"Midnight Waltz: The Night It All Began"

Written in response to: Write a story that begins with someone dancing in a bar.... view prompt


Drama Fiction Romance

                           "Midnight Waltz: The Night It All Began"

Siya Verma today is dancing in a bar. Today she is known as a famous bar dancer. Once upon a time she dreams to become a star. Ironically , she becomes a star but only in a bar. After sometimes a hand drag Siya and both of them go to a room and has a love making encounter. Next morning Siya comes back to her flat and sleep. Let us go through the journey of Siya Verma.  Siya Verma born in a upper middle class family. Arun Verma is a teacher and Roma Verma is a homemaker. Siya is the only child so everyone at home loves her. Siya always wants to become an actress. But her father was always against this decision of her. However she from her childhood was adamant to become a film star. She was a big fan of Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif and wants to become actress like them. But she knew that going to bollywood is not an easy task. Her adamant attitude overshadow her father’s decision of not letting her to act. At the end he allows her but only after completing her studies. Soon the time flies and she graduates with flying colors. Arun thought that Siya has forgotten of becoming a star. But one day , Siya elope from home and went to Mumbai to struggle to become a star. 

Arun becomes super agry as soon as get the news of Siya’s escape from home and declares her dead. On the flip side Siya find a cheap hotel to stay where she meet Rahul who inist her to become a star. Siya was new to Mumbai she becomes really happy with Rahul’s offer.  Siya makes portfolio with the help of Rahul. Unaware of the fact that Rahul gives her profile to a fake company who sell girls. Siya falls in the trap of Rahul. After the fake company where Rahul works gets her profile they calls her for audition. But as soon as she goes to the company for the audition they sell her with some other girl. She struggles a lot to get out of that dark life but it takes a lot of years and finally she along with few other girls able to escape. She takes a job in a bakery and with the money she gets Siya enroll for her masters in college. After completing her master she gets job in a well settled company all was well and she thinks to return to her home but little did she know that her past will haunt her back. Siya was engaged with a guy name Arav Khanna and soon married him after dating for 6 years. All is well between the couple until 2 years. But after 2 years Arav starts showing his true color. Arav becomes a controlling and aggressive towards her and often indulge in domestic violence with her. He also force her in intercourse sometimes. Siya becomes paranoid with the true faces of men first Rahul then Arav. Siya left the dream of becoming a bollywood star and comes to New Zersy where she works as a bar dancer at night. But after last night her life was going to change forever. As she wakes up next morning she find herself pregnant with the stranger she spent the last night. Siya freaked out thinking that she didn’t use protection. After 2 years Siya is a single mother of a boy whom is now two years. She now works in a company as a secretary. But she hears that their boss is going to change. As she enters the office that day the new boss looks at her intensely which she finds bizarre. Siya forget the face of the man she spent the night that day after dancing with him in the bar but the person didn’t forget anything. Vihaan Oberoi is a rough and taugh business tycon but he always has a soft corner for one girl with whom he has spent that night as he knew that she is the mother of his son. So he comes to New Zersy in search of his son and lost love. But his future wife didn’t recongnise him neither she is romantically interested in him. One day Siya brings her son at office as he is little ill and didn’t go to his play school. Siya heared from one of her old friend that her parents had died in a bomb blast few years after her son was born. Vihaan becomes emotional when he sees his own son. But he is not able to convince Siya that he is the father of her son. After many hesitation finally one day Vihaan tells everything to Siya and also ask her to marry him. But Siya refuse for marriage due to her past trauma with her ex husband Arav. Several years later one day Vihaan asks Siya about her refusal then she tells him everything about her past life. Vihaan is a gentle and genuine person so he offers her for live in relation with him for the sake of their son which she agrees. Eventually Siya and Vihaan falls head over heal in love with each other and marries and live a happy married life with their son. Siya wakes up from her dream and find herself in her apartment after finishing her night shift at the bar last night. She drink a glass of water and get ready for her next day shooting. This is a serial where she is playing a character with the same name of her own where the character ends up being a bar dancer and marries a rich man at last. But Siya get so much involve in the character that she starts dreaming about the role she plays due to her constant thinking. Soon Mrs Verma calls her to ask her to returns back as a guy is coming to see her for marriage. 

May 10, 2024 17:55

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