Tits butt a dream

Written in response to: Write a story with a big twist.... view prompt



The coffee was piping hot but she wrapped the thing in a cardboard sleeve. He picked the single seat table. Unfortunately it was positioned in direct view of the counter. The cardboard or plastic cup sat on the counter steaming ever so gently.

“Excuse me, is this for Frank?”

She stared with her raccoon eyes, the dark eyeliner extending to her nostrils.

“It's for Foe, can't you read?” she hissed, her stud hitting the metal wire that crushed her crooked teeth in position. How her tongue didn't get stuck in those brackets is a mystery. She was literally so metal.

“It's a black coffee isn't it? I don't think anyone here drinks that. I must have stuttered. May I take it?”

She placed a hand on the counter and stood on her tippy toes yelping:

“Black coffee for Foe. Shitty, unflavored, no cream, no sugar, bland, no straw, old coffee for Foe!”

Her black nails tapped a steady beat. She didn't break eye contact which for some unexplained reason gave Frank a semi.

“I'm thirty-five.”

“You’re old. Take your coffee and go.”

“I'd like to drink it here if you don't mind. Oh and the coffee call when we're the only ones in the restaurant is cute. Do you do stand-up?”

“Look dad, why don't you come back in the morning when all the moms get their pumpkin spice latte. Maybe you'll hit it off and do it in your minivan.”

Frank smiled, grabbing his drink and sat down facing her. She scoffed and took her phone out. It was black. The dinner was in the middle of nowhere. The parking lot was pitch black the only light coming from the fluorescent light above the counter. The black shirt caressed her fit body, her nipples poking through because she had no need for a bra. Black is a theme in this story it seems.

“It's a two seater…”

She stopped typing for a second and then continued her eyes never leaving the screen.

“But the trunk is quite spacious. You can fit all your shopping bags: hot topic, sephora, you name it…”

She put the phone on the counter and walked in front of him. Her body was spectacular: long legs, short skirt and stoking, perfect ponytail and that face…A face so pretty no amount of black or studs or nose rings could ever mess up.

“You shop for your kid or something?”

“Do you have any other piercings apart from your tongue and nose?”

She lifted her shirt just below her bare breasts. She chewed gum but didn't smile, her gaze fixed on his face.

“It looks great. Did it hurt?”

“Not as much as the other three”, she said, blowing a pink bubble.

Frank sipped coffee staring back into her eyes.

“Those two I've noticed. You have great breasts.”

“I know. I have great everything.”

“You don't mind me saying these things?”

“I don't care. Guys, girls, they want me all the time. Nothing bothers me about that”, her voice soft and inviting. The young girl paced towards him. She stopped within arms reach.

“You're kinda cute up close.”

“Thank you, I could tell there was something off when you said those things at the counter.”

“What gave it away?”

“A twinkle in your green eyes.”

She smiled, gently twisting as she rubbed her thighs. He tapped his lap.

“Sit down.”

She wrapped her hands around his neck. The heat coming off her body was enough to fry an egg. Or two in Frank's case.

“Why don't you take off your - bang!”

His head evaporated from his body, a red mist coating her body from head to toe. She fell to the ground, the wound in her arm gushing blood on the tiles. The pain was enough to make anyone pass out but the girl was terrified. She crawled behind the counter and hit the panic button, crying and trembling in fear. Moments later she heard the dinner doors swing open. Boots stepped on broken glass. A wet thud and the sound of bones scraping together forced her to take short, violent breaths. Her arm burned and oozed blood but she dared not take her trembling hands away from her mouth. A gloved hand snatched her hair and pulled her over the counter as she screamed in agony. The hooded figure rammed its fist in her face drawing blood as it broke teeth with each strike. The wire suspended them outside the bone as she gagged on blood-

*Stop it. Why can't you give her a nice ending?

Like what?

Like not having her brutalized and murdered.

Why? Because she's a kid? We’ve killed kids before…

Just put a nice ending in it ok?

You like goth girls huh? Fine.

A gloved hand snatched her hair and dragged her body over the counter. She screamed as the back of her head slammed against the hardwood. Blood dribbled in her mouth, her assailant choking and convulsing, a small switchblade protruding from his neck. He thrashed around on the tiles. She had to curl up and cover her ears to block out the sound of a gurgling death.

She laid there, trembling until police arrived at the scene. Inside the ambulance a paramedic cleaned her shoulder.

“Buck shot, you're lucky it missed your head. That's the last one. I'll stitch you up now, ready?”

Sleep washed over her. The girl could barely hold her eyes open. She felt her shirt being pulled up, his hands on her breasts. A tear rolled on her cheek, a scream got caught in her throat as cold hands crushed her flesh and fingers found their way down sliding inside-

*You had to go there.

Don't feel bad for her. They never found another body inside the dinner. She's a crazy murderer, that paramedic isn't groping her, it's all in her crazy head. Who do you think shot Frank?

Oh what a great twist. You should direct.

Jokes on you, it was all a dream.

July 22, 2024 09:10

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