Flowers Can Bloom After Fires and in Stone Too

Written in response to: Set your story in a world where love is prohibited.... view prompt


Contemporary Drama Fiction

This story contains sensitive content

Warning: Mentions of physical harm, violence, gore, sexual assault and abuse of various kind will be mentioned. Discretion is advised.

In a world where the third world war, or the ultimate global revolution, took and destroyed the goodness of humanity, after the only concerns from rich wealthy men was how the world will sustain a population decline.

The climate worsened. Droughts harbored long. Food privatized and only people who hold a certain wealth bracket, can afford fresh produce, while the rest of the population scraped by still feeding into their own self-destructive consumerism practices.

Where unfortunately, women and girls were mistreated, disrespected and at worse persecuted for their sex in society... at such tumultuous times a solution needed to be made.

But there simply wasn't enough for everyone to fend for themselves.

And such a world, that was created by selfish men from the start, who only looked after their own self-centered interests and never gave enough power to anyone else.

Because to change, would also mean to challenge their authority.

That is until, women took over. In mass droves as they fled from their home countries, and settled in the Western Hemisphere, to forge a new life or new era of peace.

An all-female commune, where no one gets hurt or wickedly brutalized by violent men; women finally found their own peace.

But where does that leave the men?

"It's a regressive, primitive world..." Queen Mother lectured. "All these men, they can never love like us. Because love was never in their hearts or minds, and I can prove that with these examples."

The old regal woman shows gory pictures of women being battered and violently handled. "Such cases have been the reality worldwide. Killings, rapes, and the most atrocious things that stained humanity's reputation- men were the usual perpetrators for such cases."

She shows more clips and we, a class of young women, watch in horror at the gruesome brutality of men. What they have done.

To women. To children. To animals. To themselves.

The horror never ending.

"And that is why..." Queen Mother sighs as she seats herself elegantly in her special chair. "We never encourage desegregation between males and females. Ever. Class dismissed."

The bell rings and soon I pack my things and wait until everyone leaves.

"Queen Mother?" I ask and notice her turning her head around.

"Yes dear?" She smiles warmly, almost compelling me to share what I have inside.

"I still can't believe that men would do that but why?"

She laughs and moves her arms gracefully as she gestures me to come with her. "Come, I can show you beyond the great walls what has come to men."


"Yes child. I will say, what you will see, it won't be easy. But it will confirm doubts if I show you, their world. Their perspective. Because my words may not be enough."

"Oh, Queen Mother... I didn't mean it like that, I swear-"

"I know child," she sighs. "Still, we have a lot more work to do together. Come."

With that being said, Queen Mother took me on her helipad, where a group of strong-armed women, with advanced armor accompanied us.

"Queen Mother," General Amy said as she and the rest pay their respects with their hand over their heart. "How may we accompany you today?"

"Take me and this girl over the beyond. I have to show her something."

"I understand. Also take Fabio and Maximus with you as well."


With that, Fabio and Maximus, despite being men, they accompany us. I still have questions about that.

"Child, they are here, because they've been trained to look after us. Men who provide security are the best to women, and when we go over the beyond, you'll see why."

I nod, as I look out the window and notice the stark contrast. The beautiful floral and fruitful gardens, with butterflies, hummingbirds, and various species. The natural scenery and sunlight that we gain from our communes, cannot be harmonized with the dusty, if not ash-thrown, sickening grey dispersed. Slain bodies still remain on the ground. Trampled over. No burial.

Men, wild, roam free and with their brute strength, I witness them destroying everything in their path. They are still at war despite everything that's happened.

"Such creatures are too different from women," Queen Mother remarked with Fabio and Maximus agreeing despite their sex. "Such men will only cause destruction and havoc on our side. They won't change for anyone else. And efforts have been made before, they also went back against their word."

"I see, Queen Mother," I reluctantly casted aside my doubts as I look out the window, watching more of the chaos unfold.

But a face stares up at the sky and maybe towards my direction.

That handsome young man's face, caked in grime, has a look of desperation. He's starving for a place, maybe an embrace?

He seems isolated from the chaos, ever so drawing my gaze to zoom in on his pitiful state. His misery is captivating.

"Queen Mother..."

"Yes?" She hums.

"Could there be some that can be brought back?"

She along with the rest of the crew on board remained quiet for a moment, before Fabio responds. "It's not in our best interest to do so."


"I understand," Fabio chuckles. "But trust me on this, okay? These men in general can't be rehabilitated or changed."

"Still, I mean-"

"Even after we've shown you," Maximus interrupted, "You still won't believe us? Even after seeing all the despair and destruction men create- you can't see it for yourself?!"

"Sorry," I look out the window again and that man is gone as we fly towards home.

I feel a hand gently on mines. "Don't be dear," Queen Mother smiles, her wrinkles outlining her joy, "Trust in that, you learn for yourself. In the next tournament."

Fabio and Maximus look flabbergasted as Queen Mother suggests such a thing.

"The tournament?" I asked.

"Yes, the tournament." She snaps her finger. "It will be a blast for you to see for yourself."

