Your trusty false partner.

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: End your story with someone saying “I do.”... view prompt


Drama American Romance

“I don't know if this is right. Maybe you should go, It might for the best. I don't want to embarrass my sister.” He said, his voice cracking.

My client, Paul, was an anxious man. I've seen the type time and time again: a nervous twitcher, with a few quirks and

mannerisms (in his case, rubbing his thumb against the side of his index finger and a trembling voice when his anxiety peaked). This gave an off impression of who he was. You know, he had that type of vibe of who you wouldn't give a second date to, but if you knew him in a situation in which he was relaxed, it would be endearing to see him nervous. He was a good man, even if a bit too shy

for his own good. Meek, but not in a bad way.

He was the kind of person that needed some reassurance in his life… And I was there for that. He needed me, after all. I doubted he would pull through the night without my help. Also, I rented an

expensive and gorgeous burgundy dress just for tonight, and he also had paid for my time. Heck, I had been working on this for more than a week, meeting his parents, sister and all, just for the sake of this moment. I wasn't going home without putting a proper end to things.

“Paul.” I said, gently touching the side of his face. “I know this might not feel nice, but it is what you wanted. Backing down now would put all this week to waste. Also, it's just one more night. After this, we will be perfect strangers. And I don't think I need to tell you that this is for your sake and your family’s. Just one last push, okay?”

He lifted his head, looking at me in the eyes. He was cute even with the freckles, scrawniness and all. Even more, those green eyes of his were strangely beautiful. This man needed some confidence,

and maybe tonight would help him to change his life´s course. After all, I was rooting for him as a person.

“Thanks Natalie… yeah… yeah! This is for the best. We have done so much already…”

“Exactly.” I answered, smiling lightly. “Also, it would be a pity now that your mother at least tolerates me. Even if we are fooling them, I would like to give a last good impression.”

He chuckled a little bit. He had an infectious smile when it was genuine, not that one he forced when he was nervous.

“I doubt my mom would ever tolerate you. She is going to be glad to not see you again.”

“It's the shoulder tattoo, right?” I asked.

“Yeah, that and more, I guess.” He inhaled deeply, and then exhaled as if he was expelling every fear out of his body. “I'm ready now. Let's go.”

I nodded, He looked determined. That was the sign of a job well done and a good night from here on out. Now ready, we stepped out of the car, going into the reception.

The place was lavish, luxurious and clearly, too expensive for my wallet. Thankfully, when I'm on the job, the only cash I need is my ability and beauty. A valet offered to take our coats, and quickly afterwards, we crossed the garden's hall, a beautiful arcuate wooden structure invaded by wisterias, dangling softly in the April wind. Not too chill to need a blanket, cold enough to suffer a bit with a sleeveless, open backed dress. We crossed the pink floral spectacle, arriving at the reception, where a multitude of guests spoke with each other, only lit by some fire lamps, casting shadows on their sunbathed skins. There was nothing an Angeleno elite

loved more than showing off a tan as soon as it was possible, and here, they delivered. They also loved to flaunt their Balenciaga, Gucci, Armani and other similar clothing I was only able to afford in my dreams. Or paying 200$ just for one night of glamor and lies. I hated being broke.

Still, you could see some celebrities and big players of tech here and there. It was fascinating to see the type of elite that assisted to the event. I was used to doing my work in weddings sometimes,

but even for me, this was a little bit intimidating.

“Honestly.” I said. “This place must have cost a fortune.”

“Sis is dad's sweetheart. Sometimes I think even more than my mom. Her wishes are meant to be fulfilled.” Paul answered

“Guess that's easy as long as it's not your own money.”

“I doubt dad really cares. You know the story about…”

“His banana yacht was just a whim, yeah. It doesn’t make it better.” Then I saw his parents, doing the proper stroll around, saluting old friends, acquaintances and the like. And then, they saw us. “Captain Bananeer is coming here with Miss Macedonia.”

“Please don't call my parents that.” Said Paul. Both waved at us.

“You liked it the first ten times. A little late to back out from it.” We waved back, while they were reaching us.

“ Just… make sure to not call them that.”

“You know I'm a pro.” I answered quietly, while his father reached to hug me. I smiled as if we hadn't seen each other less than three hours ago. “Hello Richard! So nice to see you again.”

“Oh Natalie, we thought you weren't coming! You looked so pale and sick in the morning. Now I see you are radiant again.” Said his dad, trying to show some worry for me. I think he wasn't a bad man… just a little bit self-absorbed by his own success. It happens to the best, and you see worse in Los Angeles.

“I must have eaten something bad last night, nothing to worry about.” I answered, trying to make light on it. “Paul is just a sweetheart and needed to make sure I was okay, but we at least wanted to be here for the reception, even if we were unable to be at the ceremony.”

