Contemporary Fiction Teens & Young Adult

Brian Woods walked along the sidewalk, his usual dread weighing on him like an anchor. He was on the way to school, a place that until recently, he would have said that he enjoyed. Brian played football, was in the drama club and his grades placed him in the top ten percent of his class. It was a situation that anyone would have loved to be in. That is until you factor in the presence of Neil Redman. Neil had transferred from a private school last year, and from his first day, Neil made it his mission to persecute Brian in any way he could. Neil had tossed Brian’s books down the hallway, locked him out of classrooms, and physically bullied him as well. Although he would have been well within his rights to do so, Brian had not retaliated. This was his senior year, and he did not want to do anything that would put a negative mark on his record. Brian had been accepted to an out-of-state university and would only have to deal with his tormentor for a few more months.

Then I can forget he exists, Brian thought.

Brian approached the school's main entrance and slipped into the crowd of students entering the building. He greeted a few friends and then headed to his homeroom. As Brian turned the corner into the hallway leading to his class, he was shoved so hard that he nearly bounced off the opposite wall. 

Right on time, he thought as he recovered his balance and faced his tormenter.

Neil Redman, all six feet, two inches of him, stood in the middle of the hallway.  Some students moved around the brewing conflict, but many stood around to watch. Most of the school was aware of Neil bullying Brian and other students. Some of those who watched had been Neil’s victims at one time or another. There was curiosity and hope in the eyes of those students.

Neil smirked as he said, “You need to watch where you are going, You almost ran into me.”

Brian adjusted his backpack and said, “Sure thing, Neil.”

He then tried to walk past Neil, but Neil moved into his path.

“I think you owe me an apology,” Neil said.

Brian’s annoyance flared as he replied, “I don't owe you a damn thing. Now get out of my way you annoying son of a bitch.”

Neil was stunned speechless by Brian’s hostile response. Brian usually just took Neil’s harassment with little to no complaint. 

There was an audible intake of breath from the audience that had gathered around the two. Neil saw this and knew he had to retake the initiative and maintain his dominance. 

Neil took Brian by the arm.

“What did you say to me, boy,” he said.

Brian shook his arm free.

“You heard me. Unless you are as dense as you look. Do I need to write it down? No, that would not help much considering you can barely read.”

Laughter could be heard coming from the students standing around them.

Neil’s face reddened.

“I am going to kick your ass,” he said as he began taking his jacket off.

When the garment slipped to Neil’s shoulders, Brian stepped up to Neil and grabbed the jacket's sleeves. Brian slipped behind Neil, crossing the sleeves and pinning Neil’s arms. Brian then placed his foot on the back of Neil’s knees, forcing him to kneel on the tile floor. 

“Get off me,” Neil screamed as he struggled to free himself.

Brian placed his mouth right next to Neil’s ear.

“I am sick of your crap. If you so much as look at me sideways, much less touch me or anyone else, I swear to God, I will take you apart. Are we clear?”

Not waiting for a response, Brian stood up and was greeted by applause and laughter. While Brian was talking to Neil, he had tied Neil’s sleeves together. Neil was kneeling in the hallway, trapped in his jacket.  The laughter died abruptly as Vice Principal Warren Temple arrived on the scene.

He pointed at Brian and Neil.

“My office, right now.”

Brian shook his head.

“Here we go again,” he said to himself.

“What was that Mr. Woods,” Warren asked hotly.

“Nothing, Mr. Temple.”

Warren gave Brian a hard look and then said, “Untie him.”

Brian walked over to Neil and freed him from his jacket.

Neil stood and cocked his fist back.

“If you swing, I will toss you out of this school so fast you will break the sound barrier.”

Neil blinked the red haze from his vision and saw the vice principal staring at him.

Warren pointed to the stairway.

“Get going. And if one of you utters a single word on the way, you will regret it.”

Brian led the way down the stairs. Warren walked behind him, and Neil followed. They were silent as they moved to Warren’s office. The two teens sat in chairs on opposite ends of the office. Warren sat behind his desk and motioned for Brian and Neil to move their chairs closer to the desk and each other. Once that was done, Warren began to speak.

“This is the second year I have had to deal with the two of you trying to kill each other.”

Brian opened his mouth to protest, but Warren held his hand up.

“Neil,” Warren said facing the young man. “Since you arrived here, you have bullied other students in various ways, but you take pleasure in harassing Brian. Why?”

Neil said nothing for a moment then replied, “He put himself in my business a little after I got here.”

Brian shook his head.

“You have something to say, Brian, so don't keep us in suspense.”

“I did not put myself in his business,” Brian said, “I stopped him from picking on freshmen. Since then, he has been coming at me. I have not retaliated until today because, to be honest, I am over his nonsense.”

