
[31 December 2021 11:59:59]

“Cara, will you date me?” Asher asked, begging with his eyes, as the new year count down ticked to 12 hours. Imploring her, he stared deep into her hazelnut irises. At the foyer, the crowd cheered vigorously as they stood at the entrance of the toilet. After all, it was a quiet spot: perfect contrast to the dramatic proposal he would be executing.

Gazing back into his coal-black eyes, Cara knew the answer already; all there was to confirm was their mutual understanding. Leaning in, she expressed herself as she begins to pucker her lips…

The gathering at the foyer chortled audibly again, but even that could not rival his whoops of delight from the peck he had received.


[31 December 2021 10:26:29]

Chatting as a truck pulled in, Cara and Asher huddled near the door as cartons rolled out of the vehicles rear. Aimless chatter like paparazzies into each other’s life, but obviously, it made sense for people who had met precisely 3 times over the course of 4 years. Funny how it was always New Year Eve too, one would be hard-pressed in life to find such a coincidence; after all, it was not like he was a gift shop employee, neither was he a renown singer, just a random commoner, who also, like her, disliked the hoo-haa of the whole celebration thing.

“What’s your new plans for today? Go out partying?” He asked, the word partying spoken lighter, as though it had to be rolled off the tongue as fast as he could, like he could not bear to say the word.

“Sheesh, no, just watch the countdown virtually and hide at home. That reminds me, better buy some dinner first cause no more shops will be open later,” she replied as she checked her watch. “What does Hazelnut coffee taste like? I might want to try that next year?”

“Great, just like your beautiful eyes. That’s why I drink it haha,” Asher joked, the sides of his eyes crinkling up, shaking back and forth in his shoes. He took a huge glug, only to splutter and gag as the hot liquid burned his throat. Coffee sprayed across the table and onto her clothes.

“Cheesy, what are your edited plans then?” If this had happened in her workplace, she would have certainly been walking away as fast as she could. Definitely, to the toilet; as her face would be flushing; like the toilet bowl but with red blood. Yet, this time, she did not even seem to care, unexpectedly, placing her hands on the table that was covered in even more brown droplets, steepling her palms amid the stains that latched onto her sleeve.

“Stay at home too, at your home, eh? HAHAHA!”

She slapped him with her other arm as he convulsed from the reaction. Obviously, his brain fog had cleared; maybe not just due to the caffeine.


[31 December 2021 9:48:05]

“Cara, here’s your latte,” the café employee with a reindeer headband smiled, as she handed the cup over, “see you next year!”

Bidding a quick thank you, she took the cup and paced away from the busy counter, full of customers dressed in their finest wear. Squeezing past a family of 4 in their matching outfits stewing in a chemical smell, she muttered a quick excuse, but they were obviously running too high on dopamine to bother.

Pushing her way out of the shop into the delivery area of the mall just behind, she finally slipped her mask off and inhaled. “Ah, fresh, sweet, caffeine,” shutting her eyes, she tugged the lid. The warm liquid flowed down her throat. Since only some caffeine could keep her awake for the countdown that night, for many years already, she had drunk her favorite coffee with milk once a year just as a treat for good job, well done. It was not like anyone could fault her, and besides, New Years’ Day was a public holiday, there were no colleagues to meet on an untimely caffeine hangover. It was certainly the perfect time to drink coffee, and henceforth indulge in a period of extreme wakefulness.

Footsteps crunched in the distance. A door slammed nearby. Pushing up her mask again, she licked her lips as she peered around the corner at the entrance.

“Hey Cara, did not expect to see you again!”

“Oh it is you Asher, oh my, its actually New Year’s Eve!”

There was also a coffee cup in his hands.

In unison, they questioned, “what’s your order?”


[31 December 2021, 8:23:17]

Opening her fridge, all there was in it was a jug of water. Wait what, her minds whirred to a stop as Cara pulled out the rest of the compartments. Rummaging through, there was also nothing inside. Devoid of food or anything vaguely edible, the fridge white walls glared back at her, as if resting from their usual stresses. Gotta go out, sheesh, what a day, I just want to stay at home and rest sigh, she muttered under her breath as she pulled out her phone. Great, maybe I will meet him. Shaking her head, she narrowed her eyes, but wait, he is staying at home too, so that would not be a problem, lol screw destiny.

She wondered, seriously, why even think of a random guy she had just met a few times. It was not like she had chattered with him, nor she had she worked with him. He was just a literal random guy on the also non-figurative streets, definitely not worth thinking about eh, was not he?

As she shut her front gate, she pushed the thought of him out of her mind as she got into the lift.


[31 December 2021, 7:57:03]

The sun streamed in through the windows as he separated the curtains. A pang of sharpness flashed down his chest as he keeled over beside the window. His head lobbed to the side as his vision twist around and fuzzed over. “Caffeine,” he whispered repetitively. He smelled caffeine, or perhaps, as he clambered towards the door.

Hungover, he sought out his daily caffeine grind, only to find that drawer lacking. “What!” He scuffled around in a drawer which was full of wrappers but to no avail: nothing could be found. Slamming the drawer back, he leaned against it as he rubbed his sweating forehead. Who knew that caffeine could be so addictive?

Better get more caffeine, he thinks as he practically throws himself out of the door.


