Amanda and Dieter stood just outside her front door and watched as the rain continued to come down and the lightning streaked across the dark and angry sky. Dieter’s tall frame was against the front door while Amanda leaned into him as they watched one car after another drive down the street, while a few others pulled to the side of the road to wait out the storm.
They’d spent most of the day watching movies in her house and then gone to the local cafe for some pastries. The sun had been shining big and bright when they went out, however, on the way back, the sky had darkened, threatening rain and thunderstorms. Holding hands and running swiftly, they’d arrived back at her front porch just before the rain poured down.
“We just made it!” Amanda quipped.
“I'm glad that we make it— clothes to change into.”
“That would’ve been a shame,” Amanda said, a smile evident in her voice.
He knew she was teasing. So far, all they’d shared were a few kisses, and that was all they planned on for now, and that was fine with him.
“As much as I’m loving this rain, would it be too much how do you say? Trouble? To go inside?” Dieter’s German accent standing out.
“Of course not!” Amanda turned towards him and smiled.
Several minutes later, snuggled together under a large blanket, they were wrapped in each other’s arms with their cups of hot chocolate and leftover pastries on the coffee table in front of them as they listened to the steady beat of the rain hitting against the window panes and the roof of the house.
"Listen to the wind howling," Amanda murmured.
The noise of the storm intensified as hail pelted the house.
"Sounds like taking the roof off, no?" Dieter asked.
“Yes, it does sound pretty bad, but luckily, the boys aren’t expected back till much later, it should let up by then.”
“I hope so, I want for them to be safe.”
They sat in silence for several moments, enjoying each other's company with the storm providing the only sound.
“Now that we are settled, I want to ask you something,” Dieter began.
“Of course,” Amanda answered.
"Did I really hear you correctly when we were at the café?" Dieter questioned, his eyes pondering Amanda’s face. “When I asked you–”
“Oh, did you ask me a question?” her eyes shining bright.
“You teasing me, no?”
“Of course, I’m teasing you,” Amanda replied, a smile in her voice, “if you heard me say yes, then you heard me correctly.“ She replied leaning even more heavily into his embrace, and he responded by hugging her tightly.
By now, the hail had stopped and the beating sounds of the rain were lessening.
“Who could’ve imagined that only after meeting twice, that we fell in love and months later, we are now engaged?”
“Certainly, not me, I never actually expected to get married again," Amanda said softly, a faraway look in her eyes.
"That makes sense considering what you've been through in your first marriage,” Dieter said, gently touching Amanda’s hand. He was silent for a moment before saying, "I didn't expect to marry at all."
This comment garnered a smile from her and a slight punch in the arm. "I'm not sure whether I should take that as a compliment or an insult."
"A compliment," Dieter said, kissing her on the lips. "I didn't think I would ever fall in love."
"Ah!" Amanda said, leaning into his kiss.
The couple was so deep in their conversation, that they didn't hear the key in the lock and the soft footsteps on the carpeted floor.
“Mom, what did you just say?"
“But you two just met!”
"What are you thinking?"
Dieter and Amanda both jumped at the rapidly fired questions by her sons and her ex-husband as they entered, hanging their wet jackets on the coat rack. “We didn’t hear you come in—“ Amanda said.
“That is painfully obvious,” Amanda’s ex-husband, Graham, pointed out.
Amanda ignored his comment and instead, said, “I said that we are getting married, and yes, I know that we haven’t known one another that long.” Amanda said taking her fiancé's hand then turned to her ex-husband and said,
"Not that it is any of your business but Dieter and I are in love.”
“Yes, we are very much in love with each other," Dieter said, looking towards Graham and continued, “Yes, is true we met months ago, and when by chance, we saw each other again, we were able to see if what we felt that first time was real or just – what word would you use – fake, no?” His German accent very prevalent.
"How can it be real?" Graham asked Amanda, deliberately ignoring the man beside her on the couch. “It took us years before we decided to get married!”
“Graham, that may be true—but we aren’t going to go into THAT!”
The two teenagers looked from their mother and Dieter and then to their father.
“I think it’s best if you leave now,” Dieter said.
“You can’t tell me—“
“Yes, he can,” said Amanda.
Graham stepped forward as if to move towards Dieter, thought better of it, and instead spat, “I hope you two know what you are doing!” He turned towards the door, “I’ll call you boys later,” he called over his shoulder, bumping into Amanda’s parents, who were walking through the door.
“What is going on around here?” Amanda’s dad asked.
“Why don’t you ask HER? Graham responded aggressively, gesturing towards Amanda and then added, “Maybe you can talk some sense into your daughter– if that is even possible!” As he left, allowing the screen door to slam behind him.
“Yes, Amanda, what is going on?” Her mother asked, standing behind the boys.
“Can everyone please sit down, so we can talk about this?” Amanda asked, looking towards her boys.
Her youngest son, Timothy, looked towards his big brother, Graham, Jr. and rolled his eyes. They both nodded and flopped on the loveseat, while their grandparents sat on the couch as Amanda and Dieter had stood up.
“That didn’t exactly go the way I hoped it would,” Amanda said.
“We had planned on telling you the news later—we didn’t expect,” Dieter began.
“You, boys, to come home so soon,” Amanda finished.
“Dad said some business thing or another came up,” Graham, Jr. said.
“As usual,” added Timothy.
Amanda and Dieter and her parents all shared a look but didn’t say anything.
“Is it say, uh, okay if I explain first?” Dieter asked Amanda who nodded yes and then he turned towards her sons who both shrugged.
“As you know, your Mother is a wonderful woman, besides, the fact that she is beautiful and I can’t explain it but we met, clicked and fell in love.”
Amanda smiled.
“But Mom, what about our life here?” asked Graham, Jr.
“I admit, we haven’t decided all the ins and outs yet but—“ Amanda started.
“No need to worry,” Dieter continued, “I will not do anything that affects you, boys.”
“Yeah, we haven’t even figured out a date—“
The boys looked confused.
“I only just now proposed.”
“Oh!” Exclaimed the boys along with her parents.
“Amanda, are you sure?” asked her mother.
“Yes, Mom, I am sure,” Amanda replied, squeezing Dieter’s hand and looking into his eyes with such love.
She'd never seen her daughter look so happy. “I’m sure your Mom and Dieter will talk with you boys before they make any major decisions, “ she said.
“I’m sure Amanda and Dieter will talk with you boys before they make any major decisions—“ Her mother said.
“Of course,” Replied Dieter, nodding to Amanda in confirmation.
“This will not be a problem. I have already made some inquiries about transferring here. For now, I will stay in Germany until Amanda and I have made our plans.”
The boys looked at one another before Graham, Jr. said, “Well—that does not sound that bad.”
Although Timothy didn’t say anything, he didn’t look as distraught as before.
“How about you four go out for dinner?” suggested Amanda’s dad. “It will allow everyone to get to know each other.”
“That’s a great idea—“ said Amanda.
“But why not we all go out?” added Dieter.
Amanda’s mom glanced at her husband and then said, “You all go ahead, we had a busy day.”
“Yes, have fun, we can all go out the next time Dieter visits,” Amanda’s dad added, stifling a yawn.
Amanda and Dieter nodded in understanding and Dieter responded, “Would it be too much to request something–how do you say–specialty food?“ Dieter said slowly, looking towards the boys. “There is an exotic delicacy that we do not have available in Germany and it would be an opportunity wasted if I did not try this while I am here. “
“What’s that?” Graham, Jr. asked cautiously.
“Pizza,” to which everyone laughed as they all headed out the door.
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