Not a Perfect Murder

Submitted into Contest #42 in response to: Write a story that ends with a character asking a question.... view prompt



It was summertime. When fifteen years old, Raj died from jumping off the hill. His four friends told the police officer that they were together waiting for Raj to come hostel. They were planning to give Raj a surprise party for his winning a Gotham writing contest. The motel manager tells the officer last night Raj called him and was asking for a vehicle, he sounds like he was running from someone. The police found the car crashed in electric poll, that Raj was driving, but he was not in there. After the long search, the rescue team find Raj body. his body was floating in the water river. His face turned white like a snow. An autopsy determined that Raj Sharma died of asphyxiation caused by strangulation. His death ruled a homicide. This was already disturbing enough to draw town attention — but Raj’s own friends quickly fell under scrutiny, and many who had followed the story began to speculate on whether his friends were somehow involved. Raj’s friend, Ravi, told police he woke up early that morning to find Raj missing. He called 911 to report a kidnapping, saying he found a nearly 3-page ransom note demanding $108,000. Another there were some novels of Agatha Christi and more. Raj’s mother, Ajanta, told media she burst into tears when she saw his body for first time. About seven months later, secondly a boy named Lucky, one of the Raj’s friends, was gone missing. That terrified everyone. “It is like yesterday I talked to Kunal about Raj? And now him.” Said Ravi. “he was nice boy and also a good friend of ours.” The mist of cold missing of a boy covers the whole island. and the case has gone unsolved.

 A famous detective name Rashail, who worked with SDA (a group of organisations which solve case). He started his investigation from the being of all. As the time passes the news bruit all over the country. He must solve the case as fast as possible. No there is a lot pressure on me. The state government said. Don’t worry sir, Rashail is one of the finest detectives of our organisation. He sure will solve the case. SDA said.


On the very next morning, the detective Rashail went to the case report. Several dozens of people have claimed credit for the high-profile crime. The local authorities helped in investigate at the time, and it ran record checks on potential suspects. However, none of the confessors appeared to be telling the truth. Detective was not aware of this it was frustrating. He baked his chair and take a deep breath and close his eyes. he was in deep thought. Then suddenly, he opens his eyes and quickly move the papers aside. And picked up one page of the suspect list. It was Sourabh Kumar, a friend of Raj. Rashail go to Sourabh house.

“He is here,” his mom said. The detective asked for search but she refuses. Detective suspected something unusual about her. “ok than,” said detective and moved back and started going. Then he heard someone screaming from inside from the house. He runs towards the door and kick opened it. It was Sourabh who was lying on the central-table. Two knives were poke inside his both eyes, the blood dripping on the floor and his mother madly crying loud. The crime stunned the quiet and affluent neighborhood. Detective called 911 for ambulance. Rashail go towards the body and find something written on his back. He looked closely it is Azrael. Azreal in Islamic it means god of death. “What just happened? you told he was not here.” Rashail said. Then how come he is here death? He looked angrily towards her. But she was numb and crying laud. He ran towards his room. Open the door, looked around there was nothing suspicious. But the book lying on the closet. Every single page there was something hand written. Like he had experience it. What got these guys? He thought. When he was closing the closet, he he found one book falls on the ground. It was Agatha Christi’s “and then there were none.” I remember this book, where everyone goes to an island and get killed themselves. He closes the door and take the book with him and left.



It has been a two days Rashail didn’t come out of his cabin. Last time when he was going in, he told his follower staff to not disturb him but one mistakenly enters the cabin and that was the last day of job the staff chatters each other. Meanwhile a member of the staff towards his cabin. He was lying on the floor feeling dizzy. He takes him to the medic. “This is because of not eating and not getting proper ventilation of air,” said doctor. Why did you come to my cabin? Is there something important? Rashail said. An idea just bing in my brain that can solve completely the case. Sorry sir but it was very important, that’s why I came to your cabin. Saying that he moves towards the tv turned it on. A boy scout was on tracking where they found a head of someone hanging on a branch of tree. Officer says it is the head of a missing boy named “Anishul Goswami, friend of Raj,” said the reporter. Rashail get up from his bed and go to the crime scene. His legs were freeze looking at the head hanging up in the air. As he was afraid of height. He rotates his head 180 degree. But nothing was unusual not a single scout member looked suspicious while talking to officers. To untie the knot from this typical case he must think differently. He kicked at a stone and turn back. A psithurism sound hits his ears, he looked back the emergency team taking down the head.

