Fiction Drama Holiday

By the time I step outside, the leaves were on fire. All the people are busy preparing for the Mid-autumn Festival. Up in the sky, birds flying towards south are visible. They must be migrating for winter.

"Good morning Mr. Nizar!" The twins, Max and Dave greeted me as I walk pass their backyard. They hurriedly went down the tree with fresh red apples in their hands. I suppose that tree is an apple tree. A small chuckle escape my lips realizing my dumbness.

"Happy autumn Mr. Nizar!" The twins said in chorus as they both reach out the apple in their hand towards me. I was stunned for a moment but manage to smile and extend both of my hands to reach their apples but they pulled it away before I could even touch it.

"I'm the one who's going to give an apple to Mr. Nizar. You give yours to other people." Dave said causing Max's joyful face to turn into a face of disagreement. I silently laugh because of Max's sudden mood swing. They're so adorable. I was just about to speak to settle their little argument when they start arguing again.

"No, I'm the one who should give an apple to Mr. Nizar. It's my autumn gift for him. And besides, mine is bigger than yours." Max said proudly showing the apple in his hands.

"But mine looks better than yours." Dave said as they exchange sharp gazes to each other. I can't help but to scratch the back of my head. Their apples are exactly the same size and color. I pat their heads to get their attention and reach both of their apples. 

"I'll take both. Thank you for the gift." I said and playfully ruin their soft black hair. I kneel down with one knee to match their height and show them the apples.

"Look, which one is bigger?" I ask.

"Mine of course, my apple is way more bigger than his." Max said and cross his arms on his chest as Dave frown in annoyance.

"No, mine is bigger and looks better than yours. What do you think Mr. Nizar? Who's apple is bigger?" Dave asked as they both turn their attention towards me waiting desperately for my answer. 

"Honestly, they look exactly the same to me." I said. They look at each other then return their gaze on the apples. Their face filled with confusion. I smiled at them and move the apples closer to each other.

"Max, you think your apple is bigger. And you Dave, also thinks your apple is bigger and looks better, but for me it's totally the same." I said and look at the shinny red apples in my hands.

"What do you mean Mr. Nizar?" Dave asked with confusion in his eyes. 

"I know you'll not understand it very well at your age, but you see," I raise the apples higher so they can see it clearly. 

"Each of us has a different way of looking at things. What you think is maybe the opposite of what others think. As long at it is right, we should respect each others idea and thought. Do you understand?" I said. They both nod their head as an answer. I smiled at them and pat their heads. 

"We're sorry Mr. Nizar." They said again in chorus. I guess that's because they're twins? I laughed at that thought.

"It's alright." I said and stand up. 

"But," I look at Max waiting for what he is going to say. "But how are we suppose to know if it's right?" He asked as his innocent eyes met mine.

"As long as it's not wrong, then it's right." I said and pat their shoulders.

"Dave! Max! Mom and dad were looking for you." I look at the direction where the woman's voice came from and saw Kelly, the older sister of the twins who's a year younger than me. She wearing a beautiful dress that represents the colors of autumn.

"Oh, Aki hi! I'm so sorry I didn't notice you earlier. Did my brothers bother you again?" She asked and gave her brothers a sharp gaze but the twins replied with a wide smile showing their complete set of teeth, like they are saying that they've been a good boy.

"Not really, we just had a..." I gave the twins a meaningful look. "some boys talk. Right boys?" I said and they nod their head. Kelly look suspiciously at us but shook her head after.

"Whatever, you two," pertaining to the twins, "mom and dad wants to see the both of you." She said with warning in her voice. I wonder if these twins did something again.

"Goodbye Mr. Nizar! We'll remember everything that you've said. Happy Autumn!" The twins said as they run towards their house. Kelly shake her head as she slam her hand in her forehead.

"Troublesome twins." She said and laugh bitterly.

"What did they do this time?" I chuckle as I asked. I wonder if it's something big for her to be so stressed out like this.

"Oh nothing much, they just use the autumnal drinks that we made to play with their water gun! Not just that, they also ate the cake I made for the Mid-autumn festival." She said hysterically. "If I didn't caught them on time, they could have eaten the leaf shape chocolates we made to distribute to the kids. "She said and let out a heavy sigh. Now that's really a big trouble. 

"Now I have to find a replacement for the drinks and the cake. This is the worst mid-autumn festival ever." She said. I stayed silent for a moment until an idea entered my mind.

