If the woods could talk

Submitted into Contest #37 in response to: Write a story that takes place in the woods.... view prompt



As I run faster an faster the footstep in the distance never seem to fade, the farther I get the closer they appear. I don’t have any idea of what’s chasing me but it’s not stopping. This is a story my story an all good stories have a beginning middle an end. So let me start from the beginning I grew up in small town everybody knows everybody type deal never any crime really besides the store theft here and there Nothing to serious a utopia you can say. The towns most known for are haunted woods Ik you thinking haunted woods would make for a good camp fire story I did too. To give you a little more back story supposedly some jocks where drunk off there ass along time ago and thought let’s play hide in seek in the creepy ass forest. 8 went in 0 came out it was all over the news kind of a town tradgey but the weirdest part of it all none of there bodies where ever found Not a jacket, beer bottle nothing the woods aren’t even that big and if 8 people went into the woods you see some broken bushes or something didn’t even look like there was foot prints in em. The only reason people knew they went they went in the woods it was some other jock guy. I guess he wasn’t feeling it that day so he didn’t go but he got the text to come to the woods 2 days after they already been missing. We can’t really say his story holds up true either because he died a week after the incident til this day no one knows why. Now that we got that out the way everybody pretty much knew to stay away the only problem was its in the middle of the town you can get anywhere you want in 5 min. If you make the shortcut other than having to walk all the way around it. I always been a skeptic though I heard couple more stories of people vanishing into thin air there I thought it was more of parents tryna keep us outta the woods by telling us ghost stories. Man was I wrong so one day I’m at my friends house and my mom told me to I could stay the night an just walk to school with him in the morning. It was a regular day consists of me an my friend playing video games when I get a text from my mom to come home I thought it was odd because she already told me I could stay with my friend and it was pushing 10 o clock at night. I thought nothing of it though packed my bags and told my friend I had to go are neighborhood was safe so leaving out at night to walk was just like the day time. As soon as I get out the house I get another text from my mom saying hurry up I should‘ve been home so I stat walking around the woods but it’s like I can clearly see my house threw the woods like it was closer than usual so I’m thinking I can see my house from here I can definitely run threw there an get to my house. My mom kept texting me telling me to hurry up for I get in more trouble none of this made sense Im thinking she must’ve forgot she said I can stay at my friends so I go against my better judgement and go into the woods. I was more scared of my dad then what ever the woods had to offer and I also never believed the stories. So remember how I said on one side of the woods I can see my house right threw was like 20 feet well now I been walking for a bout 5 mins and it feels like I didn’t make any progress my house was still right there but when I got closer it seemed to get farther from me. Out of nowhere I get a text from my mom saying our you having fun I kind of look at it for a second before I could reply she text me again text me back so Ik your safe at your friends house. My eyes got bigger I text her back I’m coming home like you said before I could send it I hear a branch cracking and it was the scariest moment of my life pure fear ran threw my body starting at my toes. As I look up from my phone my house that looked 20 feet away was now 100 feet matter of fact everything was 100 feet away even the way I came in can’t see nothing but dark ness an trees. When i come back to reality I realize I’m just standing there so I start walking fast past then I hear it again I went from speed walking to a full on sprint. As I run faster an faster the footstep in the distance never seem to fade, the farther I get the closer they appear. I don’t have any idea of what’s chasing me but it’s not stopping. I run till I can’t run anymore lungs feel like there caving in. I have to catch my breath At one point it sounds like I’m the only one running. So I’m thinking whatever the person or thing was that was chasing must’ve stopped it’s pursuit. I stop for a few seconds looking around panting like a dog I try to catch what little breath I had in me just to get it all knocked outta me. I try to make out what it was that was chasing me as every thing start to get blurry but I only see a shadowy figure the little fight I had in me I tried turn over just to see. It wasn’t just 1 thing that was chasing me it was a group and I was surrounded! your probably thinking if I was dead how an I telling this story who said I was telling this story.

April 15, 2020 14:44

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Jeanne Marceau
08:45 Apr 24, 2020

You have great potential and this was a really good plot especially the ending, the problem's just the spelling and grammar. Something I learned from when I was in school was take ten words each week that you don't know and try to use them in any piece you're writing that week. Also read a lot not only other people's pieces but books or newspapers. As someone having English as a second language it really helps a lot to read, but other than that I can tell from just this one story that have a knack for storytelling.


Big Brazzo
18:00 Apr 24, 2020

Thank you I appreciate the feedback.


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