In Case You Didn't Know: A Love That Transcends Time

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: Write a story in the form of a speech (or multiple speeches).... view prompt



There are moments in life when words alone struggle to capture the depth of our feelings. This letter is one such attempt—to distill a love that has grown beyond the ordinary, transcending the boundaries of time and space. From our very first glance in that quiet café to the unspoken promises of forever, this is a testament to a love that is as enduring as it is profound.

As you read these words, know that they are more than just words on a screen—they are the echoes of a heart that has found its home in you and a soul that will continue to love you, even beyond this lifetime.

To My Wife, from the very first day in that café shop, I knew you were going to be my favourite melody to my rhythm—my muse. The way you smiled at me that day, with a warmth that seemed to embrace the very essence of my being, is a memory I hold close to my heart. It was as if, at that moment, our souls recognized each other, and I felt an undeniable connection that would only deepen with time.

I love you not only for your beauty but also for the way your eyes light up when you find something you adore. Those moments when we are shopping together, and you find something that brings you joy, are among my favourites. Your excitement is infectious, and it reminds me of the simple pleasures in life. I cherish the way you dance with delight when you savour your favorite meal, and how your laughter fills our home with a joy that words cannot fully express. It’s in these small, everyday moments that I see the depth of your spirit and the light you bring into our lives.

Your beauty, though extraordinary, is just one facet of the incredible person you are. Your kindness, compassion, and understanding have been a constant source of strength for me. I have seen you extend yourself to others with a truly inspiring selflessness. Whether it’s the way you listen intently to a friend in need or the thoughtful gestures you make to brighten someone’s day, your generosity of heart never ceases to amaze me.

I love you just the way you are—perfectly imperfect. Oh, how majestic you are; your presence fills my life with grace, and I thank God every day for you, mia cara. Your imperfections are part of what makes you unique, and it is in those moments of vulnerability that I see your true strength and beauty. Our journey together has been one of growth and understanding, and through every challenge and triumph, you have remained a constant source of inspiration and love.

I want you to know that my commitment to you goes beyond the fleeting moments of passion or the simple promises of love. It is a deep, unwavering devotion that will stand the test of time. When I say that I promise to love you forever, I am not just speaking of the time we have in this life but also of the time beyond. If I should leave this world before you, know that my love for you will endure even in the afterlife. I believe that our souls are intertwined in a way that transcends the physical realm and that our connection will remain unbroken, regardless of what lies beyond.

I am incredibly blessed to have a strong and remarkable woman by my side. Your strength is not just in the grand gestures but in the quiet moments of resilience and courage that you display every day. You have faced challenges with a grace that is nothing short of inspiring, and your ability to navigate life’s ups and downs with such poise makes me even more grateful to share this journey with you.

I know you might sometimes wonder how I feel, so let me be clear: I’m crazy about you. I would be lying if I said I could live this life without you. Even though I don’t always express it in words, you had my heart from the very beginning. It’s in the little things—the way you hold my hand, the gentle touch of your lips, the comfort of your presence—that I find a love so profound that it defies easy explanation.

There are days when I catch myself reflecting on the life we’ve built together, and I am overwhelmed with gratitude. From our quiet mornings to our late-night conversations, every moment with you is a precious gift. I find joy in the mundane and solace in our shared dreams. You have become an integral part of my world, and I cannot imagine a future without you by my side.

In case you didn’t know, now you do. My love for you is not just a fleeting emotion but a deep, abiding truth that colours every aspect of my life. Thank you for being my everything—my partner, my confidante, my greatest support. Your love has transformed my life in ways I could never have anticipated, and I am endlessly grateful for the chance to walk this path with you.

I want you to know that you are cherished beyond measure. Your love has been a guiding light, a source of strength, and a wellspring of joy. As we continue this journey together, I promise to remain steadfast in my devotion to you, to cherish you in every way I can, and to celebrate the incredible woman that you are.

every moment I spend with you is a gift, a reminder of the that we share. you are the sunshine that brightens my day and the stars that guide me through the night. Your touch ignites a fire within me, and your kisses leave me breathless. Your love is my safe haven, my happy place.

May our love continue to grow and flourish with each passing day. Here’s to the countless memories we have yet to make, the dreams we have yet to fulfill, and the endless adventures that await us. I look forward to every moment we share, knowing that as long as we are together, life will be filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.

Yours forever,


Ezekiel Jones

P.S I love you more with each passing day

August 24, 2024 00:30

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