Love and Spooks

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: End your story with someone saying “I do.”... view prompt


Fiction Romance Teens & Young Adult

Love and Spooks

“Aaaahh!” screamed Stephanie as she let out a high-pitched shriek of terror as she was greeted by the sight of a rather realistic looking werewolf looking ready to pounce upon entering the two-story house.

Behind her a cry of laughter rang out as she felt her friend’s hand rest on her shoulder trying to calm her down. “Easy Steph, it’s just Frank” The werewolf straightened his stance and looked more relaxed now. It looked silly to Amelia to see a werewolf go from a fierce pose to standing casually and waving like a shy kid in the corner.

“I don’t know why I let you talk me in to going to this ridiculous Halloween part Amy, you know how I get… Aaaahh!” she screeched again as another costumed patron turned the corner in front of her causing her to look down holding a hand on her heart as it felt like to her it was beating fast enough to escape its confines.

“You know what I’m just gonna find a nice quite corner to sit in and drink some apple cider” said Stephanie as she made her way to the dining room where an array of drinks and snacks were displayed in a fashion befitting a Halloween party. There on the table was a jack-o-lantern carved to look like it was vomiting guacamole and next to it was green colored tortilla chips and next to that was various sweets dressed up as ghouls and zombies using a liberal use of green and white frosting to convey the spooky nature the host was trying for.

Watching her friend vanish to the dining room, she would continue to mingle among the other party goers. Many of the faces she saw were unfamiliar to her, must be acquaintances of the host Rhonda. She always was the outgoing type making friends with just about anyone and with such ease that made her wonder just how she did it. The atmosphere was alive with Halloween music derived from popular horror films and included a few classics and even some remixes.

All the while the main house lights were all turned off and instead each room was lit up, but green, orange and purple string lights and some spotlights of the same colors were in the corner of each room giving it that flair of Halloween night and putting everyone in the mood to have a spooky good time as some would say.

Walking into the living room she spotted Ryan who was dressed in Robin Hood complete with a green tunic and quiver on his back with some mock arrows sticking out made from dowels he got at the craft store. As she took notice of him, she suddenly felt more alive, like just the sight of him sent waves of euphoria rushing through her body. Not sure of the feelings coursing through her she looked away and tried to find something to occupy her mind. She found herself fidgeting and playing with the fabric of her dress. She became lost in the feeling of the subtle contours of the fabric and its texture, losing track of those around her.

“Hi Amy” Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest when the voice called her from behind and she turned abruptly to see Ryan now two feet in front of her. “Oh hi Ryan, it’s… it’s…” she stammered trying to get her words out. Why was she having such a hard time speaking she couldn’t figure it out. “It’s to see you, I love your costume”

“Thank you, I love yours too. Maid Marian, right?” he gestured with his hand to her dress the purple light in the room amplified the fabric of her dress. “Yes, I simply adore the character of Maid Marian she was a childhood favorite growing up” she said swaying a little from side to side to show off how the fabric flowed gracefully.

“It looks really good on you” he said softly with a smile on his face she felt her heart flutter at the compliment. Her rational mind tried to figure out why she was feeling such things since she had known him for years ever since he moved into the neighborhood at the age of ten and now, she was eighteen and discovering new and evolving emotions that at times proved too much for her to handle.

“Hey, listen, I was going to get some cider, would care to join me?” he asked, and she heard him, but she was processing what he just said but didn’t respond right away. “Hello? Cider?” he asked again this time shortening his question.

She simply nodded and earned another smile from him. She followed him back to the dining room where there was a bowl of cider and cups next the puking Jack-o-lantern. He pointed at it amusingly as he picked up a plastic cup and poured some cider and handed it to her before pouring himself one.

“So did you come with anyone?” he asked trying to strike up a conversation.

“Yes uh yeah, I came here with my friend Stephanie or rather I call her Steph for short” she said as she volunteered more information then she planned. As she said she glanced around to see if she was nearby but could not find her. “Well, she’s probably somewhere hiding from the scary costumes” Amalia said with a chuckle and Ryan did as well.

