Valentines day in the tree house.

Submitted into Contest #53 in response to: Write a story about summer love — the quarantine edition.... view prompt

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Millions of people around the world are either dying, scare, praying, in hospitals, dead, hungry, stress or suffering from this new enemy to mankind name the Corona virus. I give my sympathy to the world and families. Even though the government has lock us in our homes away from each others; Corona virus nor the government could lock away the love, Alex and I have for each other.

On Valentines day, high in old but strong oak tree house, I lay peacefully, quietly and safely in the muscular arms of the man, who is the reason my heart beats. This man name is Alex, but I call him soulmate. Alex and I are like a Romeo and Juliet, prefect together and would rather die than be separated.

What is love? we know the wind blows, the sun shines, the grass is green, the cloud is white and the sky is blue, but what do we know about love. Many people have their own definition about what exactly is love but I believe love is feeling that can lead down a road of happiness or sadness.

Even thought, we can't go outside buy fancy clothes,shoes, flowers, cards, bottles of wines and have expensive dinners. Alex and I satisfy and contented each other with small home-made gifts. In love it isn't the expensive stuffs that matter but the time, caring, affection, appreciation,dedication and effort that our partners provide us.

He baked Chocolate for my Valentines gift and I baked him cookies for his gift. While our eye make contact, we communicate romantic and poetic words to each other.

Alex says,''Love is on the menu today,grab a plate and spoon'',

I say, ''I am hungry for love feed me.''

Alex says,''Let my tongue feed your soul.''

Then we begin to kiss,our tongues quickly becomes glue, a slow but passionate kiss. Alex lips look like peaches and lips taste like strawberry; for a taste so sweet as his lips, I can't resist not biting it but I am doing it gently. After minutes I want to never end, we finish kissing.

Alex says, ''My love for you is so bright the aliens in space could see its light.''

I say, ''My love for you, is like lightning.''

Alex says, ''I love you once, I love you twice, I love you more than my grandmother cookies but please don't tell her.''

I say,''I love you once, I love you twice, I love you more than my Kentucky fried chicken wings.''

Alex says, ''I need your love like tea need sugar.''

I say, ''I need your love like bees need need.''

Alex says, ''I want our love to be as long as Oceans.''

I say, ''I want our love to be as long, like when I am using the toilet because of having a diarrhoea.''

Alex says, ''I want our love to be as old as my grandfather testicles.''

I say, ''I want our love to be as old as mother nature.''

Alex and I begins to feed each other with chocolates; while starring into each other eyes. Then we kiss each other tasting the chemistry of chocolate mix with love. What a delight mixture of two elements made from different properties but coming from souls and hearts made from the same chemical.

Alex says, Heaven is made above, hell is made below, I don't believe in mistakes everything has a reason like you and I.''

I say, ''The flowers were made for the soil, just like you and I were made for each other.''

Alex says, ''The love I have for you in my heart is like gold.''

I say, ''The love I have for you in my heart is like steel.''

Alex says, ''My love for you is made of sunshine.''

I say, ''My love for you is made of jewels.''

Alex says,'' Without you in my life, I am like a broken clock.''

I say, ''Without you in my life, I am like a broken mirror.''

After all the chocolate is finish eat, we begin to feed each other cookies. then we hold hands tightly. Young and in love are Alex and I. We may be young but our love is mighty, unstoppable, untouchable and unbreakable.

Alex says,''If I could make one wish on a star, I would wish for you to be in my life forever.''

I say, ''If I could make one wish on a star, I would wish to for you to never stop loving me.''

Alex says,'' If I could write a letter to Santa Clause, I would ask for you to be my future wife.''

I say, ''If I could write a letter to Santa Clause, I would ask, I would ask for you to be my future husband.''

Alex says, ''I will follow you to the sky, stars and moon.''

I say, ''I will follow you to the to death and beyond.''

We take our last kiss, then I lay on his chest as I hear the music of love being play over and over in his heart. While I close my eyes and we slept cuddling and holding each other like there is no tomorrow.

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August 01, 2020 22:40

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Tyra Johnson
22:43 Aug 01, 2020

Please excuse me, my story is not finish as yet, that's why I use those weird words underneath. I will finish the story some other time, please feel free to check back if you to desire to see more.


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