Christmas is Coming

Submitted into Contest #230 in response to: Start your story with someone uttering a very strange sentence.... view prompt


Christmas Fiction Inspirational

“I wonder what the elves are building right now.”

A writer has a great imagination, true, but this utterance in the middle of a presentation was met with some raised eyebrows and open mouths. Ella snapped back into reality as she gazed upon the faces of her clients, wondering why they were looking at her that way. 


Mr. Davenport cleared his throat and said, “What on earth brought that on, Miss Clark?”

In truth, Ella wasn’t here at the meeting, she was thousands of miles away, thinking of her family in California. 

“I’m so sorry, Mr Davenport, I’ve been a little distracted knowing that Christmas is coming and I’ve so much to do to get ready.” 

“For crying out loud, Miss Clark, that’s two weeks away! Concentrate, please!”

“I’m sorry everyone, where was I?”

Ella somehow finished the presentation and sat at her desk with her head in her hands. ‘I’m going to get fired, and then where will I be?’ she thought to herself. She couldn’t help her distraction. Her grown kids were in Fresno, probably doing their own preparations, her husband was in Florida on a business trip, and here she was in Manhattan, trying to get through a simple presentation for a new ad campaign. 

In fact, it was an ad that had her thinking about the nearness of the holidays. Last night she had been getting her things together for the presentation while the tv was blaring from the living room when she heard the ad come on for the cartoon version of Rudolph the Red - Nosed Reindeer. She’d watched it every year as a child, and tonight would be no different. She remembered how it always made her cry, no matter how hard she tried to fight it. The lessons it taught, the songs they sang, and how Herbie just wanted to be a dentist, not an elf.

Why she remembered it as she was giving the presentation, she can’t say, but it had to be her subconscious telling her to hurry up and get ready!’

She had shopping to do, decorations to put up, cards to send out food to buy…that could wait …gifts to send to her kids. They wouldn’t be here this year. She didn’t really know the plans they had made, having boys meant everything was a mystery. Anyway, she had to stop this daydreaming and get back to work and worry about it all when she got home later.

Ella Clark worked for Sharing Local Media- giving brands control over sharing their message. She wasn’t a big fish, but she was well respected in her job. She had been trying for years to fit in and feel like she belonged, but her earlier outburst wasn’t going to help much with that. Hopefully they would shrug it off as part of the holiday madness that happens every year when people finally look up from their social media presence and realize that time is running out! Everyone knows when Christmas is, so why do they all act like it doesn’t matter until it’s almost on top of them? Are we all really that busy?

No. We are all that self-absorbed, including her kids and husband…and herself for that matter. In her case, it was sheer busyness. She had a job, she volunteered, and when she wasn’t doing all that, she wrote. In her journal, on her blog, and various articles for a few magazines. Not the great American novel yet, but maybe someday. Her volunteer work was where else but the local library. She loved to read as well. She was a huge fan of giving books as gifts, but she didn’t think her family really appreciated or understood their importance like she did, so she would think of something else this year. 

In fact, she wondered if they appreciated her at all at times. She was the giver in the family. Every year, unless her husband prompted it, she would wait for a phone call, or a card from her kids. Every year she was disappointed and finally caved in and called them herself.. Was it only boys that were so -what was it - forgetful? Selfish? Narcissistic? She shook it off and kept going. She would sometimes get her feelings hurt, but just said to herself every year, ‘Boys will be boys.’

Later that night, she sat down to make out a few Christmas cards to friends and close family while she watched Rudolph and relaxed with a glass of wine. Why do they play these things so early, she wondered. Yet she loved them. They brought her back to her childhood, this one and Frosty the Snowman and, of course, her favorite…The Grinch. Well, she wouldn’t keep Christmas from coming either. She wrote her 30 or so cards out, put them in their proper envelopes, and stamped them so she could drop them in the mail on the way to work. 

Now. She could mark that off her to-do list. She settled back and sipping her wine was startled when the phone rang. “Hello?” 

“Hi, Honey.” Her husband. “What are you doing?”

“Well, I’m watching Christmas cartoons and drinking wine. I miss you, when are you coming home?”

“I’ll be there tomorrow by the time you get home from work.” 

