The Apple Orchard

Submitted into Contest #63 in response to: Write about two characters going apple picking.... view prompt


Suspense Fiction Horror

Sally and Sam were going to pick apples. They always did this time of year. The leaves were turning red, orange and yellow, and the smell of fresh apple pie always filled the air. Sam and Sally were driving to the apple orchard that they always went to, when they saw a sign that said: Permanently Closed. Sam and Sally had no idea why the orchard would be closed. They had been going to this orchard for the past 10 years. So they got back in their car, and were driving to go home, when they saw an apple orchard they had never noticed before. It seemed to be open, and no one was there.

¨ How have we never noticed this? When we were coming here, I did not see this apple orchard. I am positive this was not here!¨  Sally said.

¨ Well, since the other place is closed, we might as well go to this orchard.¨  replied Sam.

So they parked in the bumpy gravel filled parking lot, and got out of the car. When they reached the booth where they would get their baskets to but the apples in, they saw a sign that said Take one. Sam and Sally had never seen anything like this before. There was always someone that was working at the booth. But, they took a basket anyway, and followed the signs down to the orchard. It was a long walk down a big steep hill. But when they finally got to the orchard, they knew that the walk down the hill was worth it. The apples were the reddest, juiciest, biggest looking apples either of them had ever seen.

¨ Wow, why have we never come to this place, and why is there no one else here?¨

asked Sam.

¨ We should have found this place a long time ago!¨  Said Sally.

So Sally reached out to pick an apple. She wrapped her hand around the apple, and pulled. But the apple would not come off the tree. So she pulled harder. But still, the apple would not come off the tree. 

¨ Here Sam, you try.¨  Said Sally.

So Sally stepped out of the way, and Sam tried to pull the apple off the tree. But just like Sally, Sam had no luck. All of a sudden, the sky started to turn dark, and a huge wall was starting to grow around the apple orchard. Sam was still holding onto the apple, when he felt a pinch. He looked down at the apple, and to his surprise, he saw that the apple had a face, and had just bit his hand. Enough for his hand to start bleeding. He quickly let go of the apple, and him and Sally backed up. They were really scared! Sally backed up so much that she felt herself bump into the rough tree bark of the apple tree that was across from the tree with the apple that had the face. Suddenly, Sally felt a tug at her hair. There was another apple with a face, and it was biting on her hair. She and Sam backed up into the middle of the Orchard.

¨ Sam, are you seeing all these apples with faces, or is it just me?¨ Sally asked, trembling with fear.

¨ No… it's not just you. I see them too.¨  replied Sam.

Slowly, all the apples on the trees in the orchard, turned and they revealed a face. Every single apple in the orchard had a face! 

¨ RUN!¨  screamed Sam.

Sam was running as fast as he could, with Sally right behind him. Sally turned one time to look back at the apples, and to see what they were doing. They were jumping off the tree, and bunching together to create a huge apple monster!

¨ Uh Sam... you might want to look behind you.¨  Sally said in a quiet voice.

Sam slowly turned around and he saw the big monster. The apples stacked themselves for the legs, and thousands of apples got together for the body. The monster had a long tail, that was whipping back and forth. The Monster also had a long neck, with a huge head, and the head has thousands of eyes. The head also had razor sharp teeth. The teeth were so sharp, that when the head brushed its teeth against a tree by accident , the whole tree fell down! When Sam and Sally saw this, they ran as fast as they could. And that was not what scared them the most. All the apples were chanting:


Sam and Sally ran as fast as they could, but the apple monster was 20 times bigger than them! Sam tripped over an apple core, that the monster threw at him.

¨¨ Sam! Are you ok? We have to keep moving. The apple monster is getting closer!¨

And not only that, the wall around the apple orchard was getting taller and taller. As they passed the booth where they got their basket, they noticed that a huge apple with a face was waiting there. The apple must have been as big as a boulder. 

¨ Time to eat my supper! HAHAHA.¨ The apple said. 

As they got closer to the wall around the orchard, they noticed that it was made out of metal, and there was oil poured all over it. And there was nothing to grab onto to get up onto the wall, so that they could escape. They were trapped. Meanwhile, the apple monster was getting closer. 


The apple monster was now about 20 feet away.

¨ Sam, we are not going to make it, there is no way out!¨  said Sally

The monster was now 5 feet away, and they could smell the apple's nasty rotten breath. The apple monster bent down, and scooped up Sam, and ate him in one bite. Sally banged on the wall, and screamed for help, but she knew that no one would hear her. It was too late. And the monster bent down, and ate her too...

October 14, 2020 18:19

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