Faery Resort

Submitted into Contest #287 in response to: Set your story in a café, garden, or restaurant.... view prompt



“The rosemary represents the mystical and magical!” Red points at the delicate purple blossoms on the bushes surrounding the huge, mossy stone wall before her. It appears to go in all directions and is flanked with a variety of other bushes and colorful flowers. At the center is a fantastic, monster of a door. A round-top with intricately, carved words at the arch, proclaiming: “Faery Resort”.

“Oh, I don’t know how I knew that.” She rubs her head, trying to remember. Then shakes it off due to an overwhelming fascination and steps closer to the door. “There must be a story with that title! It's a yonder about of a tale, I'm sure!"  She interjects in wonderment.

He turns to her with a query. “How do you know that expression? ‘Yonder about’, my littles say that all the time. They must have said it to you?”

“Nooo, I dunno.” She grabs her head to recollect again, to no avail. “Nope, nothing!” Forcing a smile.

“No worries. Memory is a funny thing. It will come when it’s time.” He intervenes seeing her dismay. “Meanwhile, let me introduce you to our family’s joy!”

“All right!” She beams at him, welcoming the distraction. Meeting his eyes due to her tall stature to his. Red focuses on the story at hand in reverence. “Ahhh, I adore this lavish and very fun scene! And the wood shines of gold!”

Her fingers encircle the fluttering faeries, as she admires below the deeply carved flowers, mushrooms and grasses attesting to how thick the wood has to be. Her other hand holds onto the chunky quarter-moon smiling down on the frolicking setting. She chuckles.

Colin likes what he hears and enjoys her responses to one of his most cherished places. He grins and grabs on the extra large latch of copper that opens the gateway evenly. He invites her in with an out-stretched wave. She stops to admire the ornately inscribed copper handle, tracing a finger along the Trinity knots. Even the hinges are ornate, given their size to support the heavy portal.

After her investigations, she moves around to the opened door and puts her knuckles against the edge of it to measure the thickness. Red stands and rollicks. “This is a most beautiful door! It has to be really heavy! Right? Old too? It’s an amazing chunk of wood!” Her eyes dance with joy.

"Aye, it is!" He declares, captivated by her.

Really excited now, she prances in and is immediately transported into a euphoric, garden scene, an extensive charm it is. Red stops in admiration, taking it all in. She is transfixed at the pronouncement of a kaleidoscope of colors, turning her enchantment into a wide grin.

Finally stepping further in, she observes how the entire area is highlighted by trees of many different types, colors and heights. Red glances down to the copper-hued flagstone at her feet. She surveys how it encircles the stoned-in ornamentation.

Decorative statues and fun pieces of art add to the total pageant, welcoming her. She sets out ambling, finding upon a closer look, herbs, several different kinds of vegetables and flowers are in divided sections by smaller pathways. Red is mesmerized with delight. It’s an incredible discovery as she picks up her pace, brushing tops of many, different plants and flowers that waft lovely aromas up to her.

She giggles and is truly happy with her present moment amongst the blossoms of lavender, columbine, heather and numerous other fragrances teem with bees and butterflies.

Colin sits on his favorite iron-worked bench of copper filigree to admire her. He watches her making her way around and through, finally stopping at a corner alcove. She is surrounded by taller foliage than she. He surmises she thinks she is sheltered and so turns away, embarrassed to continue looking at her.

Red’s emotion catches her by surprise. She glances around, feels enclosed and hidden, even safe which allows her to embrace the sensation. She looks up and throws her arms up in respect to the fluttering light that comes through the trees. She whispers. “Thank you!”

Colin’s eye catches her glowing through the recesses. Her hair is alit, looking like filaments of brilliant red. He is enraptured because he is feeling feelings he has known many times but only in his dreams. He is evoked of her as a luminous soul. His luminous Dearg soul-mate.

She brings her arms down, wipes her tears and moves to stop in front of him. “Thank you for this!” Bouncing with excitement and waving her hands all around. “I am most grateful for this treasure of beauty and it’s life. Mystical and magical this garden surely is, yonder about indeed!”

“I am truly happy to hear ye!” Noting her glow has dissipated. “This is a very old and dear joy of our family. Ancestors started it and every generation has contributed to it’s growth and vegetation. The door you admired, has had many renditions due to decaying of woods. There are many stories about them! But this one,” he points behind him with his thumb, “is truly my favorite! Would you like to hear it?”

“Yes, please!” He makes room for her on the small bench and pats a spot for her. She laughs and squeezes in.

“Once upon a time!” He smirks and she smiles at the cliché. “My sister and I lost our folks when we were littles.”

She is saddened at this and whispers. “My apologies for your heavy loss.”

“Thank you. Eh, well. Our Nan lovingly raised us and wanted to help restore our spirits. She was a fine story teller and told us many tales of the doors that were here before and of our land on this island. What Beth loved most were the faery stories. She was a good little artist even back then, and so drew out her own tale!

“Nan hired artisans to do the carvings and copper work. The finding of the wood and carpentry was another story as well! That will be another time, as it’s getting dark. We best be getting in.” He doesn’t divulge the magic his Nan imbued in it and the actual stones of the walls. He knew he’d have his times to share more stories.

Red grabs his arm. “But wait! What about the name? Faeries have a resort?”

“Aye yes, they do! My sister was so enamored with them, she wanted to provide a safe place for them. We had heard about what a resort is from tourists coming to our island. They would always ask where is the resort! I’ll never forget we were standing at the dock with our ice cream when we first heard the word. We both looked at each other and laughed, dropping our ice cream cones! We knew what the name would be at the same time!

“I helped with the lettering. It was a fine time. It helped to keep the pain of loss at bay. We were so into the projects of it, Nan knew what she was doing to help nurture us for sure. All the work that was involved, well, we helped and were shown how the crafts were done. It’s actually where I found my callings of wood and iron-works!”

“Brilliant passions and purposes for sure and abundantly fulfilled is proved here!” She agrees. “You know, I am getting hungry. But I do want to hear more stories!”

“We have time, don’t you know. We will. But for now, it’s getting dark, let’s get you some eats!” He takes her hand and stands. Colin pulls her up and leads her out, closing the garden door.

“Oh my, it’s really chilly out here! What a difference, it was lovely in there!”

“Aye, it’s design is like a green house. Which is yet another fine story by and by! Nan loved her plants as our new Mam, Helen does. It’s such a pleasure having her here and helping with the gardens.” Colin explains.

They walk fast, both with long legs and long strides. “You certainly have had a big day, so let’s get you warmed up and fed. Do you like chowder? I make a fine seafood chowder!” He continues.

“Aw, I think so. I dunno, but it sounds nice. Ohhh, is there crusty bread with it?”

“Irish soda bread, another specialty!”

“Well alright then!”

“Afterwards, you’ll sleep well. You’ll have my bed to rest and restore. It’s a good one for that!”

“No, I can’t take your bed. You’ve already given me so much.”

“Nonsense. I have the other room, it has a pull out. And here we are!” He pulls her inside, through to the kitchen, where the hearth steadily warms the room. He grabs an Aran-woolen throw and puts it over her shoulders. “Stand here, I’ll get this stoked for more heat. Supper will be ready soon.”

She embraces the warmth. “It has been a day. And, I don’t know how to explain to your family. I…I just don’t…”

He cuts her off. “Look, no worries. All will be made known when it’s time. Now, drink this. It’s of my own distill!”

She takes the topaz, crystal goblet. “Mmm, lovely. Strong, yet smooth, a fragrance I don’t recognize, wait…is that seaweed?”

January 30, 2025 18:27

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