

His name is CHUUCKKKKKK! He fights his way through anything and everything dodging objects and bullets with lighting speed! He runs towards the first set of crates, leaping over them with ease. He picks up speed and wall-runs along the next set of houses jumping from one to another in an assassins-creed kind of manner.


“Why would you not take care of this? Gosh! I didn’t sign up for this. She is everywhere!”


He leaps inside the building, being chased by people, people who want to do him harm. Powerful people. Chuck runs through a kitchen occupied by a family sitting around a table having lunch. No time for apologies or to explain what’s happening, he just flips down onto his knees and leans backwards like a limbo dancer, sliding underneath the table. He gets up and bursts through a closed window, his legs pulled upwards, his arms forming a crane pose, frozen in time.


“My mother? You really want to bring my mother into this? What the hell is wrong with you. What has your mother ever done for us huh? She’s never looked after Brian!”


Splinters and shards zooming through the air, leaving Chuck unharmed. He blinks twice and keeps running. Once out of the building, he picks up speed, and picks up even more and makes a giant leap over a massive puddle of mud, ramming his two feet into the floor, mud splattering left and right, but of course he manages to keep balance and not to fall.


“Oh Great. Let’s start throwing him into the mix now too shouldn’t we. You have no ounce of decency left in you Derrick. He’s sitting in the back seat for god’s sake.”


Chuck just keeps on fighting, like a warrior from a parallel universe he jumps off, accelerating in mid-air, catapulting himself onto a sling which he swings like Tarzan. Unstoppable. He shortly after lands on a bunch of rocks surrounded by grass. Swiftly and with the agility of a cheetah he hops from one to another. Avoiding the grass is key it could turn into lava at any time!


“Deborah, I am driving, so stop arguing with me I have to concentrate, Brian on the backseat or not. We’ve been over this already times and times over, it’s enough!”


Out of nowhere, speed picks up dramatically, Chuck just transformed his feet into magnetic levitating rollerblades. This is the only way for him to glide and keep up at this speed. He carefully crosses and uncrosses his feet, avoiding being hit by small debris falling his way with the magnificence of a figure skater. He’s unstoppable.


Of course, way of least resistance, when will you finally man up god damnit and stand up for us?


Chuck’s two maglev rollerblades join together and build a super skateboard underneath him. He is grinding his way over small hills and pavements. Rocking off boardwalks, kicking over lamp posts and grinding over them like Tony Hawk. He’s a pro.




Lamp posts and pedestrian signs turn into foes. Deadly ones. Chuck quickly shakes off his awesome board and starts fighting them, round house kicking their butts all the way to the next intersection. Stop signs? You wish, he runs upwards alongside of them, just to flick them over, snapping them like they are toothpicks.


“Wow this again, silent treatment? Very mature of you, get your shit together Deb.”


What’s next? A horse ranch? Kapow! He leaps over the gate, running and balancing on the fence, his arms flying backwards. A herd of cows running on the inside of the fence. Might as well, Chuck jumps of the fence with a karate kick style jump, landing on one of the cows. There is only one way forth from here onward. From cow to cow, to cow to cow. Relentless, he jumped over all the cows.


“This is not working anymore for me, I… I need a break.”


A riverbed, exactly what we need to wash the stench of Chucks boots. The speed is just right, he propels himself into the air, high enough to see birds fly past him. He decides not to jump from bird to bird. He instead pulls a string an unleashes a parachute. As he glides lower and lower along the water line, he brushes his boots into the water. They are like new now, and shiny.


“What do you mean a break?”


His parachute, oh no! A rip appeared out of nowhere, he’s losing height. Piranhas underneath him, waiting to snack on him. They jump up one after another. He steps onto them as if it’s a pathway made of individual fish to step on underneath him. They jump higher and higher, now acting as a staircase. He made it. He is out of the riverbed again.


“I mean what I mean. I had enough”.


Almost there, he breaks into a parkour like run again. His flow is great. Left, right, left right. He is on a roll. Rolling over passing and parked cars. His foot work, the best. Alert like no other, he never misses. Jumping over people in his way, civilians or not, they are no different to him.


“Don’t say things you’ll regret later.”


Dogs? Cats? He just makes short work of them. He slides right under one and starts riding the one after. Turning it into battle cat. He had enough, back to travelling by foot. Adults? No thank you sir. You are not going to tell me where and how to walk. A somersault over an old man and further we go. No rules, no adults, not in Chucks world. No one to tell him what to listen to, what to feel. He makes his own rules and jumps over whatever he does not see fit.


Deborah turnings her head backwards, “Brian, honey, I know you love running parkour with your little imaginary friend, but can you please stop tapping on the windshield, it’s nerve wracking”, and sighs.

Brian turns his gaze to his mother for a brief second, then back to the outside. His hand on the cold glass, his index and middle finger acting as legs on an ever-moving zoetrope background.

The traffic lights turn.


His name is CHUUUCCCKKK! He fights…

May 21, 2020 05:15

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Reuben Howard
09:35 May 25, 2020

Great concept for a story! So cool that you took this thing from my childhood and turned it into a story! And Chuck’s action scenes were well written.


Elmar Kert
23:00 May 25, 2020

Thanks Reuben, very much appreciated mate. Reaching someone that can share that memory with me even if its just one person, completely made my day :) In case you are the designated driver usually, try to jump into the passenger seat next time!


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