“It would have been nice if you made sure my son came to see his sister's wedding. Sometimes a gentle push in the right

direction does a lot.” Said his mom, Lorraine. She was as she sounded, and at least eight years younger than her husband, if not more.

“Sorry Lorraine, I just felt bad because of how insistent he was on making sure I was okay. I should have pressured him

to attend. My bad on that.” She looked at me, as if her gaze was able to pulverize every atom in my body. She wasn't really capable of that, so she just sneered behind a disingenuous smile.

I got why she hated me: I was young, gentle and smart, while at the same time, she saw her son as inexperienced, soft and nerdy. For her, I was out of his league, and the only plausible explanation for both of us being together was an interest not in her offspring,

but in his present and future fortune. Now, I didn'´t know if this hatred came from a motherly preoccupation or because it takes one to know one. Whatever it was, Lorraine was ready to blame every tiny nuisance on me. I guess she was going to be happy after tonight.

“Come on darling.” Said Captain Bananeer, to his beloved wife. “Don't be like that, they can see them now, and the ceremony was kind of boring. The best part for now is the entrée.” As if to

probe his words, he waved some boiled prawn with some kind of grilled sauce, all packed in a metallic stick. He looked super excited about his catch. I saw where Paul got his quirky self from. His wife rolled her eyes in a restrained way, the same restriction she applied to the smile she was trying not to show. Maybe Miss Macedonia really loved Captain Bananeer, and wasn't so bad after all.

“Well,” Lorraine said, trying to maintain her indignation. “Still, I think you two, or at least Paul should have come.” Then, she saw something in the distance, and her expression softened. “Oh

Sweetie! Right here! Well, now that your sister is on the way, try to look apologetic. It's the bare minimum. Hi Mark! Hi Lizzie!”

Paul turned for a second, and his expression changed to a more solemn one. That was clearly my cue. I hugged Paul's arm, and turned as well towards the newlywed couple. I smiled at Lizzie

effusively and then, looked at Mark. And I went pale, mouth agape and speechless. Mark looked at me, eyes open wide and trying to process what he was seeing.

Yes, I was the girl he had been sending nudes and he’d made out with two nights ago, at his bachelor´s party. The same that he had planned an escapade to a hotel after he came back from his

honeymoon, the rotten bastard. I feigned as much surprise as possible, all that my acting background and years of being a theater kid could provide me. I enjoyed seeing the horror arising in his face. After all, I was there to break a marriage.

Thing is, Mark was an asshole. With his strong jawline, chiseled body and a good enough career provided by a sports scholarship, he was kind of a walking blonde blue-eyed stereotype. Still, he

didn't have it all. He couldn't rival the fortune that his fiancée had access to, nor the job that her dad had provided him with, thanks to being “part of the family”. So, he chose Lizzie as her partner… but that wasn't really the problem.

If his only sin was to have meat for brains, I think I would have rejected this job. Even if the money was good, this is a part time thing for me, so I try to at least go for targets with clear proof that demonstrates their douchebaggery. Paul presented me with

faulty clues and no hard evidence, just some photographs and screenshots, but nothing highly incriminating. So why did I decide to take the job? Because I knew the bastard. He was seeing a barista friend of mine on and off. Looking at the timelines, he was engaged at the time.

Still, this wasn't an easy job. For what Paul told me, Lizzie had nearly found him out a couple of times, and yet this two-legged pig had used his silver tongue (in my opinion, he was not too bright

in terms of eloquence, but I guess she was deeply in love.) to make sure her distrust was taken care of. And so, my job became being the elusive girlfriend of Paul for a week. Go around the family second villa, making sure I got in contact with his sister and parents, avoiding him so he wouldn't realize who I was… then it was a matter of finding a moment to strike, which I did in his bachelor's party. He didn't even try to resist, just went all suave on me when

I gave a pair of inciting looks towards his way. I give him a few kisses, had fun while making a few incriminating photos, and then roleplayed a bit through text, having a few incriminatory and naughty images of him. Usually, I didn't go to this extent to make sure clients show their true colors, but I realized I can make an exception if I'm paid 7000 $ for a job. Also, seeing the hog's face

now was worth all the slobbering this damned dog did over me.

“Is everything alright?” Said Lizzie, looking at me worried, and then at her husband. “Are you okay?”

“I…” I let my lip tremble, and my voice to be cut by a fake weight in my throat. Years of having anxiety helped a lot, but it would be undermining my talent to say that the stutter I used wasn't pure

brilliance. “Y-you, wh-what are you? Y-you shouldn't be…” I said, while looking at her now petrified husband. “Married. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!”

And then, I broke into a sprint. I panted a little, not because I had bad cardio, but to add a little more pazzazz to it. I went to the car, which I asked previously to move to a nearby parking spot, and there, I took out my trusty lemon-based drops and a pair of sneakers, which my gown should be able to hide. I needed to run a bit at this point of the plan and I wasn't going to destroy my stilettos tonight.