"I know a cafe just a few kilometers away from here. If we go there now, maybe we can still get the things that we need." I said and her eyes suddenly flicker with hope. "Let's go," I said and walk to the direction of my car that's already covered with some falling leaves.

I started the engine but it's not working. I just used it yesterday so I know it's not broken. I tried it again but still no result. "Okay, one last try." I said to myself and atlast, it worked.

I drove off but after a few meters, the car stops moving. No, this is not happening. 

"What's wrong?" She asked as I look at the fuel tank. 

"We ran out of gas." I said. 

"Now what are we going to do?" She said and let out a deep sigh as she rested her back in her seat. An hour from now, the autumn festival were going start. We should find everything we need before then.

"I wish a cafe will just fall from the sky." She said in a lazy tone. Well, like that will happen. I went out from the car to check the tank but something caught my eye.

"How is there a cafe in our town? Our town never had a cafe." I said with confusion written on my face. I never seen this cafe before.

"What do you mean?" She asked and get off the car. "There's no caf..." her eyes flop open in surprise when she saw what I was talking about. 

"Oh my God! My wish came true! I never thought they will reopen that again." She said with excitement. She ran towards the cafe mesmerizing it's new look. This cafe is beautiful, there's no doubt.

The cafe is filled with lots of people, young and old, enjoying the different kinds of drinks the cafe is offering.

"Let's go before they sold out." She said and enter the translucent door of the cafe. There are kids making fall decorations out of construction paper and there are old people who share laughter with each other. This seem like a happy place, no, it is. I smiled at that thought.


"Are their drinks that good to be sold out so early?" I asked as we walk towards the counter where different pictures of drinks were displayed. Their drink's represent the colors of autumn and they all look delicious.

"They're the best!" She said.

"Good morning ma'am, sir. What's..." The cashier didn't finish what he's about to say when our eyes met. 

"Aki!" He said.

"Manuel?" I said in a questioning tone. 

"You know each other?" Kelly asked and I nodded in response still shocked of his sudden appearance.

"Yes, he and I were best friends since high school. You know what? We belong to the notorious class of our school!" He said and laugh out loud that caught the attention of the costumers but he doesn't seem to care. This guy never change.

"Miss, be careful to this guy. He already has three exes and two of them are both Leah. Don't be the next victim." He said and the people in the whole cafe burst out laughing. This is embarrassing. I was just a high schooler back then. You don't expect a high schooler to be serious in love, right? And to add to it, I'm a changed man.

"By the way, can you give us fifty pieces of your best drinks here? And one mocha flavored cake as well." I said but he just stared at me for a moment then called someone on the phone. He nodded his head as he speaks with someone on the other line then put it down.

"I'm sorry but orders are limited by 10." He said.

"What? Why? We need it for the festival. Please, can you make it work?" Kelly said almost pleading. She keep on convincing Manuel when my phone suddenly rings. I walk towards the part of the cafe where there's only a little number of people and answered the call.

"Hello?" I asked. The number is unregistered and I have no clue who it is.

"Hello Aki, this is Kelly's mother, is she with you right now?" Kelly's mom asked.

"Yes ma'am, she's with me. We're hear at a cafe to buy the replacement for the drinks and cake." I said as I glance at Kelly who's still trying to convince Manuel and the owner who's on the other line of the phone.

Kelly's mom told me everything and it turns out that the twins played her and hid the drinks and the cake in their room but she said they already apologized and promised to do so to their sister. I let out a deep sigh when Kelly's mom hang up. Twins really are something. I smiled and put the phone in my pocket.

I walk again towards the counter when a middle aged man entered the cafe that cause silence all over. His face looks familiar. I tried to remember him and I did. He's Mr. San Jose, the detainee who's granted with parole a week ago.

He walk towards the counter and the number seventy tattoo in his arm is visible, making him look more dangerous. Some of the customers rapidly run out of the cafe and some remain in their seats.

He went to the cashier next to Kelly and Manuel who also stopped talking when Mr. San Jose came in. The young cashier who's the same age as I entertained Mr. San Jose with a genuine smile on his face. He showed Mr. San Jose the best drinks that they have until Mr. San Jose spoke.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked the young cashier who's still smiling, not even giving a care that he is facing a dangerous man.

