“Are you there God, It’s me again?”
I’ve watched as your works have become action. I have listened to your messages and carried them to others. I have even sat for hours and days in contemplation and you have never once disillusioned me. Thank you for your words and actions. I come to you now to inquire about the book of wisdom. It is said that you are all-knowing and that we have within us the same powers as you have. I have seen sadness and happiness. I have known sorrow and elation. I seek to understand and appreciate others coming to me for guidance. I am reminded of your travels and scores of words, some taken out of context. However, no one can deny that you suffered for us all, I am in a time of my life where I too suffer for the idealizations of my mind, heart, and soul. I have studied and continue to study the written words of your life and the great works of your efforts. I admire your plights and compare mine to yours to a lesser degree. I have even become ordained to walk a tighter path to help those in need.
Some are in great need of your lessons, while others do not care to use their time to listen. Is it not for the greater good of all to at least listen to a message? I can only imagine the plight of your day with all you taught. Your miracles of unbelievable proportion, and your sacrifices for what you believe in. Thank you for your life. I too now struggle with trite and condemnation for my beliefs.
I believe it is within us all to do the work to achieve great happiness on our own paths. Considering all the lessons in the bible. Those written as well as those implied. Some people are so literal that I think they have become blind to the action of the words and have become fixated on the words as literal and abandon the messages as to be their own revelations.
I believe it is in the actions we take to carry the messages that we learn to abide by them and continue to carry them to those that will listen, which is few. Many revel in the glory of your sacrifices and boast about how righteous they are. This I feel is a mockery to you. Your actions and words carried are for us all to interpret for our own understanding and resign to agree that the Bible is incomplete. I have begun to see that most religions are saying the same thing in different, yet similar works.
I have once again begun a journey in your footsteps in my own mind, life, and actions to carry the messages that are not without faith. While others sit idly by and rant as to their righteousness and build lives and churches with ill will and false intention.
You are my inspiration. I know that we are all worth in your eyes to carry the messages in our hearts and minds and to share the very same words from our own lips and tongue. That the scrutiny by others is a test. A test of wills, a test of truths, and that I let t be a testimony of how to live.
Each person individual is still a piece and a reflection of you. Our trials and tribulations are a testimony of our interpretation of the works covered in the bible. I seek truth and lessons to carry to others so that they will know you and your struggle. So that they can understand that each of us has the power to live a sacred life of accomplishment of contentment if not joy and happiness. That in our time of need you are always there. I try to be a reflection of you and your works and never let my faith waiver. To be an upstanding being, with no self-righteousness. To help others see how they may redeem themselves in the footsteps you have walked so that we are not living a life of suffering but rather a life of abundance. That others may know your works, even if it is immeasurable knowledge. I understand that with time others may come to know you. Even if it is for a fleeting moment in time, I find myself speaking as you. Telling others that they are entitled to true happiness. If they only walk by faith and know that in their self-discovery, they will come to have a better understanding of you and the message that we are all equal and worthy of love.
Faith without work is death. But some must have the near-death experience to find you. To have an appreciation and kindle a spark to work on the discovery of your messages and subsequent mastery of self in the likeness of those who have suffered before.
I have much trust and faith that my next endeavor will bring me closer in my walk with you so that I am better able to carry the messages and teach those to follow and live in the word as well as carry the message without fear of judgment.
For when we are together again in the kingdom of heaven that I will know truths unable to be seen on earth. To better understand why this is my path. And to revel in the glory of your words I carry in my soul to share with others so that they may know you as I do. Always there, ever-present in us all. As some only call upon you in their hour of need and pain. Others sell their souls to avoid living the life they planned. The truth will reveal in specific time what each of us needs to do to live a life of abundance. Please continue to guide me in my walk with the words of your wisdom unknowingly falling off my tongue with the gifts you have bestowed upon me, to allow me to continue to help those in need, even if they are not aware of what their needs are. Help me to be that beacon of consistency for the truth to be revealed of your works and that they will come to you for praise and gladness in their hearts for having a better understanding of themselves through you.
Thank you for allowing me to be an instrument of your works, a testimony of faith, and a teacher of the gospel in modern times. I know in my last hour of transition those who mock me will become enlightened. Though I may not have the knowledge to address their issues as they will find within me the truth they seek. that leads them to you.
It is through my life’s lessons I walk with you as my guide to help me to learn and teach. To heal and be healed from suffering. And to know my place on earth is few in days and many in lessons. Please help me to continue the walk upon your path to remain humble in your teachings while helping others to know you!
To know that you are always there, to answer the call, if only we learn to come to you in honor and not just need, but the wanting to be a better person while we help others and learn to help ourselves.
We each have our own lessons of the heart, and what we continue to teach helps us to reach another level to you without boast or pride but in trust and faith.
In your name, I continue this quest.
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