Coming of Age

In the small town of Lockwood city where a young boy named Haruto. But most people call him by his nickname, Lone Wolf since he likes to work alone. He was a sixteen year old boy who loved to help everyone.

 On a bright morning, Haruto woke up early with a bright smile, ready for the day to begin.

“I should fix some breakfast for my family.” He thought to himself.

He got out of bed and went to the kitchen. His family were still in bed. He went to the fridge and got some eggs and bacon. Haruto grabbed the pans and spoons. He cracked some eggs in a bowl. 

Then, Haruto grabs some cheese and puts some in there. He knows how much his family loves cheese.

Haruto on the other hand was a vegetarian since he didn’t want to hurt animals. Hurting others was not in his nature but he knew that’s what his family wanted for breakfast.

 He cuts on the stove. He pours it in the pan and starts mixing the eggs and the cheese around with a metal spoon. 

He then cuts off the stove, letting the eggs cook for themselves. He grabs a paper plate and puts the bacon on the plate. 

He puts it in the microwave for thirty seconds. Haruto sighs as he takes the bacon out. He grabs three plates and puts the eggs and bacon on it. 

With a smile, Haruto puts the plates on the table.

“I’m sure they will enjoy it more than I will.” He says, “It makes me happy seeing them happy.”

Haruto walked to his little sister’s room. His little sister was diagnosed with cancer, which causes her to lose her hair.

She was in her bed, wrapped up in her princess blanket. Haruto smiled as he crawled in bed with her. 

“Good morning, lil sis.” He says, wrapping his arms around her.

His sister rubs her eyes. “Good morning, big bro.”

Haruto sat up. “I fixed some breakfast for you, Hinata.”

Hinata got out of bed. “Thanks, big bro!” 

Before she walks to the kitchen, she looks at Haruto.

“Do you think I’ll survive?”

Haruto looked at her with a surprised look on his face. He wanted his little sister to stay positive just like him.

He gets down to her level with a smile on his face. 

“I’m sure you will survive this, " He says, putting his hands on her cheeks. “Sometimes, even the bravest people can be nervous but it takes courage to show people who you really are.” 

Hinata smiles. “I’m glad that I have a brother like you.”

She gave him a hug. “I’m going to eat now.”

As Hinata walks to the kitchen. Haruto walked to his parents room.

 When he opened the door, a few lights were coming from the blinds. He cuts  the light. “Mom, Dad, it’s time to get up.” Haruto shook them lightly. 

Groaning, they look at their son. “Yes, son, what is it?” His father asked. 

Haruto stopped shaking them. “I made breakfast for you.”

His mother got out of bed and put on her slippers. “Thank you, love.”

His father stretches his body before he goes to the kitchen. “You know, you don’t have to fix breakfast for us.”

Haruto hugs his parents. “I’m doing this for you guys.” 

“Aww, that’s sweet of you.” His mother spoke. “We’re going to the kitchen now if you need anything.”

As they walk to the kitchen, Haruto’s phone rings. 

Akuma was calling him. Akuma is a demon fox who can be creepy at times. He wears an eyepatch on his left eye. He also has a black demonic tail.

Haruto answered his phone. “Hey, Akuma, what do you want?”

Akuma chuckled. “Hey, when are you coming out?”

Remembering, Haruto  puts his shoes on. 

“Are Kuro and Zenaku here too?” Haruto asked. 

Akuma paused for a moment. “Yeah, Depressed dude and Killer man are here.” He lets out a laugh.

Haruto sighs. “I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Alright then, bye.” Akuma hung up the phone. He walks downstairs to where his parents were. 

“I’m going to hang out with my friends. I promise I’ll be back.” Haruto promises. “I love you guys.”

He walks out the door, closing it behind him. In front of him were his friends. Kuro smiles. “Are you ready to go?” 

Haruto walks over to his friends. “Yes, I’m ready.” 

“Hope you know we’re going to that diner place that you like.” Zenaku says. 

Haruto jumps on top of him, wrapping his legs around him. “I love that place! Thank you so much, guys!”

Akuma let out a heavy laugh. “Of course we did.”

Zenaku grunts. “Haruto, can you get off of me now?”

“Sorry.” He got off him as they continued walking to the diner. It wasn’t far away from Haruto’s house. It was a small diner that was called Taste Of Heaven, Haruto’s favorite place to eat.

“Here we are, buddy,” Akuma rubs Haruto’s back. “Your favorite place to eat.”

Zenaku groans. “Why do we have to have to eat here?” 

With a clever look on his face, Akuma approaches him, his hands behind his back. “We all know you don’t want to be here.” He smirks.

Kuro rolls his eyes. “Can we just go inside? I’m hungry.”

Haruto and the gang  went inside the diner. Luckily for them, they were the only ones waiting in the line. A young man was standing behind the counter. 

“Welcome to Taste Of Heaven, how may I help you boys?”

Haruto smiles. “We would like a table for four people, please.”

The man typed something on the cash register. “That would be $28.74.”

Before Haruto pulled out his money, Akuma grabbed his shoulders.

“It’s fine, Prince Charming,” He sighs. “You don’t have to pay for everything.”

Akuma pulled out 29 dollars. “Keep the change, not like I want it anyway.”

They walked to their favorite booth. Zenaku had his arms folded.

Kuro sighs. “Listen, that girl is just doing her job.”

“Oh, you mean his little girlfriend?” Akuma laughs.

Haruto smiles. “Zenaku, you do know she’s doing her job, right?”

Soon enough, a girl with pink and purple hair. She was wearing her crop top hoodie with short pants.

Ashamed, Zenaku puts his hands over his face.

“For the last time, those clothes are not appropriate for work, Melody.”

She passes out the menus for everyone. “Why do you care so much about what I wear?” She smiles. 

Kuro and Akuma let out a chuckle. “That’s a great question, pervert.”

Zenaku gave them a straight face. “I was curious.”

Haruto’s stomach growled. “Guys, I’m hungry.”  He whimpers.

Melody laughs. “Okay, what would you like to eat?”

“I would like some hash browns and vegan french toast, Miss,” Haruto smiles.

“Give me some sage sausage and pancakes.” Akuma stretches.

“I mean, I don’t know. I’ll take what Akuma is having.” Kuro says.

With a smirk on their faces,  Akuma and Kuro look over at Zenaku. 

Zenaku blushes as he covers his face. 

“Come on, pervert.” Akuma teased. 

“What are you going to order?”  Kuro laughs.

“Maybe he’s going to ask her out.” Akuma nudges Kuro’s shoulders as they continue to laugh.

Zenaku growls. “Keep laughing and I’ll kill you again, Akuma!”

The diner was quiet. Haruto rubs his shoulders.

“Hey, it’s okay. Don’t stress out about it.”

Zenaku cools himself down. Melody was still looking at him with that same smile on her face. 

“Would you like to order now?” She whispers. 

Zenaku puts his hands over his face. “Make me anything except vegetarian  food. I hate vegetables.”

Melody looks done at her piece of paper. “Any drinks for you guys.”

Haruto thinks for a moment. “Let me have some sweet tea, please.”

“Let me have some cranberry juice.” Kuro says.

Kuro and Akuma kept staring at Zenaku. 

“Go on, buddy,” Akuma smirks.

“Tell the beautiful lady what you want to drink.” Kuro burst out laughing.

Zenaku glared at them. “Give me some sweet tea as well.”

Melody laughs. “Aww, you're cute when you're mad.”

This made Kuro and Akuma laugh even more. 

“I’ll be back with your food.” Melody walked away from their table.

“Thank you!” Haruto smiles, “I’m hungry.”

May 15, 2024 15:50

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