"Yes sir, I know you very well." The cashier said. Mr. San Jose look intently to the cashier like he is observing him with his dangerous pair of eyes that everyone won't even dare to look.

"You know me, but you're still acting normally around me? Do you have a death wish?" Mr. San Jose asked with his deep tone voice. All the people in the cafe were tensed and some were alerted and stood up from their seats, preparing themselves to what may happen.

Instead of answering the question, the cashier excuse himself for a moment then come back with three glasses in a tray. He put them to the counter one by one. The first glass is water, the second glass is juice and the third one is beer. After he arranged the glasses, he face Mr. San Jose.

"Can you tell me what are these sir?" He asked. Mr. San Jose look at the cashier then to the three glasses in the counter.

"They're drinks." Mr. San Jose answered as the cashier's smile widened.

"Exactly." He said. Memories start flashing in my mind but I shove it away, wipe my tears and turn away. It's been a long time. I walk towards the restroom and lock myself in one of the cubicles. I need to clarify and sort things out.

I don't know how long I stayed there but the sun is high when I went out. I didn't find Kelly in the cafe anymore, maybe she went home already. Besides, the festival had already started. I went to the manager and told him to tell Maki to meet me at the park.

After that, I went directly to the park and waited on my favorite spot. Hours have passed, a man stood beside me but I know it's him.

"My manager said you want to talk to me." He said. I pointed the space beside me and I guess he got what I mean because he sat there and intertwined his fingers.

"The things you said earlier, I'm the one who taught you that." I said as I stare at the falling yellow leaves.

"Yeah," he said while playing with his fingers. We sat there in silence for a moment before I choose to break the silence.

"I hate you for the mistakes you did in the past that I don't want to tackle about." I said and the memories I tried to forget suddenly came rushing in my mind.

"I know." He said with sadness in his voice. I want to look at him but I don't have the courage to do so. I keep my eyes on the leaves trying to focus to what I'm going to say.

"But do you know what's funny?" I ask as I laugh bitterly. "I met these twins earlier in the morning. They where fighting over whether who's apple is bigger. Do you know what I did?" I ask but minutes have passed, he still didn't say a word so I decided to just continue.

"I told them that everyone has their own way of thinking about things and that as long as it is right, we should respect everyone's perspective." I said and pause for a moment. I took a deep breath before I spoke again. "But in the cafe, when I heard your voice again, I suddenly realized, I never asked for your perspective." I said and manage to look at him who's still looking at his hands. 

"I also help Kelly, who's the older sister of the twins, then I also realized, where was I when you needed my help?" I said and saw a tear escape from his eye. It's like that tear has a magnetic force that also attracted mine.

"Your the one who left, but I should have lowered my pride and run into you but..."

"No," he said and face me. "It's my decision to leave, and I regret it since day one. I leave because..." I cut him. I don't want to hear it yet.

"Let me finish first." I said as he closes his lips. "At the cafe, I talked with my best friend whom I never met for years, but you were gone longer than him but I didn't talk to you when I met you in the cafe." 

"But you know?" I smiled. "I always wait for the autumn season," I said and look at the sky. "because I always think that you are one of those migrating birds, that after the winter, you will come back to me." I said as I turn my face towards him. Tears falling from both of our eyes.

"Do you know the meaning of fall?" I asked as I wipe the tears on my face.

"It means a season of change." We said in chorus that made us smile. It's been years since we last said something at the same time.

"Don't you think it's time for change?" I asked as he look at me with shock in his eyes. I smiled and reach his hands. "Will you come back to me? Come back home." I said. He first stare at me for a moment then hug me and sob on my shoulders. I did the same thing and tighten the hug. I don't care how much time we lost for each other, what matters is that he's with me now and I won't let us be separated again.

"I'm sorry, it just that..."

"Hush." I cut him off. "I understand. We shared everything and we've been together from the very start. Your heart beats along with mine, because we are part of each other." I said as we sob together like a child not minding those people who are looking at us. If crying is a sign of weakness, then I don't mind losing all the battles just for this moment. Because right now, I found my victory.

"I thought you've forgotten about me." He said as we pulled apart from each other. I smiled and pat his head.

"Of course not. Maybe time falls with the leaves, but memories don't fall with it." I said. We smiled at each other and watch the yellow leaves as they fall from the trees. I know after the fall comes winter, but with each other, I know we can get through it together.

October 17, 2020 03:35

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