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Christian Contemporary Fiction

"Welcome to a new decade in my journey through the Universe." Cosmic Mystic Elke was sitting in the morning sunlight, planning for her 40th birthday celebration. She was not really a true vintage as yet, as she wanted a quiet gathering around her home with her darling companion, Big Al. Her stepdaughter, Elly, would also be there, with some of Elke's closer gal pals and fans of her mystic healing. The Christian brigade of her rellies would glean an invite.

Elke's cosmic ideals continue to focus on being as steadfast as Big Al, with her ambivalent attitudes to foster her channelling abilities in this sometimes comparitive belief system. As well as that, her faith in her awesome grand Lord filled her days of Mystic healing with a seemingly divine talent. Some days could be a challenge, but her husband and Elke could overcome obstacles one by one.

Ellly was living there too this summer. Since the days of their first contact, both she and Elke had related very compatibly. Elly was currently at the beach with her Goodly Town pals from the church, supposedly body surfing in the sparkling sea. She had nearly finished her secondary education, a very bright student expected to do well, and hoping to study biomedicine.

So Elly typed her guest list, and began browsing through online acceptable recipes for buffet party meals. She actually preferred more holistic choices, but realized that Big Al and the Bible Bangers would require more tradional pot luck dinners, plus cream loaded, chocolate covered dessert options.

"Right," she thought, "I shall delegate some of the catering to Big Al's sisters. This food style is right up their alley."

Just then, Big Al appeared home from work at that hour of the day. Cosmic Mystic Elke looked up, startled, "You're home already?" she asked. Big Al launched his new idea at her, saying, " I have some news to share." Then he told his loving wife.

"I have decided to be the assistant pastor of our church." He took her hand, as Elke kept her inner peace, as her heart and true nature slightly sank. She knew that his mother, the inimitable Mary, had been in his ear. Mary had always firmly believed in her ideals that Big Al would be an asset to their faith community, and should do more for Jesus.

However, Elke realistically knew that she would have to step up to this new role in the Goodly Town community. She knew she would have to be there on Sunday morning, and open up the church with Big Al, checking all rosters and the children's worship services, plus treats. Despite her beliefs in the divine, Elke was so not a cupcake type of person.

Cosmic Mystic Elke was heading to become a junior power of the church, as she said, "Isn't that being a bit too religious?" Suddenly, Elly also arrived home early. She yelled, "There's a dangerous man on the beach!!" Big Al took off, summoning his mates at his former workplace, the Goodly Town cop shop.

Elke calmed Elly and herself, as Big Al texted to say that her ex-husband, Everard, had come back to the surf bay. Big Al had barely recognized him, only a skinny shadow of his former beach boy image. His face was grey, his pitiful clothes were gaping off him, as he had been wandering around threatening swimmers, right off his face. The police soon had him in tow, and Big Al followed their squad car to the police station.

Everard was detained in custody, pending a full medical report on him, as the police also notified his ageing parents who resided in Goodly Town. Meanwhile, back at home, Elly asked Elke, "Who is this guy? What's that got to do with us?"

Elke replied, "He is my ex-husband. I remember when I first met him, way back in our teenage years, when I was around your age. I was so in love, he was great surfer dude. I had to divorce him, the best thing I ever did. Do not worry. Big Al will take care of things, including Everard."

Unfortunately for Everard, as well as his substance abuse, he had been diagnosed with Stage 4 leukoblastic leukemia, and had escaped somehow from his hospice in another town. His cancer decayed his brain stem, so his parents had him placed in a more secure palliative facility nearby.

Everard did pass soon after, there was no remission. Everyone on Goodly Town beach was safe. Elke commented to Big Al, "He was only a speck in the universal fragments of humanity, a soul now gazing at the face of the hereafter."

Big Al was summoned to assist at Everard's funeral, so Elke felt obliged to attend. But she was no way appearing in black and did not shed one tear as the pastor preached to the Goodly Town mourners. Time was sweeping all people along their own path, as Everard was carried off to become a future crisp in the expensive black limousine.

Big Al had read the prayers, while Elke had indeed distributed much needed pamphlets for Alcohol and Drug counselling, as well as brochures for their church, with images of Jesus to guide recovery of souls.

For the wake, Elke had provided cakes from the bakery, keeping the peace. Big Al did become a well-respectd preacher in his own time, supporting the causes of all women as well. He always held his own personal beliefs that a good pastor not only preached to the choir on Sundays, he or she would show all they encountered to meet Jesus for His shining light to guide their way. The sun still shone, the moon did rise, Goodly Town turned the page.

Elly was teaching Sunday School. Cosmic Mystic Elke sometimes joined her, aware now that any future soul she could lead to their wellbeing would assist the future of both men and women. The sparkling seas continued to wash on the sands of eternity, one wave after another. Cosmic Elke held onto her personal mystic dreams, that men would learn from the past, to stop abusing women. She believed in Big Al, and always would. True love is sweet, and cannot be beat.

January 14, 2025 18:31

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1 comment

Mary Bendickson
01:45 Jan 18, 2025

Gotta love Big Al.


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