He returns to cabin and take a deep breath. He opened his eyes and looked up on bulletin board. Its looks like one by one everyone going to die. That’s reminds him of a case he was working on named the murderer house. It looks difficult to find the murderer among 60 people under suspect (including him). He looked at the table there was piece note. 

Letters encrypted in the note. He knows how to decode it. As he learns many decoding skills before joining SDA. I know you were trying hard but it is wate of time detective. Try as much as hard you want but can’t solve this. my next target will be Ravi Shekhar. Save if you can. Stan. Reading the letter, Rashail know his next move.



He was too Raj one of the closest friends. Rashail go to his house but he was not there. But there was a no one. Where did everyone goes leaving this big house. He thought. He enters the house, where a distinctively bad odour was coming. He chases the smell from where it was coming, he was astonished looking at one-fourth of body lying in the bathtub. “Hurray i have completed finally !!” someone shouted from upstairs. Rashail run upwards to find what happened. It was Ravi sitting on a table holding bunch of paper in his hand. He looked at Rashail scarily, who was standing at the door. “So, it was you. You were doing this all. Aren’t you?” Rashail said.

“What are you talking about?” Ravi said. “What i have done?” Looks innocently at him. Oh! You wanna play like that. Then let me ask you a question how did the death body arrive at your house? Rashail said. What body? Ravi said. Rashail and Ravi go down stairs. “See that is what I am talking about?” Rashail said. But there was no appalled look on Ravi’s face. He walked towards the body. he puts his hand in the tub full of blood. You know it is hard to write a perfect murder but more hard is to perform one. The most amazing phenomenon is that you will never come to know who killed who? Ravi said. Saying this Ravi take out a tablet from his pocket and eat it with blood. at last Ravi died in-front of Rashail. Reading this, Rashail know what he has to do know. He go to Ravi’s house. He ring the bell no answer from inside, he break the door the he runs toward the Ravi’s room. He was lying on the bed. With the help of other police member he take him to the interrogation room.

Ravi opens his eyes he astonished to the detective sitting in front of him. “What? How am i here?” Ravi said.

“you already know you have been brought here”, Rashail said. “we already knew you killed your all friends. We just wanted know why?”

“ahh.. what do you say? I killed them all. But i was the one saving them. From him,” Ravi said. They were all gonna die that night if i did not kill Raj. What do mean by that? As you know no body is born star they have to work hard for that. But in case of Ravi he was the one who did not work any hard but he gets what he wants. He was the one who blackmailing us to do things reluctantly for him. So that night i planned to kill him. When everyone goes to there respective tent i asked Raj to follow me i will show you something interesting about this place. At the corner of the railing i pushed him, but some how he survived. I was very afraid to do this. But from nowhere Sourabh and Anishul arrived there. We chased him down and killed him.

“so you killed Raj?” Rashail said. “yes. And i don't feel any guilty doing that,” Ravi said. Then why you killed Sourabh and Anishul? They helped you killing Raj isn't? Yes they did. But day to day Sourabh started acting strange. So Anishul planed to kill him. He use his hypnotic power to kill him. I started feeling afraid of Anishul. As you know its better to kill every-last of one to make it look perfect. Raj take a piece rock(Sodium metal) rapped in a plastic from his pocket. And put it in his mouth. His whole face explode in a seconds and die.


======================== the end ===========================

May 21, 2020 17:45

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