Fiction Friendship

This story contains sensitive content

⚠WARNING: The following story contains sex and talk of injuries. You have been warned!⚠

Soft warm lips meet mine, the hunger evident. Long fingers dig into my hair their tongue dances across my lips. Fighting back I pull my face away not wanting the affection from the unknown person. The hand in my hair pulls hard making me stop and gasp. Their lips fill the gap and their tongue slips into my mouth, fighting for dominance, winning I pull my wrist out of the ropes holding my hands behind my back. I cup my hands around the person in front of me. Slipping one hand from their face putting it on the small of their back pulling them into my lap. Cold fingers drag across my face hooking on the blindfold and slowly pulling it off of my eyes. I open my eyes to see the lust-glazed eyes of my capture. The room is bathed in a soft, ethereal glow emanating from a mesmerizing array of fairy lights. Draped gracefully along the walls and suspended from the ceiling, the fairy lights create a canopy of luminosity, like a starry night sky brought indoors. The soft warm light on the room's vintage, wood-paneled walls, adorned with faded tapestries and rustic art brings a cozy and comforting feeling. The air carries the comforting scent of aged books and the flickering fireplace's gentle crackle. A bed that holds many layers of blankets sits behind the soft features of my capture. Standing up I snake my arms around her waist lifting them in one swift motion. Placing us onto the bed. Leaning in I lock our lips together, turning my head to deepen the kiss one of her hands went to the back of my head while the other trailed down to my waist. I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her closer as the kiss got more heated. Licking her lip bottom lip for entrance I get denied, growling into the kiss I place my fingers on her clit over her lace panties. Gasping and jumping a little I take the opportunity to slide my tongue into her mouth. After spending what felt like forever exploring each other mouths, breaking the kiss to catch our breaths a string of saliva connecting our mouths. I start to kiss her neck, nipping and sucking everywhere, I bite down hard on the crook of her neck making her breath hitch and her body tense up. Slipping my fingers under the panties I find her clit teasing it I slowly unlock our lips and take my fingers away to slip my shirt and pants off leaving me in my boxers. I watch the hunger grow in her eyes. I grab her wrists pinning them above her head with one hand. Hooking her waistband I pull her panties off, lowering my head I take her cunt into my mouth. Using my tongue to explore her folds, tasting and teasing each place I could find until I reached her clit. Running my tongue around her cilt, then using my free hand to pull the hood back. I didn't taste her half-heartedly, I ate her out with passion. There was no other place I'd rather be feasting than between her thighs. She opened her eyes and looked down at me, seeing those bright green eyes glazed with lust made me even harder. Pressing my tongue into her slit again, scooping inside as she squeezed down, another aftershock tearing through her. Resting my body over hers I line myself up, then sank my hard dick into her in a smooth motion. I slid into her with sure and steady thrusts, filling her without hesitation. Locking our lips I fed my agile tongue past her lips, she moaned around my tongue. Sucking to take every drop I offered. I didn't break the breathtaking kiss as I caught her thigh and pulled it up and around my hip. I fucked her with slow, leisurely thrusts. I release her wrists and tangle my fingers in her hair starting to thrust faster and harder. Her moans filled the room when I broke the kiss, digging my face into the crook of her neck I say lewd things into her neck. I can feel myself reaching my climax, I attempt to pull out to finish but legs lock themselves around my hips preventing me from pulling out.

"Let Go, I'm gonna -" I try to say but get interrupted. She wraps her arms tightly around my neck and lifts her body to the point where she can rest her chin on my shoulder. 

Whispering in my ear, "Inside~" Widening my eyes I look at her to notice that she has tears pricking the corners of her eyes. I end up finishing inside of her. We disconnect after a few minutes, I carefully detach her limbs to lay her down on the bed. Grabbing her panties from the floor I help pull them on. I grab my discarded clothes from the floor, slipping on only my shirt and boxers. I notice that she has turned onto her side and seems to be crying hard. I crawl over to her pull her into my lap and hug her close. For the first time, I noticed that there was a picture of me and someone across the room from when I was a kid. I carefully stand up with her holding me in a koala hold. Walking to the picture I realized who that the other person in the picture was, my friend Quinn. In the picture, I have a pink cast on my wrist and Quinn has stitches on her face and peeking from under her shirt. I look down and see the scar that is so faint you have to know to look for it to see it. I remember how she had gotten that scar. The branch under us broke when we were climbing, and we both fell. I broke my wrist and Quinn had gotten a cut that crossed her lower lip down her chin and dragged down her collarbone and chest another four inches. After a few days, we reconnected I learned that her parent had gotten caught doing illegal activities and she had to be taken into government custody and had to use a different name, we had been in the same high school and college without fully knowing it. We had gone to the store and a buddy of mine had run over to me in a panic.

"Dude! Where have you been? Your parents were going to report you missing here in a few hours."

"Sorry, my phone broke and I got injured so I was stuck at my friend's house. I didn't think to call them," I say rubbing the back of my neck with embarrassment. I was so glad that any hickeys I had were covered by my shirt, but Quinns weren't so hidden. Luckily she was wearing a turtle neck sweater, skirt, and black tights. After my buddy had left we bought the pregnancy test.

October 06, 2023 21:03

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