“Awesome! We have so much to do! In fact, I just wrote out my Christmas cards.”

“Christmas?? That’s two weeks away!”

“Yes, I know dear. And if we don’t get on a stick, nothing will get done until the last minute. I don’t want to be rushing around two days before!”

Sigh. “Ok, so what is my job? Shall I put the lights up, or wait, I’ll hire someone to do it, I’m too busy.”

“Ok, we’ll put the tree up together then. I’ll make sure the decorations are all ready to go before you get back and then we’ll do it together.”

“Sounds good, see you tomorrow, Babe.”

“Love you, see you tomorrow.”

She figured he was all talk, but she would see. Just in case, she better go down to the basement and get the decorations for the tree and the few things they put out around the house. Part of her wondered why she bothered. No one was coming to see them that she knew of, yet she was always hopeful a friend would drop by. Even unannounced it would be welcome. Once she’d gathered all the decorations and stacked them in a corner, she was tired and decided to turn in for the night. 

As she was drifting off, it occurred to her that when she was a child, it seemed like all the Christmas cartoons, shows, and parades were all lumped in together in the week of Christmas. Or did memory fail?

When she got home from work the next day, she was shocked to see the lights twinkling on the roof as promised. How he did that so fast, she had no idea. She gaily waltzed into the house to greet her husband but stopped short. What greeted her instead was a crew of teens in elf costumes putting up her Christmas tree! What the dickens? “Hey!!” She cried.

Just then her husband rounded the corner and shouted, “Surprise!!”

“What is going on here?” she asked after a shared smack on the lips.

“I wanted to surprise you and make you proud of me. You sounded a bit stressed last night.”

“Awww, Honey this is great!” That’s what she said out loud, but inside she was kind of sad that he’d robbed her of her joy. She wanted them to do it together. What ever happened to traditions? Oh well, he’d made the effort and for that she was grateful. Ella moved to the kitchen to prepare dinner and Randy, her husband, joined her. 

“Want some wine?” He asked as he poured himself a glass. They had an open concept where they could see the living room while in the kitchen. For a moment they stood together sipping wine and watching the elves do their work. Ella said thanks to Randy and that she better get dinner ready. He surprised her again.

“Already taken care of.”


“Yep, I picked up Chinese on the way home.” 

Who was this man, thought Ella. “Well, what’s gotten over you? I was going to make a casserole and some salad.

She appreciated it though, she was actually pretty tired. She had not been able to concentrate at work, so in her spare time had been window shopping on Amazon and Etsy, trying to find the perfect gifts for the boys so she could get them wrapped and sent in time.

Randy replied, “I figured you needed a real break. I hired the elves to do the decorations, picked up dinner, and thought we could plan the rest tomorrow. Together”

“Ok, where’s my husband,” she replied. “Normally I talk and nobody hears me. Now you’re being kind and sensitive. What have you done with my Randy? I feel like I’m in a Lifetime movie or something.”

Just then one of the elves pooped up and said, “How do you like it? We are done!” 

They both turned to gaze at the Christmas tree. It was beautiful. All her well worn-ornaments were there among the snow-dusted shiny balls, all the lights were twinkling and changing colors, and they’d even added the old-fashioned silver icicles made of foil or whatever they were made with, dripping from the branches. It reminded her of her childhood tree.

“Oh! It’s gorgeous! Ella proclaimed.

“Job well done, kiddies. Come and get your dough.” Randy passed out the checks and bid them farewell.

“Honey,” Ella said, “This is so….extra.” 

“I’m glad you’re happy with it. Let’s eat!”

They did, and later that night they pored over the shopping sites again, together, and argued over various gifts. As they did, Ella wondered again wether it would even be appreciated. But that wasn’t the point, was it. Still, she wanted to do something different. 

“Babe. I have an idea.”

“Oh yeah? What is it?”

‘Why don’t I get all of them a basket from Harry and David? They have lovely food gifts with everything that is traditionally eaten during the holidays. Meat, cheese and crackers, spreads and cookies, and candy, of course.”

She looked at him hopefully, but could tell he was doubtful. His custom was to wait until Christmas Eve, Eve and then rush around like a madman picking whatever, rationalizing that the boys always needed clothes, and then overspend. Her way, it was one set price for each of them and hey! Who didn’t like to eat, right?

