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I never knew my life could change because of one silly mistake made in my past.

It all started 5 years ago; when my life was

well... mine I guess. It would have never changed if I didn't meet him. My life was a pretty remarkable one; regardless the fact

that my father was rich, I really never wanted to build my name under his. If I

had a choice, I would have used my Mother's name since she was no longer with

us. It would have been a whole new beginning for me. Once she passed a way, my

Dad lost himself, he started to abuse me both physically and mentally. He

remarried (I can't imagine how he did that) ; of course I didn't attend the

wedding, I had no business there.

After the wedding my father

found me and gave me a very long speech on being unruly and what not. The usual


I was bored to death

On that day though only one thing he said

stuck and kept making echoes in my head, making me even angrier and upset than

I was already he said;

''From now on, you are under me, so where I go, you go, and if

you run, I will find you. I assure you from that day you will hate me much


So for my own safety,

I began to follow him like a dog awaiting his daily bone or an addict awaiting

his drug. Every fancy ball, every sickening party, every pointless luncheon, I was right there being the

most sassy person any of his stuck-up friends would have ever met.

Until one unpleasant day, I crossed paths with my foreordained

opposite. He walked into the ballroom like he owned the place and to my

surprise he really did; he was ruthless and wicked and most certainly didn't

care how he might have sounded, as long as his demand was fulfilled. He amazed

me tho, how he carried himself, how he knew what he wanted and wasn't willing

to kiss anyone's ass to get it because he knew had enough power to get anything

he wanted. All of a sudden he began to walk towards me and for some very odd

reason I began to freeze, I couldn't move nor speak; he had an effect on me that

no one ever did; his scent was indelible. coconut

cherry breeze

As I was fantasising about

him, I realised very quickly he was standing right in front of me, I couldn't

believe what came out of my mouth next.

"and what are you looking at? Take a picture, it will last


Whilst rolling my eyes to

ensure my worst behaviour was pasted on like I did to any other guy who tried

to talk to me but him, he didn't think

of me as a sassy person for some reason he burst into laughter. As shocked as I

was I decided to be the one to walk away this time, just for me to feel strong

arms pull me back and he said;

"You are quite a feisty one.. I like that-"

Before he said anymore, I

broke free and ran for some reason the tension between us made my body lite up.

I had never felt such EVER because of this, because of my pointless running, I

found myself in an alley way: I really thought I was alone finally. Just for two very very drunk and

shady-looking men (wearing all grey;which I thought was very weird) to walk up

to me; one walking up to from the front and one from the back, once they came

close enough, they both echoed;

"You know what you did, and for that you have to pay...one

way or another"

I was extremely terrified, I had no idea what they were talking

about; I had never seen these men before in my whole life. That moment I

couldn't even dare to move a muscle because I had no single clue what the

consequences will be. I was very tensed at this moment so all I could so was

beg... until my mystery man from the ball found me and shot one of the men,

once the other saw his partner, he ran for his life.

I knew this man was dangerous but at the moment all I could

think of was throwing myself in his arms as a 'thank you' for what just

happened but as usual my sassy behaviour kicked in and all I said was;

"I could save myself but your help was appreciated"

knowing fully well this time

i couldn't, he was my super hero that day and to my surprise he replied very


"Haha no longer sassy

eh? We never really finished out conversation at the ball tho "

He awkwardly made air quotes

around the 'conversation' while he was pleasurely smirking making my desire for

him rise. Before he spoke again he made a phone call ensuring the other guy who

survived was found.

After that, he took me home

but not to my place; to his. For a man like him, I already knew his house was

going to be extravagant but once I saw it, it was far more than that it was

humongous and very beautiful, with water staircases and smart doors. Even my

house wasn't this big. I wondered why he was being nice to me though'I mean I

didn't know him'

Immediately we entered, he

showed me to a room I could stay in and left I knew my Dad was going to freak

out but I had much more important things to think about at the time being all

that repeated in my mind was why the desire for him to help me??

The next morning quickly came

and I decided to ask him why exactly he helped me, and he responded with his

musky morning voice

"You were in danger, I might seem like a bad person and I

really am but I couldn't stand there and let you get hurt"

My heart melted from that moment... after a while, I slowly began to fall for him and I couldn't help but think..This all started from a threat....

July 25, 2020 17:24

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1 comment

Kemani Grey
07:42 Mar 10, 2021

well would you look at that. the non-reader writes!!! Love this one, you should do this more often!


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