[30 December 2021, 22:30:45]

[Are you staying home tomorrow? I am. 😶]

[Yep, same here too. Guess, we kinda can’t meet, eh?

I mean, did not we sorta promise each other last year?? 😕]

[Ahaha, once in like 5 years, lol, see if we can break coincidence.]

[Or maybe not, maybe destiny want to call us]

[Bye 👋]



[31 December 2020]

“Oh hey we meet again, once again over a cup of coffee haha!” She widened her eyes, but immediately greeted him with a wide smile, showcasing all her coffee-stained teeth. The tips of his mouth turn upwards as she waves back. Walking over, he places his hand into his pocket.

“Wanna exchange numbers,” suggesting as he removed his phone from his pocket. She did so too, and in a moment they had contacts on each other’s phone.

“See you next year!” they chorused and disappeared into the crowd.

Despite them longing to talk to each other, COVID seemed to loom between them, hence, they could only keep their greetings short. Casting gazes over each other’s shoulders, they finally gave up as the crowd closed in around them, drowning them in their midst.


[31 December 2019]

“That will be 5 dollars,” the seller held up 5 fingers, glancing ever so slyly at the crowd forming behind Cara.

Shaking her head, she examined the vegetables again, how was that even 5 dollars? Exorbitant prices, she rolled her eyes as she surveyed the scene. Were there any other vegetable shops nearby there weren’t so pricey?

“Do not want to buy, then don’t buy lah!” Snatching away the packet of vegetables, the vendor tossed back onto the stand.  Its crumpled leaves stood out against the neat rows of other greens; it was obvious that it had been handled before.

“He is trying to rip you off,” a voice whispered into her ear. A low-pitched voice, wrapped in a blanket of coffee. Whipping around, she faced Asher. “Oh.. Oh… OH! You again, Asher right? I did not…” she trailed off, trying to recall their last meet-up.

“2017, right? Did not see you last year eh?” He offered, smiling at her with glee. Grabbing onto her hands, he tightened them around hers, trapping them. “How you doing?” He asked, staring at her long lashes.

Flinching, she backed away into another person. “OH sorry!” She exclaimed louder than she had ever spoken to Asher before, then wriggled her hands out of his. His hand felt empty at her departure. He looked down ever so subtly, as if he had made a mistake.

“But thanks for telling me! Bye!” She departs swiftly, trotting away.  

She was one speedy person. However, his heart lifted in his chest, and in his mind, he raised an arm in longing, like a ballet dancer heartbroken at the disappearance of his beloved.  

“Oi, why you hit me? Keep your arm to yourself!” A shrill voice rang out, pulling him out of his reverie.


[31 December 2018]

Sitting by the window, he stared out into the great wide street below as cars honked and squeezed between each other. The sun cast a yellowish glow into his room, shrouding some areas in shadows. Curtains swayed as the figure sat there, staring straight out below him. I will not meet her, he sighed as he picked up his coffee cup and disappeared to the kitchen to get more.

Ring! The doorbell chimed as he dashed out of the kitchen. Maybe its her, his heart raced as he forsook his coffee cup in the kitchen. It tipped over, with a loud splash, which he did not notice. Spilling brown liquid all over the floor, he would have to make another cup. His premium coffee powder was gone.

Swinging the door open, a swooshing sound ran down the corridor. “What nobody?” he half-screamed as the door swiveled slowly backwards, only to bang against the wall. “Prank, prank, PRANK!” He yelled down the corridor as doors banged in the distance. Breathing in deeply, he slammed the door and went back to his coffee.  

“Shit,” he cursed. Thus, he slammed his coffee cup down at the sight of the mess. He spooned 2 packed ladles full of coffee powder; after all, he really needed it.


[31 December 2017]

Is this the normal price of coffee? He wondered as he pulled out a bill from his wallet. Hope my expresso would be bigger. Oh wait, it is that tiny? Waste of my money, He shook his head as he picked up his cup. Little did he know that he had fallen victim to this classic blunder: a tiny little cup of expresso would pack a caffeine loaded punch, one that would knock him into wakefulness for hours on end.

Snatching the cup away from the cashier, he stomps off, downing the cup in a single sip. Oh the folly of his actions. But, his friend fell in love over a cup of coffee, so he really was trying his best to follow in his footsteps. Very delicious, he tried to convince himself as he glugged it down. Burping, he looked around for his dust bin as his eyes jumped across the crowd.


“Choi, where are you going?” A voice rang out, scolding him for his carelessness.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, did it hurt you in any way?” Was this what his friend meant by love over coffee? Spilled coffee included? Sadly, his cup was empty.

“No, I’m fine, what are your views on renewable energy? I mean, coal is reliable and well, abundant,” She digressed; indeed, she was a renewable energy guru.

“How is that even related?” He yelped. “Ok, what type of man do you like?” He twisted the subject around.

“I like a man who is reliable, and sane, kinda like coal, even though renewable is better,” she replied, cocking her head and raising her eyebrows at him. “You like me, right?”

He had been discovered. “Oh, eh, no, how…how can I like… a person... I had just met right?” He stuttered as his face flushed. Dropping his cup onto the floor, he quickly bent over and picked it up. “Bye…bye,” he waved as he practically dashed away.

Gazing at his back, she narrowed her eyes; who asked such questions upon meeting a random person. Dusting her shirt, she shook her head and left the scene.

January 01, 2022 01:00

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