
                              HEAVEN SENT.

      Kali was walking past Jessup’s store on Croydon High Street when she was approached by a sales assistant handing out free samples of perfume.

     “Go on take it” said the young sales assistant with the glowing smile.

     “It will do you good.”

     “Thank you” said Kali.

     The perfume was called Heaven Scent it made Kali think of fresh flowers growing in a beautiful garden. Kali closed her eyes taking in the aroma of rose and jasmine, as she rubbed the perfume on her wrist. Kali tried not to think about the perfume as she went about

her job caring for elderly people their own homes. Mr Biggs would not stand still while he ate his breakfast. Mrs Mills screamed during the day over the loss of her son and her spectacles when Kali called to visit.

     During her lunch break Kali found herself walking along the high street towards  Jessop’s store. There was no one on the perfume counter maybe the staff had gone to lunch? Kali reached out taking the bottle of Heaven Scent from the display cabinet

 putting it into her shoulder bag. What had she done? Kali wasn’t a dishonest person, she was trusted with the keys other to people’s houses.

    Kali sat down in the small café two streets away from Jessop’s store. So that was what having an addiction did to you? She thought that it was like drugs or alcohol once you had tried it you wanted more. Kali stirred her coffee she must take the bottle of Heaven Scent back to Jessop’s store. What would have happened if she,

had been stopped by a security guard outside the store or caught on the CTV cameras. Kali would explain to the sales assistant that she had accidently taken the perfume by mistake.

     The sales lady did not smile or understand what had happened when Kali returned the bottle of perfume. She had said “You took the perfume from the display cabinet without paying for it”. “You came back because you felt guilty, I do not know if you borrowed the perfume and then thought you would return it because you

did not like the smell”. “I’ve seen your sort before.

    “No,” said Kali.

     “You have it all wrong I am very sorry for what I did.”

    The sales assistant then rang a bell for security; a man appeared in a black uniform. She said “This woman has taken a bottle of perfume from the display cabinet worth a total of seventy-two pounds. We shall see what Mr Beech as to say about this.” Kali was led up a back staircase by the security guard followed by Miss Campbell, the sales assistant from the perfume counter.

 Kali felt the tears prick the back of her eyes. What would happen to her job and the people that she cared for? The perfume did not feel sensual to wear any more.

There was the money that she had promised to send home each month to her help her disabled mother and six younger brothers and sisters in Africa. Would she lose her work permit to work in this country? How could she face the shame and humiliation of being labelled a thief?

       Mr Beech a small distinctive a man in a grey suit got up from his desk and looked through his office window at the skyscrapers listening to what was being said. When he turned around Kali was crying and shaking. He asked her to sit down on the chair opposite him and offered her a glass of water from a decanter on

his desk. Kali thought that he was considerate. She wished that they had met under different circumstances.

    Mr Beech said, “Do you enjoy your job helping people Kali?”


  “Then you won’t make this mistake, again will you?”

  “No Sir,” replied Kali.

  “Good then I won’t see you in this office again.” “You returned the perfume, so no further action will be taken”. Kali thanked Mr Beech and they shook hands. Kali was in a state of shock and surprise over the incident. She still had her carers job with Care and Motivation. Kali thought that god had given her  a chance to

redeem herself. He had guided her away from temptation she would say a prayer to the lord god and one for kind Mr Beech.

   She had heard all about angels watching over people from the people that she cared for old Ellie often praised the angels and thanked them for the good things that came into her life. People had seen angels before they had died? Maybe the lord god had sent an angel to watch over Kali and guide her away from temptation? Kali would study the work of angels from some of the books in the local library. The flat where she lived was not perfect. She had lots of good things in life to be thankful for food on the table, warmth and love from those around her.

     The pastor at the church often talked about the way of the lord Kali would talk to him about her experience she would not disappoint the lord again by becoming vain and greedy. When she gave praise to the lord for the good things around her. She

hoped that the lord and his guardian angels would hear her.

     After Kali had left his office Mr Beech sat with his hands on his desk thinking about the incident with Kali. It had taken courage for the girl to return the item. He thought about how scared she had been when she looked at him with those big brown eyes. He was sure that he had made the right decision. She had known that

it was wrong to take the perfume it was just a moment of madness on her part and she would not be making that mistake again.

    Over the years he had seen lots of people in similar situations’ and he knew if people were genuine or dishonest. She could have just thrown the bottle of perfume, away rather than return it to the store. He was glad that Barnardo’s and his tutors had given him a chance in life all those years ago. This had given him the knowledge to deal with others less fortunate than himself.

       A decade had passed by the store had to adapt to many changes to keep up with other High Street outlets. Mr Beech was still at the helm of Jessop’s. One day he had received a phone call from the hospital about his wife Beatrice. She had been admitted to hospital with colon cancer. How was he going to break ,the news of Beatrice’s condition their son William who resided in America?

Harold Beech thought back to how he had progressed in his chosen career. The Beeches had always wanted more children but it did not happen. It was a miracle when Beatrice had given birth to their William in her late thirties.

        After visiting Beatrice in hospital Harold down sat on a bench in the hospital grounds taking in the peace and tranquillity. He was deep in thought when he was approached by a woman who sat down beside him.

 ” You”, don’t remember me do you Mr Beech? The incident with the bottle of

perfume. You showed compassion and understanding.”

 “I did what? “

“After that incident with the bottle of Heaven Scent at Jessop’s store I thought that there was something missing from my life and that god had a purpose for me.”

“Well it’s strange both of us meeting like this after all these years” replied Harold.

“Yes, isn’t it” said Kali. One of the nurses told me about your wife I thought that I

could help you?”

 “It really is a miracle the way that we have met today” said Harold.

“I help people in crisis” replied Kali putting her hand over Harold’s as they made their way to the hospital chapel to pray for Beatrice. On his way home that evening Harold thought about the young Kali and the mature woman dressed in the nuns  black habit.

  Life goes on and sometimes even at my age it can take you completely by surprise. How shall I explain this to my friends and work colleagues that Kali just turned up at the hospital when I needed her. I will tell Beatrice about this when she wakes up from her operation. “Very strange indeed “said Harold as he turned the key in his front door lock, the phone rang in the hallway. “William” said Harold you hear  about these things happening to other people a sign from god. Today I met up  with a woman who had returned something to the store some years back, she was dressed in a nun’s habit and we went into the hospital chapel to say a prayer for

your Mother. I felt better and more positive as I came out of the chapel.”

September 10, 2024 20:08

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Monica Raschitor
14:34 Sep 16, 2024

This story, Heaven Scent, has a reflective and spiritual tone, exploring themes of temptation, redemption, and divine intervention. It has a strong moral foundation and an interesting character arc, but the pacing and emotional depth could be improved to give the story more impact. It offers a nice blend of redemption and divine intervention, but adding more layers to Kali’s emotional journey and fleshing out the ending would elevate it further.


Christine LW
20:01 Sep 16, 2024

Thank You for. Your interest and thanks. I am glad that it touched home on a few issues.


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