Fiction Sad

Dear Mom,

Mother's Day is here! It's been a while since I've seen you after I moved out for work, and I hope you're doing well. Things have been rough since I started out work, but you've always had my back since Day One. Thank you for encouraging me to pursue my dream job, even if I would have to move out. I wish I could be there to celebrate Mother's Day with you, but I've been quite busy lately, and work has been intense, with new skills to master and projects to complete. I'll mail another card soon! Maybe I should make this a habit? Love you so much <3 And Happy Mother's Day!

Yours sincerely,


(P.S. I hope you enjoy the vinyl record! There's a store nearby that sells them, and I bought one for you. It's a small gift to say thank you)


Dear Mom,

How have you been? It's been a month or two since the first letter, hasn't it? Thank you so much for the huge box of candies you mailed to me for my birthday last week, it is still being demolished (by yours truly). I can't believe you remembered how I've always had a sweet tooth since I was a kid, you really know me well :) Even though I'm a year older, it really doesn't feel like anything has changed. Sometimes I'll come back from work and instinctively say "I'm back!" even when the apartment is empty. (Embarrassing, I know). I really miss living with you and Dad :( But I'll be in town in a week or two, and I'll drop by to visit you both! Can't wait to see you soon!

Yours sincerely,



Dear Mom,

Apologies for the lack of cards lately, I've been down with a nasty cold these past few days, and it has taken a toll on me. There seems to be a bug going around, so please be careful too! Remember how you were so insistent on making sure I brought some of every single type of medicine we had when I moved out? It turns out it really helped me get over the cold and relieve the symptoms. I used to think it was excessive to bring so much medicine, but now I couldn't be more thankful that you made me bring it. Thank you for always being so vigilant and caring to me. If it weren't for you, I'd probably have to go out of my way to buy new medicine just to recover. Rest assured that I am well towards recovery!

Yours sincerely,


(P.S. Can you drop your recipe for chicken soup? I really miss having it, it always made me feel better when I was sick)


Dear Mom,

It's been about a year since I've moved out. I miss being back at home, together with you and Dad. I can't begin to talk about how hard it is to manage all the chores in the apartment; sweeping, mopping, cleaning and even cooking! I barely have the energy to bring myself to do chores after work, as I'll already be drained. As I thought about how much of a struggle it was, I suddenly remembered you and how you never seemed to complain even if you probably went through the same thing. I really took you for granted back when I was a kid, huh? Thank you for not only completing the chores every single day, but also for taking care of me for so many years. I know it must have been tough juggling everything, but I hope things have been easier for you around the house since I moved out. Your little girl's grown up now! Love you <3

Yours sincerely,



Dear Mom,

I am currently preparing to come back to town, when Dad sent me an urgent text about how you got into a car accident, leaving you hospitalised. I pray that the injuries weren't that serious and that you feel okay after resting. I am taking the earliest train to you, and I'll reach in a couple of hours. Please stay strong and pull through until I'm there for you, Mom. I love you so much.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Mom,

This is the first card I've written to you in a long time. I've chosen a thank you card with a pink lily on the cover, as it's your favourite flower. Ever since I rushed back to town, I heard that your injuries were serious, and the doctors couldn't save you on time and...you passed from excessive blood loss. Dad told me about how you were always so happy to receive a letter from me in the mailbox. A few moments before the car accident happened, you were crossing the road to go to the post office to mail me a letter back. It's hard to believe that this happened in the span of one night and...you're gone, just like that. It's been a year since then, and...I haven't felt the same...and Dad's also been more quiet. He told me that I should write one last thank you card to you, to place beside your grave, so...here it is. Thank you, Mom. Thank you for being my mother, and for looking after me, even when times were tough. Thank you for being my friend, who always believed in me, and checked in with me, even when I was so many towns away. Thank you for being a role-model I can look up to, someone who paved the way and displayed such tenacity and patience, it would leave anyone in awe. Even though life is fleeting, and time passes by so quickly, you've inspired me to make the most out of it, and live a fulfilling life. I am so appreciative of everything you have done for me, and so grateful and thankful to have the honour of being your daughter. You will always be in my heart. I love you.

Yours sincerely,


(P.S. I know you won't be able to read the cards from now on, but...I'll still write them because they make you happy. I hope you're in a happier place now, Mom)

July 28, 2024 10:51

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