Holiday Teens & Young Adult


[jayterror4] has come online.

[4:42pm] [jayterror4]: yo what are u bringing for thanxgiving?

[4:45pm] [mskaleyb]: I’m gonna make that corn salsa mom loves. Plus it’s vegetarian. You?

[5:07pm] [jayterror4]: fried chicken hahaha im not letting some bithc tell me what too eat on thanksgiving

[5:13pm] [mskaleyb]: Mom’s gf? Come on don’t call her that. I don’t really want her there either but we should try and make this work. That’s what dad would want.

[5:15pm] [jayterror4]: dad doesnt give a fuck hes off with his new girl in cali

[5:15pm] [mskaleyb]: California? Really I thought we weren’t supposed to be traveling right now

[5:16pm] [jayterror4]: sence when does dad ever do what ur supposed to do lol

[5:16pm] [jayterror4]: didnt even get mad when mom left him

[5:17pm] [mskaleyb]: That’s because he was already seeing Lisa.

[5:19pm] [jayterror4]: o. well still he didnt care at all that she left him for a girl

[5:20pm] [mskaleyb]: Woman. She’s like 50. They’re adults Jay and they’re entitled to be happy

[5:21pm] [mskaleyb]: And anyways why should he care? It’s no different from him meeting someone new. At least mom waited til they were over.

[5:23pm] [jayterror4]: and im supposed to just support NO TURKEY at thanksgiving bc she says so? nah

[5:24pm] [jayterror4]: if turkeys werent like 60 bucks id just bring one haha

[5:26pm] [mskaleyb]: Maybe you me and Rosie can have our own Thanksgiving dinner at my place

[5:31pm] [jayterror4]: not rly the same tho is it rosies like 5

[5:33pm] [mskaleyb]: She’s 9, Jay. I know this is weird but we’ll be together so just try, ok? For me if no one else.

[5:36pm] [jayterror4]: dude were having squash. wat the hell is that. u cant cut a squash like a turkey. me n dad used to do that.

[5:37pm] [mskaleyb]: At least you got to actually do something with dad. He just made me help serve and clean up after everybody.

[5:45pm] [jayterror4]: yeah so wtf?? like suddenly thats all gone??

[5:48pm] [mskaleyb]: Just gonna slide right over that sexism are you, lol

[5:48pm] [mskaleyb]: We’re trying to welcome somebody new into the family. That’s life, Jay. The sooner you learn to deal the better.

[5:51pm] [jayterror4]: well i dont need anybody else in this family

[5:52pm] [jayterror4]: wish i was with dad. theyre probs having turkey

[5:55pm] [mskaleyb]: Is it really the turkey? Are you sure you’re not upset about something else

[5:56pm] [jayterror4]: idc what mom does or who shes into. i care that it messes with MY life

[5:58pm] [mskaleyb]: That’s family honestly. When you’re grown up and you’ve got your own fam you can have all the traditions you want. For now tho just try to enjoy it for what it is.

[5:59pm] [jayterror4]: u cant just make new traditions that kinda defeats the point

[6:00pm] [mskaleyb]: Not at all. They have to start somehow.

[6:00pm] [jayterror4]: i guess so

[6:21pm] [mskaleyb]: I don’t think you should bring fried chicken. That wouldn’t make a good impression.

[6:23pm] [jayterror4]: wat do i care? she has to fit in with my family not the other way around

[6:24pm] [mskaleyb]: Oh yeah I’m sure your attitude will really make her want to fit in with us /sarcasm

[6:35pm] [jayterror4]: alright maybe im being a bit of a jerk but this is weird

[6:35pm] [mskaleyb]: I know :( but try to think of mom’s position. This is weird for her too.

[6:27pm] [jayterror4]: how do u know? shes like happier then shes ever been. like shes totally forgotten dad or like her life wasnt good enough before

[6:28pm] [mskaleyb]: And what’s wrong with her trying to find happiness?

[6:32pm] [jayterror4]: clearly she doesnt care wether were there or not cuz she woulda been happier before

[6:34pm] [mskaleyb]: I’m not sure it works like that. Imagine having a job where you love your coworkers but your boss makes you miserable every single day. Your coworkers can’t make up for that.

[6:38pm] [jayterror4]: hahaha tell me that 2 yrs ago wen I worked at mickey ds.

[6:38pm] [mskaleyb]: You were fired from that job

[6:39pm] [jayterror4]: tru. but it was hella fun while it lasted

[6:41pm] [mskaleyb]: Okay so the analogy only goes so far. All I’m saying is you should give her a chance. You haven’t even met her.

[6:43pm] [jayterror4]: ya i have she was over at moms when i was there last week

[6:43pm] [mskaleyb]: Oh… what’s she like?

