
We officially left Earth twenty-four hours ago. Me and my partner Samantha have been waiting eight years for this trip to space to discover a new planet we call Extra.

"Harmony, I see nothing at all." Samantha says in a irritated voice

I roll my eyes "Can you have a little Patience, we aren't going anywhere for a while."

Samantha is IMPATIENT, but she's very excited because we've been studying this planet for years. It's the closest thing to earth we've seen, it has a sustainable climate, water and plants which means oxygen. Our planet is dying and I don't think anyone takes that serious.

I grab the scope that lets us see outside the spaceship. As I'm looking around I see nothing as well, it's pitch black and scary, even for the ones trained to be up here.

"We'll check some more later. We should eat something." I say to Sam.

Now being a astronaut is the most amazing thing ever but I've seen dog food that looks better than the crap they bag up for us.

"Meatloaf and mashed potatoes."

Samantha says shaking the bag that sounds like it's full of sand.

We prepare our dog chow and dig in.

"Mmm kibbles" I said sarcastically.

We both broke out laughing. We need to laugh after all it's just us up here.

A few hours later, we're studying per usual. We don't have kids so our careers are everything to us.

I decide to check the scope again and when I did my heart almost gave out. Looking back at me is this giant, dark triangular spaceship but it's nothing from earth and it don't look friendly or welcoming.

"S-s-samantha, you might wanna see this." I said said very shakily.

"What is it?" She grabs the scope from me and looks for herself. Her face said it all.

"Oh my God,aliens!" She could barely get it out.

And just as she said that we lost all power to our spaceship, it's dark and scary in here.

"What do you think is going to happen Harmony!?" She is scared out of her mind, probably thinks we're going to die soon but not me. I'm scared but that ship could easily consume this one, I think they're just trying to intimidate us.

"I don't know but we need to remain calm." I say as I'm internally not remaining calm

I look through the scope again and I see this big ass ship start to divide into two and slowly start to come towards us. I watch slowly as we get pulled into the ship and it comes back together.

"Put your gear on, now!" I tell Sam as I start trying to put my gear on as fast as I can but in space that's not fast at all. Before I could put my helmet on the top of our unit is ripped off.

Samantha might be right, this could surely be death. I'm scared but I can still breathe, How? I'm consumed with a million questions.

We hear something from above, footsteps maybe? Definitely footsteps, looking up we see something that absolutely blows our minds. Humans? Or aliens that look like humans. Three of them, two women and one man.

"Hello..?" I half expect to hear a English reply.

The alien humans consult with each other in a different language. It almost sounds sinister but then they look at us.

"Earthlings?" It was almost a question. Holy shit I'm getting scared because these aliens must be very smart. They have their extraterrestrial language and yet know our language too?

"Yes, we're from earth. We've came to study a new planet that may be able to support human life." Says Sam

I look at her shocked that she even spoke. Sam is doing a great job remaining calm or at least maintaining the image of calm.

"Earth is evil,greedy and scum, y'all must be destroyed one by one."

The man looking alien say shining a glare right at me. I gulp back my tears as I can't believe what I'm hearing.

"We're not bad people..or greedy...or evil. What makes you think earth is so evil? I say defending the lie that humans aren't greedy or evil.

They completely ignored the question.

"You two will stay here forever. We have our own study to do and you just made it a lot easier for us." One of girl looking aliens said with a chuckle.

The aliens climb down our broken spaceship and bring us out so we can finally see inside of this massive, intimidating spaceship. It's way more advanced than what we came up here in, it's like our ship of from the 1800s and they're living in 2100.

We're brought to a large room on the left side with only 4 beds. It's painfully white compared to the rest of the ship.

Samantha is trying not to show her tears but I see them. "Can you please take us home?" She sobs.

"Maybe later Samantha, we have work to do." The guy aliens says. "You two should get some rest."

And we don't put up a fight. We're exhausted and shocked and really don't know what to do. Maybe some sleep will help. The aliens bring us some crazy looking what we think are pajamas, silver latex pants and matching top with a pair of socks.

We change and get into the thin beds right next to each other. The aliens disappeared.

"Harmony, I love you and if we die I'm glad I'm spending my last few hours or days with you. Thank you for always being there to study and explore life with me. You were the sister I never had" Samantha says. I still see tears falling down her face. She's accepted her fate.

Me, not so much. I'm not superman but I feel like I'm going home. Maybe my mind is playing games with me. We're somewhere in space, our spaceship is destroyed and yet I still have a gut feeling that we're going to be fine.

"I love you too, Sam. But please don't give up just yet. We're going home, we're going home." I say, giving her my "we got this" face.

We then said goodnight. Is it even night? What time is it? Oh yeah, time doesn't exist in space. Sam surprisingly went right to sleep, being scared takes it out of you. I drifted off about 10 mins later....

April 21, 2024 19:11

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