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Crime Suspense Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of sexual violence.

“Like seriously look how cute he is.”

“Ooo what’s his name?” 


“Last name?”

“Lemme ask. He knows Jared!”


“He said he played against him in soccer one time. He goes to Kennedy.”

“No way! You should ask him if he knows Daniel Kay.”

“I wonder if he knows Daniel Kay.”

“Lolol jinx”

“Oh okay he said he’s heard of Daniel but he’s actually a couple years older so he doesn’t know him super well.”


“Wait lemme send you the first TikTok I saw of his. It’s so funny.”

“Did YOU message him??”

“No I just liked his video! And then I stalked him a bit on Instagram lol”

“And then he messaged you?”

“Yea he liked the TikTok of us getting ready for homecoming and then I guess he found me on Instagram too and DMd me.”

“His video was so funny I’m dying”


“Imma creep on him.”


“Ok stop he is so cute. Has he messaged you again?”

“Yea we’ve been talking literally since last night. Like i barely slept. He is so sweet.”


“Lol here”

“Wait stopppp he is so sweet!!”

“I KNOW. Before that he said he saw my TikTok and wanted to message me but was too nervous, but then he couldn’t stop thinking about me in my homecoming dress and said he had to find me on Instagram.”

“I’m surprised he was able to find your instagram with your name being so basic.”

“Well my TikTok handle is the same on Instagram. That’s how I found him too.”

“Oh true. You should ask if he’s going to the game on Friday. OMG WHAT IF YOU MEET HIM SO SOON.”

“Dude I’d low key be so nervous.”

“You’re sessyyyy don’t even”

“Ah no he said he’s gonna be out of town for the next couple weeks.”

“Whut. Is he just skipping school lol”



“He just said his dad who lives in Texas apparently has cancer and he’s like basically on his death bed so he’s going to stay with him for a couple weeks and he got permission to just do school online.”

“Geez that’s so sad!”

“I don’t even know what to say to that. That’s so sad.”


“How is Kyle??”

“He’s okay. He got back last night from his dad’s so he’s tired and super sad.”

“Omg did his dad die…”

“Yea he did :( He said he got to spend some really good time with him in the end”

“That’s good at least. But omg im so sorry, he must be so sad. I can’t imagine.”

“It’s weird cuz we went from talking literally all the time to barely once a day. I think it’s just cuz he’s so sad.”

“Yea that makes sense. Give him some time.”


“Ok I don’t know what to do. Kyle is literally not talking to me anymore.”

“He’s probably just busy being back at school after being away for a couple weeks”

“Yea maybe. I miss him!!”


“He texted!”


“You called it. He said he was just super busy because online school kinda sucked and so he’s been trying to catch up on stuff this week.”

“How’s he doing about his dad?”

“Still sad, like I can’t imagine. This is so cheesy but he said the only thing that cheers him up is when I send pics of myself… :) “


“I KNOW. I feel so stupid. I keep blushing.”

“Send him this one.”

“Girl stop that is so ugly!”

“Or this one HA”

“Omg the double chins hahahaha”

“He said he wants more pics of me in my homecoming dress because that was the first video he saw of me and he loves it.”

“We should do a fashion show this weekend to take some cute pics for your mannnn”

“He’s not my mannnn”

“He absolutely is. Y’all talk all the time and you’re so in love.”

“I am not IN LOVE”

“Sounds like he is though”


“Haven’t heard about Kyle in a while. Y’all still talking??”

“Yea we are! Sorry I just didn’t want to bother you with all of it lol”

“It’s so cute I want to know everything.”

“Not much new has happened. I mean school is so busy right now for both of us.”

“True. Has he posted any new TikToks?”

“Nah. He told me he doesn’t really like the way he sounds on camera so that was his cousin in that one he posted.”

“Ugh why do boys do this. Like we wanna see more pictures but they’re always like ‘I don’t like the way I look’ and then the one picture they post is just terrible.”

“Lol I know! I keep trying to get him to send me more pics but he sends the same one cuz he said he likes it the most. Like bruh I’ve seen that one already. It’s legit my screensaver.”

“OMG it is?? What did your mom say?”

“Pff my mom never looks at my phone.”

“Same. Not that I’m hiding anything but like I don’t want her snooping.”

“I think my mom would be cool with it but she’d ask me too many questions I don’t want to answer haha”





“He wants to meet!”

“Are you kidding me??”

“He said he can’t take it anymore and he needs to HOLD ME IN HIS ARMS”


“Okay wait how about he meets us at the mall when we go this weekend….??”

“Ooo that might work. I’m happy just going to some stores by myself and you can have some alone time with yo mannnn”


“Let’s do it!!”

“Don’t tell your mom though. She’ll probably call my mom and I just don’t wanna deal with that right now. Like again I don’t think she’d care but what if I end up not liking him and we end things. I wouldn’t want my mom trying to like make me feel better lol”

“Yea no I won’t.”


911, what is your emergency?

Hi, I…

Ma’am, what is your emergency?

I have reason to believe my husband is on his way to pick up a 13 year old girl from the mall on Berkley Avenue.

Okay, and what is your husband’s name, and how old is he?

Mark Christianson. He’s 42 years old.

What makes you believe he is on his way to pick up a 13 year old girl, and what is the nature of this pick up?

He told me he was going golfing…but I happened to use his computer because mine died and I found… I found child pornography, as well as messages with a young girl named Kathryn Taylor. She’s sent him several compromising photos that he asked for…

I’m so sorry, ma’am. Take a deep breath.

He plans to meet her at 3pm today outside of the mall.

What vehicle does he drive?

A silver Tacoma. 

I am dispatching the police now to his location.

I’m so sorry… I had no idea…


“Kat where you at??”

“He just texted that he’s out front so I’m gonna meet him out there! You can wait inside and I’ll introduce y’all!”

“MKAY. I’ll be waiting by Dairy Queen.”


“You got this, girl.”

June 20, 2023 01:35

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1 comment

Mary Bendickson
16:13 Jun 20, 2023

Now this is a horror story!


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