Warren nodded.

“I understand your frustration and-”

“No, you don’t. Anytime someone pushes back against him, they get in trouble even though Neil is the instigator.”

Warren’s eyes narrowed.

“Be quiet, Mr Woods, or I will you will be suspended.”

Brian said nothing else, but he was fuming.

“Neil,” Warren said. “This is your last chance. If I get one more report of this behavior, you will be expelled.”

Neil sat back in his chair and smiled.

“My father will have your job if you so much as try.”

“If it means I will have peace in my school, it would be worth it.”

Neil’s smile slowly faded. 

“I want both of you to understand this. This school is not your battlefield. I do not want to hear about either of you antagonizing each other or other students. If I do, you know the consequences. Am I clear?”

Both Neil and Brian nodded.

“I will write both of you a pass for your next class. You are dismissed, Neil.”

Neil looked at Brian with contempt, then stood up and left the office.  

After the door closed, Warren focused on Brian.

“Brian, you are one of our best students. You have earned academic and athletic scholarships, and are one of the most well-liked students. You have never given us any trouble in your four years here, except when it comes to Neil. I would like to know why.”

Brian drew in and then released a deep breath to calm himself. 

“Mr. Temple, Neil is a bully and always has been. No one stands up to him due to his size and his father’s influence on the school board. Well, I am done putting up with Neil’s BS. My father told me a long time ago that you have to draw a bright line to let people know where your limits are. This is my bright line. I am letting you know right now, the next time he starts something with me, I will finish it and the consequences be damned.”

Brian picked up his backpack and walked out of the office. 

Brian smiled for yet another picture. His mother wiped her eyes as she slipped her phone back into her purse.

“I am so proud of you, Brian,” she said. 

“Thanks, Mom,” Brian said as he adjusted his graduation cap.  “If we are done with pictures, I'm meeting up with a few people.”

His mom’s smile faded a little before his father said, “Of course. It is your day after all. And your mother is correct, we are very proud of you, son.”

Brian shook his father’s offered hand and his mother took the opportunity to hug him.

“I will see you later tonight,” Brian said as he slid from his mother’s embrace.

He turned toward a group of friends, but he was stopped by an unpleasantly familiar face.

“Hey Brian,” Neil said.       

“Hi Neil,” Brian replied as neutrally as he could manage. “I’m meeting some people, so if you will excuse me.”

Neil held his hand up.

“This won’t take long. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for all the crap I put you through. I was a jerk, and I am truly sorry.”

Brian was shocked at the apology. Seeing this, Neil smiled.

“I know this is the last thing you would have expected from me, but here we are.”

Brian nodded, saying, “Yeah, here we are.”

The two young men fell silent momentarily before Brian said, “I accept your apology. You probably know this, but I'm not the only one you should be apologizing to. I am just one person on a long list.”

Neil grimaced.

“I know that and I have started working on that list.”

Brian shrugged and said, “Well good luck. See you around, Neil.”

Brian walked around Neil much as he did earlier in the year when they had their last confrontation in the hallway.

Brian approached a circle of people who greeted him with hugs and handshakes.

A short-haired blonde girl entwined her fingers with Brian’s and kissed him on the lips.

Brian wrapped his arm around her waist and said, “I am so glad this is over, Sandra.”

Sandra nodded her agreement, then glanced back at Neil.

“I thought he was going to start something with you.”

Brian shook his head.

“He wanted to apologize. I let him say his piece and that was it”

“Do you think he was serious,” Sandra asked.

“Yes, I do. I don't know what happened after our last incident, but it changed something in him.”

Sandra shrugged.

“Well, I hope it sticks. Are you ready to go to dinner?”

Brian nodded.

“Yeah let's go,” he replied.

Brian and Sandra led the group toward the parking lot.

They passed Neil who stood with his father. His father appeared to be giving him a lecture, judging by the finger-pointing and aggressive posture. 

Brian slowed down and Sandra followed where Brian was looking.

“What is it,” she asked. 

“I think I understand why Neil is the way he is. It doesn’t make what he did right. But it does explain some of it.”

Sandra pulled Brian along saying, “Well that’s his issue to deal with. I wish him luck.”

Brian let Sandra lead him to his car.

I’m not sure that will be enough, Brian thought.

August 15, 2024 15:26

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14:56 Aug 22, 2024

Great story, Marc! I love the idea of the bright line that indicates to everyone where your boundaries lie. I also enjoyed the possible redemption from the high school bully, showing that we can grow even if we are flawed. Well done!


Marc Wilks
18:23 Aug 26, 2024

Thank you very much! I appreciate the compliment.


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