So it really shocked her when he said, “Yeah. Ok, that sounds great!” Who was this man?? 

Ella said, “I forgot to ask, how was Florida? Your work, it must be going well?”

Randy sold homeowner’s insurance and what he was in Florida for was a big convention. 

“It was great. The head honchos put on a big dinner, we did a casino night…I won a little bit. We all decided we want the next convention nearer to New York. I can’t wait to see what they dream up.”

“You must have done really good to have hired the elves and had all the lights up before I got home. Then to walk in on them decorating the tree…I’m overwhelmed. I’m overjoyed!”

“Nah, I’m just a very good financial planner dear. You have no idea.” He giggled and the sat on the couch and finished the wine before hitting the hay.

The next week flew by as they wrapped up losse ends at work, went to a Christmas party at her employer’s home, and had one last get together with friends at a local restaurant. Ella was tired, yet feeling accomplished. Cards had been sent, gift baskets purchased and set to be delivered close to the magic day. She could finally relax.groceries were bought and the meal was planned. 

Christmas Eve, she and Randy were watching A Christmas Story and drinking some eggnog when someone knocked on the door. Looking at each other and shrugging, Randy hopped up and went to the door.


There at the door stood Christopher, Joseph, and Arron, their three sons. Bursting through, the rushed to greet her and give her a hug. They were carting gifts, and bags too.

“What in the world. Oh my goodness. What is going on??” Ella sputtered. 

Chris said, “We got you, Mama!” 

Joseph smiled and asked, “Are you surprised?”

“Am I!! I’m feeling a bit misty and overcome. With joy, of course!”

Randy had a suspicious looking face. 

“Did you have a hand in this, Mister?” 

Aaron piped up then. “Mom, he said you were a little down. We wanted to cheer you up!”

She was about to cry, yet managed “Thank you. You don’t know what this means to me. I, I really thought you were kind of indifferent about it to be honest.”

They all shared knowing glances and nodding their heads they said, Dad figured it out. We know we seem ungrateful sometimes, Mom, but we really aren’t. We love you and don’t want you to feel bad.” 

Ella came to her senses then, remembering their gifts. “Oh, no! You won’t be home to receive your gifts!”

Chris jumped up and ran to a bag he’d brought in from the car. “They came early! We had so much we decided we could share one with you guys!” 

“Oh, this is too much. Have aliens replaced my children?”

All the boys laughed then and got busy setting out snacks. Ella said, “Sit down and we can watch the movie together. Who wants eggnog?”

“YUCK!” All three replied. “We brought our own drinks, thanks!”

Ella smiled and sat back down. Some things never changed. 

December 24, 2023 21:52

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Joe Smallwood
05:54 Jan 05, 2024

Great story and it made me a little sad that Christmas is over. All the preparation and memories are so special. Thanks for sharing.


Kim Smyth
19:16 Jan 05, 2024

Thanks, Joe. I think that’s one thing that drove me to write it. Living in a motor home and my back problems this year, we didn’t do anything in the way of decorating and I missed it. I missed being with my family too. Thanks for reading and commenting!


Joe Smallwood
21:47 Jan 05, 2024



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Jarrel Jefferson
14:47 Jan 03, 2024

My favorite part is Ella showing appreciation for her husband hiring teens to put up the Christmas tree, yet secretly wishing her and her husband built the tree together. I like that extra layer of emotion. Your set up of Ella being down for Christmas made it sweeter when her husband and children surprise her and gives her the holiday family time she wanted all along. I could’ve used more gloom though. Everything starts to go right for her about two weeks before Christmas when her husband makes his surprise return from Florida. Maybe she co...


Kim Smyth
19:22 Jan 03, 2024

Thank you for the helpful feedback. Remember, the prompt said to write an opening line with someone uttering a strange sentence. That’s why nothing else fits.


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Daniel Antion
15:18 Jan 02, 2024

This is a delightful story, Kim. Now I understand your earlier comment.


Kim Smyth
21:49 Jan 02, 2024

Thanks, Dan! I’m glad you enjoyed it and I appreciate the feedback!


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