“Hey!” Paul's voice reached me. “Are you alright?”

“Hm? Oh, of course. Take this.” I answered, passing him the crimson stilettos. “Was I that good that you worried about me?” I asked.

“God, was that an act? Why aren't you in any movies yet?”

“Not all people from Kansas are as lucky as Dorothy.” I answered. “Ready for the last part?”

“I'm not sure, but I guess so.” He was shaking a bit. I grabbed his hand, squeezing it.

“Hey, you have been doing amazing. We got him where we wanted. Just one more thing, and that's it.” I said, he squeezed my hand back. “Let's bring that pig down.” He looked determined, I nodded satisfied. I might have started to take a shine to him right there.

We ran towards some trees that were a little bit far away. In the meantime, I sent a text, a damning text “we need to talk. Meet me on the left side of the woods.” And then, I waited, as visible as

possible, on the edge of the forest, while Paul was hidden. It didn't take even two minutes for him to start walking towards me. I got behind Paul's tree.

“Hold him for a few minutes. Remember, you know what happened, and you are angry.” I said, ready to run.

“I don't know if I can…”

“Do you hate the guy?” I asked.

“Yeah.” He answered sincerely.

“Embrace that” I got near him, and whispered in his ear. “Fucker groped me without my permission. He treated me poorly, and has also done so to your sister.” Then, I looked again towards him. “Give him hell.”

I looked into his eyes, and saw a green spark in them. Good, now he was ready. I started running, crossing the woods, soon hearing “What the fuck did you do!?” coming from Paul's mouth. I grinned,

making my way towards the bride. This was the last push. I took my lemon drops, and put them in my eyes. It burnt a little, making me cry. I feigned a messy breathing and I walked towards her, still blushing from the run. She looked at me, near her wedding cake, clearly worried.

“Li-Lizzie, w-we need to talk.” I said, panting.

“Hey, eh, yeah. Are you alright?” She said, grabbing me by the shoulders. She looks sincerely preoccupied. I didn't like what I needed to do.

“L-look, the other day… I was drunk… I didn'´t…” I did a fake stop, as if my voice was failing me. With trembling hands, I searched for my phone. I opened the conversation with his shitty husband, and let her see. “I'm so sorry…”

She took the phone, and looked at the screen. She started swiping down, first in a neutral manner, then with silent tears in her eyes. She lifted her face, clearly about to have an emotional fit.

“I'm really sorry.” And I was, even if this was for her own good.

I was ready for a lot. This is not an easy job after all. But I was clearly not ready for her to pick up the sword to cut the cake, while dropping my phone to the ground.

“YOU WHORE” –She roared, and walked towards me.

I took a few steps back, ready to protect the rented dress from the first swing. It was more valuable than my life. Surprisingly,

she just passed by, holding her skirt and the sword firmly. I was paralyzed, still in shocked of her reaction. After clearing a few meters, she turned around and looked at me, pointing her sword like a fury, ready to claim her revenge.

“Gotta deal with that man whore.” She said calmly, then adding. “Leave my brother alone. You hurt him again and you are next.”

I nodded while I took my phone. The moment I ran away, the rest of the guests tried to stopped her. I wish them good luck.

Twenty minutes later I was sitting on a little stone bench in the garden, munching on some appetizers I was able to get during my escape. In the distance I heard her berating her now declared ex-husband. This wasn't my most elegant work, but it succeeded nonetheless. I was satisfied, same as Paul, who was walking towards me.

“How is she?” I asked, while eating the fancy prawns.

“Crying as if the world is ending. Mom is taking care of it. At least Mark has run away.”

“Did he run from her?”

“Nah, the guest stopped her, but dad decided to take his gun out. I guess Mark saw fit to retreat.”

“You have a good family. Y'all will be fine.” I said while smiling. “Do you want a seat?” I offered, making space on the bench.

He sat with me and we both enjoyed the chilly spring breeze, with all the commotion in the background. He looked more energized and secure of himself. I felt happy to have helped. Hell, I think I

was happy to be near him. His green eyes shone brightly in the fire lamp’s light. My heart skipped a beat.

“Hey.” I spoke. He turned towards me, nonchalantly. “Do you want to share these snacks with me while we have a walk?”

He smiled softly, taking a mushroom tartlet.

“Yes, I do.”

August 24, 2024 03:31

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Sasha Walters
15:36 Sep 04, 2024

it's was good i love it but Mark wasn't a good man he's cheating and was seeing other women


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Icaro Hernández
10:42 Aug 25, 2024

I enjoyed it so much! The character's little tics and details gave them so much life and depth in so little time! Also amazing how you slowly get into the story even if you are thrown in the middle of a conversation at the beggining. I ended up rooting for Paul and also for Lizzie reaching her ex-groom with the cake-knife xD Amazing work!!!!


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