"Okay, Queen Mother," I reluctantly nod.

Soon we arrive back down on the helipad, and I pay my respects towards the Queen Mother and head back home.

The tournament, as far as I have heard from rumors, are the only time where "mingling" between the sexes happens. Males compete in sporting events where they battle it out with each other and execute one another on the spot. Ancient Rome gladiator style.

It became our entertainment and also way to weed out the "losers" to only favor "winners".

And from the older women, they relish in such sport because they've become "wise enough" to enjoy such events.

The winner gets to pick at least three candidates from the women who want to "bed with them".

After a period of time, the "winner" is thrown back out to the East, and we wait for at least one of the women to be a mother and deliver precious life into this world.

If a girl, she gets to be kept. No other explanation.

If a boy, Queen Mother, always makes sures that by the time they are thirteen, they make their own choice to stay or to head to the beyond.

Once they leave, they can never return back and if they choose to stay, they must abide by the rules or will eventually be banished to the other side.

The Four Rules for Boys:

  1. Don't cause unnecessary damage or violence to property or anyone.
  2. Don't lie.
  3. Don't steal.
  4. Don't love or bed with any woman.

If any of these rules are broken, they will be banished to the beyond, and unable to come back.

The day of the tournament arrives, and I'm seated behind with the Queen Mother.

"Queen Mother, I wonder, why do we take enjoyment out of such violent sport?"

"Why not? This is what men will do regardless. Might as well you see for yourself."

"Still, I find it quite barbaric-"

"Now ladies!" The guest announcer, Jenkins, with his flamboyant silver studded flashy suit, comes to the center of the outdoor arena as he smiles painfully.

"Now, we'll begin our show in just a minute, but I have to introduce the male contenders. Contender one!"

In comes a burly man, with gruesome scars across his body, and he's been well groomed and oiled as he comes out shining. His bald head reflecting the sun, and his copper facial hair cascades down below his chin. In only briefs he flexes and shows off.

"Now contender one's name is..."


"Yeah.. okay. He's forty-two and his biggest flex is that he never cries. Even after he was born?"

"YEAH! YEEEAAAHHH!" He screams and acts unruly, which the host moves away, and goes to introduce the second contender.

"Second Contender! Come on out!"

In comes another burly old man, who like the first one, is also scarred and acts ruthless too. I sigh.

Is there anyone else that isn't like that?

After each contender, the final eleventh one is introduced.

"Last contender, oh is quite young, around twenty-three, and his name is... Rowan? Wow... totally normal sounding? I didn't expect that."

I hear more ladies cheering and squealing at how cute and precious Rowan is while I just look at him. He feels familiar.

Where did I see him before?

"Yes, my name is Rowan and I like to cook and garden in my spare time."

He faces up towards where Queen Mother and I are, then I realized...

"I've seen him before..."

"What?" Queen Mother asked.

"Oh nothing." I shake my head as I concentrate on his black hair with hints of orange and red from the sunlight. How it casts against his beautiful chocolate skin. His dark coffee eyes captivating with his lean and strong features.

I notice the countless scars on his body. How it cruelly reminds me his past being filled with pain and hurt.

At such a young age, why? Why did he need to go through such things?

"Alright! Now it's time to face one another and fight!"

The battle remains intense as each man fought with one another, while Rowan swiftly dodges and carefully maneuvers, instead of fighting.

This is just cruel.

"Queen Mother, can we just cast Rowan aside?" I plead. "He's not even a fighter."

"No," Queen Mother persists. "Once a man decides to fight, he must see it to the end. That is the nature of man."

"Still-" I try to get up but instead, Maximus blockades my way.

"Don't interfere. Just watch for yourself."

Five men are brutally down, and I feel sick to my stomach to digest all this brutal violence at once. The rest remains unfazed as they roared for their own man.

"Barthasauce!.. Barthasauce!..."

"Rowan!... Rowan!.."

While I cover my eyes, unable to watch.

"Wow, what an intense and interesting match to see these brutal men go at each other! Look at them go!" The announcer continues boasting as I need to get up and retch.

I rush out and throw up in the bathroom as I'm unable to head back myself.

But as soon as I step back in to inform Queen Mother to excuse myself for early departure, the arena remains silent. I look around confused and I notice Rowan pointing towards my direction.

"That girl... That's the one and only one I want."

I remain clueless as I look at Queen Mother, but she stares down.

"How dare you! She's only twenty! She can't consent anyone just yet!"

"I only want her. I won fair and square."

"Why you?!" Queen Mother was about to command but I drop to my knees.

"Please! Please! Queen Mother!" I beg. "Please... I want him too."

I hear the soft breeze in-between and my beating heart. My beath held in as it remains silent.

"Fine. Just this exception," Queen Mother declares as she then gazes down at me. Questionably. "You," She whispers, "Don't forget why."

She storms out and slowly, one by one everyone follows. Chattering rumors. White noise.

But looking back at Rowan, his eyes intently looking at me, I wonder why did he choose me out of all the woman?

And why now?

Story ongoing. The follow-up will be published elsewhere.

February 19, 2025 01:18

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