyes and walked over to the window as she heard the start of the marching. There used to be shouting protests and people attempting to break loose but now they all just marched in silence broken shells being led to the bay. Herded by Maranian troopers. They were easy to spot even from this high with their orange helmets and extravagant yellow cloaks. Those stood out against the grim even in the sunlight. Each holding a laser spear and in the other had assault rifles, they seemed like using these to taunt the humans more than anything, they had far superior weapons at their disposal. From this high up it was hard to make out so she grabbed for her binoculars she had managed to grab from a shop window while bring transported here. There was so many people being brought into New York, the Maranians had no choice but to make people march and occasionally at least at the beginning people tried to break off and run or grab food from a store on the route. It didn't seem important to keep the humans fed or watered as long as their skin and bones made it. Those who did die were put into hastily made carts and the living were made to haul the carts behind them until they got where they were going or died themselves in which case they were added to a cart and someone else took over. She had managed to grab three still somewhat ripe carrots and binoculars on the way here from a store front window when a group decided to break formation. She is pretty sure she is the only one who didn't get executed and carted for that. She was small and quick enough to get in and pocket things before slipping back out into the crowd. Through the binoculars she looked down into the thriving marching mass, they were a decent pair and came with a zoom function upto 10 times, it even had a little cute red lace to go around her neck. In the crowd were beaten faces, some trudging along silently weeping. White people, Black People, Asian people, Hispanics, middle easten. The Maranians really didn't care. Babies to adults it mattered not. The last 3 days she had been up here and it was the same thing she saw every morning. They must have rounded up every human on the continent and started stocking them around the bay turning the buildings already there into make shift holding pens. Then selectively picking buildings to empty that day and marching them down either to another building that had previously been emptied or direct to the bay. By the flurry of activity near river they had the processing down to a science by now as one huge ship came down circular but not like in old movies, it was shaped and curved in fancy waves, presumably for aerodynamic reasons with laser cannons dotted the side of the ship so it was fully protected from all sides. It dropped a huge hooked chain onto the top of the dam they had made in the river just before the bay. The chain seemingly sunk into the building for a few minutes before the ship jolted up and the middle of the dam lifted allowing tons and tons of ocean water to flow back into the very shallow bay. Once it reached roughly the same level it usually is the ship slammed back down and closed the dam back off. A huge bright heated blast then shot from all the cannons mounted on the side facing the bay and almost instantly the orange beams made the water start to steam and boil. The screaming would start soon. There was a clambering suddenly from behind Piper, she shot around dropping her binoculars and ready to claw anything that came near her, she had always liked long nails just like her mother and they did come in handy, especially now she had shaped and pointed her actual real nails into sharp points. She clawed out of reflex but just swiped the air. A few feet away from her a pair of dusty white Puma brand running shoes poked out of the vent mounted on the side of the wall. It wasn't the one she came through, she didn't think that one went anywhere. Following the shoes were black slacks also adorned with a Puma this one was rainbow shaded though and a matching Hoodie followed and eventually girl appeared out of the grate. Piper drew in a deep breath, ready to attack but a voice made her stay where she was. "For humanity" is all that was said. The voice was like sugar. Disarming and reassuring. "Who are you?" Uttered Piper, she thought for a second "also.... for humanity". The girl smiled, was she a girl? Positively female, Maybe 20? Still young. Looked young but had a maturity about her. Behind those dark eyes and darker skin, her hair braided in an odd pattern. "Ivy, well that's my nickname" she said as she relaxed a little but stayed where she was. "Pipes" Piper found herself saying. Feeling it was just as good a nickname as any. "Ivy is short for Ivory" Ivy chuckled a little. "Pipes is short for Piper" was the reply and just as she was thinking the same thing, "that has the same amount of letters?" Ivy said cautiously. Piper just laughed. For the first time in months she actually full on laughed. Ivy closed the cover on the book wiping a tear away from her swelling eyes. Memories both making her soul float and simultaneously crush it. The remembering of a kiss and swiftly followed by the final image of heartbreaking horror. "Thanks for the carrot doc" she hushed under her breath. As she stood up and adjusted her dress, walked over to the mirror to make sure she wasn't a complete mess. There was a knock on the door. No one opened though, they knew better. It was just a reminder that she had to go and finish all of this. She owed this to the people outside, she owed it to humanity and she owed it to Piper. This was her duty. Her end of the promise. She touched up her lipstick, took a deep breath and opened the heavy oak door. The corridor to the main doors felt weirdly long like she was walking in a dream. People were smiling and offering their hands and quick quips of congratulations. Eventually the corridor ended and the bouquet of microphones stood before her. She was blanketed with sheer noise. Hands clapping and cheering. Four million people had come to see the inauguration of the first president of the new age. They had fought and struggled the last 5 years to win and stabilize as a society. She remembered Pipers sacrifice as the cheers reached fever pitch and thought this should have all been for her. Piper was the catalyst that changed the dynamic of the rebellion, she had a mind made to pick out the best in people and how to effectively use them while also treating everyone the same, no exceptions. Everyone was equal. She was a lover and the only thing she fought for was love. Ivy cleared her throat. " thank you" was that audible? She hoped so. " we are humanity" she said firmly but with a little bit of her Louisiana sass. The cheer in response was louder than the first. Two fireworks shot off from the back of the crowd and exploded into the colours of the rainbow. " we stand here on the other side of tyranny and breath free air. It tastes good!" Another roar. " I am honored to have to won the chance to be the first president of this new age. It has been a long road but we have got this far and together united as a planet we will go further" she allowed the applause to die down. " my first act as president is to send a message to the rest of the world, whoever is left out there. We will send this as far and wide as we can, over satellites and radios until it reaches all the ears that will listen" there was a silent anticipation in the crowd. " while our countries remain in name, we must unite as one planet. We now know there are other planetary beings and being torn apart by racial divides or religious divides was almost our downfall. So if you wish to join our new world please be ready accept..." she paused. Tears welling in her eyes. Just like Pipers did the last time she saw her and she spoke the same words "everyone is equal" the cheer was defeaning. Maybe the world was ready change. Just maybe  

June 12, 2020 01:58

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