“I’m surprised you managed to get her here, she can barely watch Halloween without covering her eyes” Amalia shrugged a little. “Well she has expressed interest in trying to overcome her fears and so I suggested we start with this party but it might be awhile before she can fully relax in a place like this”

Ryan nodded as he listened intently to her story. “That’s good of you to try and get her to face her fears, you’re a good friend even if she might be thinking it right now”

“Yeah, I doubt she will be thanking me anytime soon.” She said as she took a sip of her cider. “So… Robin Hood?” she said feeling awkward right away with how she said it.

“I grew up watching all the Robin Hood films including the Disney classic and even the less talked about version the Black Fox from the classic movie Court Jester, as a kid I’d always be caught in the back yard in the tree with a stick for a sword quoting the movie. My parents were always worried I’d break my neck or something.”

She let out a soft chortle as he told the story of his childhood as she pictured a young boy running around wielding a stick as a sword caught up in his imagination. Soon time passed as the two just talked about this and that while standing nearing the snacks and not paying any attention to the rest of the party. Amalia felt herself growing more confident being near Ryan and unconsciously drifted closer to him.

Soon enough, they both felt silent as words faded away and all that was left was the raw emotion both seemed to be feeling. By now Amalia was leaning closer and closer to him. Her lips were mere inches from his she knew it was finally happening.

“Get a room you two” cried out some other teen from across the room causing the two to break apart suddenly and look away awkwardly. She mentally scolded the other guy for ruining the moment.

“I’ll be right back I need to find my friend.” With that he scurried off to another part of the house and she rested her hands on the counter letting out a heavy sigh.

“Almost had it, almost”

“Almost had what?” a familiar voice asked as she turned to see her friend Stephanie. “Oh, hey Steph.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I was this close” she said holding her two fingers millimeters apart. “Till some butthead ruined the moment and now I will never know if he feels the same way for me.”

“Why don’t you just ask him?” asked Stephanie as Amalia knew that was a rational thing to do, she couldn’t work up the courage to do so.

“What if he doesn’t like me the way I do him?”

Stephanie patted her friends back gently as she did her best to comfort her in her time of need. She had known Amalia for only a short time now, but she had always been a trusted friend and someone Amalia went to for advice and she certainly hoped she would take it now.

“I can’t say for sure, no one can. But are willing to spend the rest of your life thinking about the one that got away cause you were too scared to ask”

Amalia smiled as she could feel the sense of irony happening, her friend who was always the scared one is now coaching her on not being afraid and that she should push past her fears and go and ask him.

“Your right Steph, funny how I was the one scared all along but not anymore.” She drank the rest of her cider in one gulp to psyche herself up. Despite the fact it was just cider and not alcoholic. It took her awhile to find Ryan again and when she did he was standing next to his friend Dave dressed as Thor in the backyard.

“Ryan do you have a moment?” he turned to face her and nodded before excusing Dave to give them some space. Dave patted him on the back and gave him a knowing look before walking away he had an idea what was about to happen and he wanted to leave them alone.

“Ryan, back there in the house we were getting closer and then got interrupted. And so I have to know something.”

He nodded as she prepared to answer any questions she had. She took a moment to gather herself by straightening her dress and clearing her throat.

“Ryan…” her heart was beating a mile a minute now as her body tensed up. “Ryan…”


“Ryan, do you want to go out with me and become my boyfriend?” she said rather quickly, taking Ryan by surprise and it took him a moment to process what she said and in those brief few seconds they felt like hours to Amalia.

“I do” he said very simply and with a soft tone of voice and with that he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a deep loving kiss. Nearby party goers who witnessed the event clapped and cheered on the young couple and her friend Stephanie watched from afar with a smile on her face feeling such pride for her friend. If this was how her first Halloween party was like, she was looking forward to next years.

August 24, 2024 00:49

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Kim Olson
03:52 Aug 29, 2024

I like how they dress up as two legendary lovers: Robin Hood and Maid Marian. Cute story. I would advise you to proof carefully. Watch your verb tenses, word choices, and punctuation. Also try to tighten up your writing. Some of your sentences were rather long and convoluted.


Justin Diaz
04:31 Aug 29, 2024

Thanks for the feedback, it is much appreciated.


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