My Will o' Wisps

Submitted into Contest #42 in response to: Write a story that ends with a character asking a question.... view prompt



Layin' on top of a heap of fresh laundry cloths was maybe my idea of relaxing.

To kick back and enjoy life.

And oh, not to mention having a whole load of Cheetos packets and cheese nuggets by my side as I sat crooning over the laptop working through my evening course.

To be honest, it did not start that way.

Work has taken a toll on me lately, gifting me with insomnia and saggy love handles on either side of my back. The late-night snacking was not a very good habit I have inculcated after all. But mostly my work timings kept me up, pushing me to pull an all-nighter most of the nights.

I barely even get out of my room nowadays and even if I do it would be a trip to the fridge bagging chips and ice cream buckets or to the bathroom to puke.

Between my work and the incomplete projects, I have this constant pressure that sometimes tends me to have suicidal thoughts.

No wish to live longer, No wish to love or care for anyone.

Life is meaningless. It's is a pseudo tranquil bed that hides a disastrous end to a person's life. Slowly engulfing the soul and devouring every last bit of it.

I w-

Just then a bell rang as if to interrupt my otherwise horrifying thoughts.( I say horrifying cause I realize it to be one only now)

Must be the trash collectors. I thought

I quickly snapped out of my trance and hurried to the front door balancing two trash cans in one hand and opening the door with the other.

Much to my surprise and embarrassment, I saw Laxita Cholagar,

dressed in a high neck turquoise chudidhar with a navy overall standing there instead.

I quickly shoved the trash cans behind the door and stood midway through the door opening. Of course, I don't want her to see the mess I live in.

"um...Hey...m-" I mumbled nervously.

"WHAT is WRONG with you? I mean 36 unanswered calls! Look, I don't know what kind of drama you're pulling up here but I ain't standing this sh- " restraining herself from using a taboo word while pointing her finger at my nose all the same. Slowly she noticed me as in appearance. With her anger draining out to pull on another facial expression.


" look horrible. Like sick horrible."

She pushed me from the doorway and entered my house.

the word 'House' here can be an understatement.

Yes, she didn't even bother the fact that my house looks no less than a cuckoo nest rummaged by an eagle or any other bigger bird.

She went directly to the kitchen and opened up every single foil-wrapped food (as I didn't have any spare zip lock bags for the fries I had made with frozen dinner the day before ) and smelled its contents. Sometimes even tasted some. With her distaste growing with my choice of food, she flung open the fridge and went through the contents. She wiped out all my binge eating carton foods and bags of Cheetos into a green garbage bag and closed the refrigerator. Before I could stop her she was already in my bedroom sorting through my clothes which lay across my bed and all over the floor.

" How could you live like this? anyone would mistake you for a plump Viking goat with no horns!" she continued " You have to get out of this filthy place and what do they say now- Glam up a bit! Have you ever looked up yourself in the mirror lately?"

She picked up her Caprese and grabbed my hand while leading me out of this mess which I call home.

She brought us to the city plaza on a Taxi where most of the city malls are present.

" You should get out more or you would sink more into your depressive state. I know you have a hard time working but that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your health".

As for me, I didn't object to it. The beautiful women over here have every right over my life, on the contrary, even more, than I have over my own life.

She went into a glass studio type of hall and approached the front desk.

I was still in this passive coma kind of state that I near didn't acknowledge that she has returned.

She handed me a card and instructed me to go there every day.

Then she took us to her room in a hotel and ordered us a healthy dinner of Dal and naan with gobi sabji .

Over the dinner, she sat on the other side of a white-sheeted bed and said something which woke me from my miserable state and led me to see life from a new perspective.

"Everything in our life happens for a reason and the truth is, hard times happen more often. When that happens, never give in to hopelessness even though it might be tempting. From what I've learned in my life, things get harder only when your grip over it increases. The secret lies in letting it go "

Months later I was sitting in front of a garrnet standing mirror, feeling through my muscles shapes formed over my body instead of the saggy love handles and bags underneath while reminiscing my post-depression trauma. I was so overwhelmed by the fact that I had nearly sabotaged my health and well being for some stupid job for its money. I would call that job to be a cursed ring of braccus.

I had nearly fallen into the trap that many previously had.

My phone rang. I picked up and was almost overwhelmed to hear her voice. Tears rushed through my eyes.

Every recollection that I had been storing all came gushing out.

I asked her something I had trouble answering.

Laxita Cholagar was my light throughout my life. She traveled a distance of 5064 kilometers just because I hadn't answered her phone. She was even a rebel, not relying on any one's help, and hates it when anyone pities her. But before she could be any of this, she is very passionate about the ones whom she loves.

She has always been and will always be my Will O' the Wisps.

"What did I ever do to deserve you, Mom?"

May 20, 2020 11:10

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Tim Law
10:56 May 28, 2020

Such a crazy story with a sweet, delightful twist. Well done on your first submission. Welcome to Reedsy!


Meena2605 V
09:30 May 29, 2020

Thank you, this means a lot to me


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