[6:46pm] [jayterror4]: idk. normal i guess. shes like a librarian or a profesor or something

[6:47pm] [mskaleyb]: That’s a pretty big variance, lol

[6:48pm] [jayterror4]: well idk ok she wears glasses lol

[6:50pm] [mskaleyb]: Ah yes a sure sign of a “librarian or a profesor or something”

[6:51pm] [jayterror4]: no lie lol she told me i just forgot

[6:51pm] [jayterror4]: shes vegetarian tho i no that for sure

[7:02pm] [mskaleyb]: Hey vegetarian food can be really good. Remember I was vegetarian for like three years in high school

[7:04pm] [jayterror4]: ya u were also a huge nerd lol

[7:06pm] [mskaleyb]: Oh gee thanks lol.

[7:07pm] [mskaleyb]: Well you can go in on the salsa with me if you really don’t want to bring anything.

[7:14pm] [jayterror4]: i dont even want to go but ok


[AnnaBartlett63] has come online.

[11:14am] [AnnaBartlett63]: Hi, honey. I just wanted to say thank you for being there yesterday. I know it was different, but Jane and I really appreciated you being there.

[11:20am] [jayterror4]: sure no prob mom. shes pretty cool

[11:21am] [AnnaBartlett63]: And you didn’t want to throw up at the squash?

[11:25am] [jayterror4]: haha well i mite have… kaley talked me down

[11:26am] [AnnaBartlett63]: Aw, sweet girl. You guys getting along?

[11:34am] [jayterror4]: ya better then ever actually. me her n rosie are gonna have our own thanksgiving w turkey.

[11:36am] [AnnaBartlett63]: That’s a nice idea. :) I’m sorry we didn’t have any this year.

[11:37am] [jayterror4]: nah ur not lol. its ok tho i get it.

[11:39am] [AnnaBartlett63]: I AM, honey. I just wanted to make her feel welcome.

[11:40am] [jayterror4]: maybe that doesnt have to mean forgetting about us tho

[11:41am] [AnnaBartlett63]: You're right. I'm still learning, too, I guess.

[11:42am] [AnnaBartlett63]: Would you like to talk about everything sometime?

[11:44am] [jayterror4]: maybe. seeing u guys together it makes sense tho. ive never seen u so happy

[11:45am] [jayterror4]: makes me kinda mad at dad like why couldnt he do that for u?

[11:54am] [jayterror4]: mom?

[11:56am] [AnnaBartlett63]: Sorry sweetie, just tearing up over here.

[11:56am] [AnnaBartlett63]: Well, he did at one point. I wouldn’t have married him otherwise!

[12:01pm] [jayterror4]: wat happened?

[12:03pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: I don’t know, honestly. I guess we just drifted apart. That and… well, you know.

[12:04pm] [jayterror4]: ya the gay thing lol

[12:07pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: Not something I thought would happen in my 50s!

[12:11pm] [jayterror4]: well better late then never

[12:12pm] [jayterror4]: is she gunna b there at christmas too?

[12:15pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: Hopefully! If we’re not sick of each other by then.

[12:16pm] [jayterror4]: cool cool. maybe she can bring that tofurky again

[12:18pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: It was good, wasn’t it! You were brave for trying it.

[12:19pm] [jayterror4]: mom im not a kid lol i can try new things without being brave

[12:21pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: Well you’ll always be my baby ;)

[12:22pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: In any case, I’m glad you had fun.

[12:23pm] [jayterror4]: ya i did. sorry for being a brat about it b4

[12:26pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: It’s fine, sweetie. It’s never easy when family falls apart.

[12:27pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: When is Dad back?

[12:32pm] [jayterror4]: idk a few days i think

[12:34pm] [jayterror4]: im thinking tho mom… can i come live with u guys? dad n lisa are weird, they never do anything but sit on the couch watching tv

[12:39pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: We can talk about it, sure. I’d love to have you around more but let’s make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons.

[12:41pm] [jayterror4]: they dont even act all that happy they fight constantly

[12:43pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: Well I certainly don’t want you around that.

[12:45pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: Speak to Dad and we’ll see if we can figure something out.

[12:51pm] [jayterror4]: cant u do it? he never takes me srsly

[12:55pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: You’ve got to learn how to stand up for yourself honey. I know he can be difficult but I can’t protect you forever.

[12:56pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: Anyway, I’ve got to run. Jane and I are decorating the house for Christmas!

[12:58pm] [jayterror4]: are u putting up the tree?

[1:02pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: We sure are. Remember when you and your sister would take turns putting the ornament on top?

[1:03pm] [jayterror4]: ya that was fun

[1:07pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: I’d invite you over but I know how lame you think it is to spend time with your family.

[1:08pm] [jayterror4]: nah… id like that.

[1:10pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: Oh, wonderful!! See if Kaley will drive the three of you over. We’ll order pizza.

[1:13pm] [jayterror4]: ok but can we plz have one with pepperoni, lol

[1:15pm] [AnnaBartlett63]: I think we can make that happen. ;) See you soon.

[1:16pm] [jayterror4]: see u soon mom :)

November 27, 2020 16:05

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