Crime Drama Sad

This story contains themes or mentions of sexual violence.

As I was turning the corner from the kitchen to the living room I saw through the screen door a beautiful woman was walking up the steps to my door. I reached it before she could knock and happily greeted her. Just over her shoulder I noticed a tall, well built older man with a look of concern on his face. This caused me to retreat a little from my first instincts of meeting such an attractive lady, to now feeling an air of auspiciousness. "Hello, my name is Diana and I was hoping for a quick moment to speak with you." My first instinct, absolutely you can speak to me, but the man's presence struck fear in me for some reason. However, I said yes and made an excuse that I was leaving soon just to be on the safe side. She then began to tell me that her grandparents lived next door and she used to come and visit often as a child when she stayed with her mother. "I remember your grandparents. They were always so kind.How is your cousin, Michael?" I said hoping to connected also surprised myself I knew some ones name. She told me how some of the members of the family had passed away and she was actually in town for her aunt's funeral, but felt compelled to stop and say hi." I immediately received this as another step towards a more connected conversation which I admit made me giddy. However, I kept one eye on the man behind her as he was observing this interaction intently. She asked about my mom and reminded me of her great cooking she used to bring over. Wait,I'm beginning to remember her face, but I am unable to connect it. As we waxed on and on about the good old days I began to feel at ease. She really had a beautiful voice and that hair flowed over her shoulders. She was definitely out of my league, but that has never stopped me before. I like to think what I lack in appearance I make up for in intelligence and charm. Ok, I need to pay closer attention to what she is saying. SHe's moving ever so close and looking intently into my eyes. I have never been so entranced. Now she is trying to jog my memory by reminding me we use to play together. The memories are bit fuzzy, but I remember a girl I use to play catch with quite often. Wait, is this she? No way, my excitement builds as I am beginning to think I may just move my pretend engagement and see where this goes.I realized I had stopped listening to her and began thinking of all the ways this night could turn into an unforgettable evening. She's even closer now, maybe a foot from my face. Those eyes, dear god, the smokiness of the eyeshadow and the potency has me shuddering. Then she does something that has me frozen. She reaches up and removes my eyeglasses! "I want to be able to see your eyes without any interference. "As you see me now, are you remembering who I am?" she asked "It's a bit fuzzy but it's starting to come into focus." I said. She starts to go on about our games of catch again and I find my brain bringing snapshots of our time together. I remember how much I would be excited whenever she could come out to play, but not much more than that. I hated to disappoint her. It really seemed important that I remember. she even made a comment that she had thought of me often throughout the years and was hoping to see me again someday. She reminded me that I would always come over right before dinner and we would play catch until dusk. We would then walk around the property and stop at our favorite bush. "Just right there"she said as she pointed to the side of the house. It was then it hit me. I REMEMBERED! Within that very moment I knew immediately who she was. There had been so many since her, but she was my first and so sweet. She would do whatever I told her to do. She was scared which made it all that more exciting for me. Until, one day her stupid cousin had to come and ruin it all. The parents made a big deal about me being 16 and her being 7. They even called the cops. Luckily, her dad just wanted to act like it did not happen so he chose not to press charges. Oh damn, I remember who this man is in front of me. This is her father. I better come up with something quick. As I was thinking, she leaned in and in the most angelic tone said,"I forgive you." To which I replied, "I go to church now." I remembered her father was a preacher so I was hoping that would get me out of this situation quick. She asked if I was sorry, truthfully, I wasn't. However, I had learned to blend in so I said yes, and I had asked God to forgive me. She grabbed my hands, placed my eyeglasses on the table and prayed with me. I don't know what she said, as I was grabbing one last feel from her while she was in such a vulnerable state. She said amen, thanked me for my time, and they left as easily as they had arrived. I hurried back into the house not wanting any trouble. I watched them pull away as she had such a peaceful look on her face. I eased into my favorite comfortable chair and as I sat there I began to remember all the sweet times I had with her and a smile came over my face. I glanced a the clocked and jumped from the chair. I remembered it was my night to teach the children's class. 

January 13, 2025 21:56

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