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Romance Drama Fiction

‘I’ve been doing this for ten years… And I’ve never felt more tired in my life. Still nobody understands my poetry, people refuse to read my books… What am I supposed to do now? Is it time to give up on my whole life?’

This is what Alice was thinking certain summer day. She’s been professionally working in this industry as a poet and writer for four years now, but it started with blogging ten years ago, indeed. She’s worked hard for her own name all this time, and in the end, she grew tired of trying… Could it not be her destiny after all…? Is it really time to go…?

The girl thought that it may be the day when she announces her break which could lead to never coming back to writing. She took her phone to hand because she wanted to write this last message and… Suddenly her phone rang... It was her boyfriend. A musician without whom Alice would never write any word. He’s her biggest inspiration and vice versa.

– Alice, you won’t believe what I have just found out… We’re going on tour! Listen, I know you almost gave up hope, but I really wanna be the one who helped you to get what you deserve, you know. So, I decided to organize a little book tour for you as well! I mean, people will be coming for our shows and to see you each night. It will be like you’re our support, but you’re a writer, so… So, you’ll have your stand, and people will be coming to you to get their signed copies of your books. And after that the show will begin… You know, it will be something the world has never seen!

The girl didn’t know what to say… It was literally her dream come true! But she had to tell her boy something…

– Oh, my… I don’t know what to say… Just… Thank you! Come by, and we’re discuss it at my place.

That’s so amazing… She just thought about giving her dreams and whole life up, and it’s like it was sign from the universe not to give up yet… Is it time to go…? Maybe it’s not.

Suddenly her phone started ringing like crazy… Her boyfriend’s band just announced the double tour, and they tagged her in the post. That’s why she suddenly started getting hundreds of notifications and messages… Oh, my… If that’s not enough… Now her manager was calling… Did he just saw the news, and that’s why he decided to reach out…?

– Alice, you won’t believe what I’ll tell you… I’ve just talked with the publishing house, and they are interested in publishing the special limited edition of your all three books… You wanted just one, but they are interested in all three!

Now Alice started to think that she must be dreaming… All these good news started falling from the sky like rain… It was a total nightmare just a moment ago… Just three weeks earlier she appeared at the literary festival, and she only met with ignorance and misunderstanding there… A week later her father died. If that’s not enough… Two days ago she met with hate when she published a little ad of her new book, and sales were going badly… It honestly felt like it’s the end… Until this noon came!

Some people can also experience fake friends asking for money and boyfriend cheating in addition, but they still refuse to give up hope! This road may be a bit rocky, but what if it’s the only right choice to stay and keep on going?

Alice realized she was unable to speak again that day, but she had to eventually!

– Thank you so much, Charlie! Please tell them to email me all the details, and I’ll check out what they offer soon.

– There’s no need to because they said they already have done that. Check out your mailbox.

– Oh my… You’re right! – she said after noticing the email on her laptop. – I’ll check it out as soon as possible. Thank you again, man!

– You’re welcome. It’s a pleasure to work with you.

Alice could only smile now… What more did she need to be happy? Well, she decided not to waste any minute and check out what the publishing house got to offer and what’s in the contract. Wow, special luxury edition with colorful smelling outer edges?! And all her three books will be like that?! And they offer the free promotion and 100% of income from sales?! And that’s all just because they noticed her talent and decided to sponsor her?! That’s more what she would ever imagine…!

Her boyfriend Robert knocked to her door when she was just reading all of this… So, what more did she need to be happy? Maybe that’s the answer… Some love from her boy…?

– Dear Alice… I feel like it’s a perfect moment to ask you this most important question… Will you marry me? – and he just fell to his knees after saying this… That’s right, no beating around the bush... – Of course, we’ll wait until the time of mourning ends… But I really want you to know I got your back… Everything will be fine as long as you stay with me, ok? I love you so much, and I will never leave you… I will always only try to please you and make your dreams come true… So, just say yes…

Alice didn’t feel like speaking for the third time that day… But it was the most important thing she heard, so… She simply started crying. Robert got incredibly nervous and got up. She just fell into his arms and said…

– Yes…

And Robert got calm super-fast…

The rest of the day they spent planning – their common tour, future life together and the offer she got from the publishing house. She also admitted that… She thought of giving her career up in the morning. She really wanted to end things and go to work in the local bookstore… In the end, it’s a small town, and she had big dreams… Maybe too big...? She knew she would be welcomed back with open arms there after all… That’s where she realized that she wanted to be a writer. Yes, she worked as a bookseller before she chose this life. But she knew now that she couldn’t go back there. Not after getting all these news…

It truly felt like winning the competition… Or winning the lottery… Because the time of the misery can be just the transition stage of life that leads to breakthrough sometimes… And it can be a very inspiring experience that makes you want to just keep on going and trying.

So, is it time to go…? Maybe it’s not.

September 05, 2024 10:24

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Fakh Lam
20:13 Sep 09, 2024



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