
Dont leave the basement, for outside the basement, lies beasts and terror's that will rip you apart, eat you alive, gut and hang you by your innards.

This is something that I was told every time I asked what lied beyond the basement door. Whenever my mother would come down and feed me, I wondered how she fought against these demons she told me about. Was she strong? Did she have a special weapon?

when I first asked about what lied beyond the basement doors, she said

"oh sweetie there are monsters. monsters that will eat you up." She said as she tickled my stomach, making me laugh.

I was still young at the time, still so gullible. So when i asked how she managed to go outside with those monsters and never get hurt! What was her secret? I never thought, for a second that she might be lying about the monsters themselves.

How I wish I knew, but if I had known anyone but her, maybe I would've found out sooner. I wish I wasn't so foolish, I wish I wasn't so gullible. Becuase maybe I wouldn't feel so betrayed.

One day, around a month ago, I asked her "How do you go out and never get hurt, mom?" She sighed, a sound of disappointment, and sadness before asking. "How was your day?" It as painfully clear she was avoiding the topic.

"No mom tell me." I watched as her head turned at me, quickly, and I saw her face, filled with anger, her deep blue eyes now flaring, darkening with fury. I had never taken a tone with her, and now that I have she was pissed.

"Dont you dare take that tone with me missy!" I had never seen her upset, well towards me anyways. "Tell me mom!" She stomped over to me, she seemed to eminate rage, I will admit, I was scared. But I was determined to get an answer. "You are in big trouble Missy!"

She grabbed my hair by the ponytail and started calling me names, telling me I was a worthless ungrateful bitch. She yanked on my hair, I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I made a cry of pain. I was not used to pain, I rarely felt it in the safety of the basement.

"You ungrateful bitch! Who do you think you are? Speak to me in that tone again, and see what happens!" She threw me back, by my ponytail, I could've sworn I felt a tear on my scalp, but before I could think about checking, my ass hit the concrete floor hard.

I decided not to give up, nut this time I asked in a soft and polite tone. "mom how do you stay safe?" But I guess she didn't really care that I didn't use a tone with her. She kicked me in the side, screaming at me, I don't remember what she said.

All I remember is waking up in the morning or whatever time it might have been. Bruised, bloody, and sore. Mother was nowhere in sight, I feared that if she came back she would hurt me again, I walked up to the basement door silently, and I opened the door praying not to see a monsters mouth.

What I saw was another room, like the basement, but more cozy, nice and warm. I knew my mother was lying the second I saw this. This wasn't the barren desert she described. There weren't any fucking wooden stakes with guts strewn upon them! I had been lied to, my entire life. She had lied to me every fucking day id been alive!

I felt oh so betrayed, and part of me wanted revenge. Thats when I realized she wasn't lying, well not entirely anyways. She was the monster, I saw her walk into the new room, through what I think is called a hallway. (I know nothing of houses, I was raised in a basement and knew basically nothing.)

She looked so angry I thought that steam might blow out her ears and nose, She charged at me. I ran towards a counter, I think I was in a kitchen because there were knives there. But knives are dangerous, very dangerous. I grabbed one and turned around holding it in front of me.

Before I realized what was happening, the knife I was holding sunk into my mothers stomach. blood was staining her shirt, I heard her groan in pain. She stepped back, but I was frozen, my grip remained firm, the knife stayed in place.

as she stepped back, the knife started glinting as it was unsheathed from her flesh. The blood glinted in sunlight. She grabbed her stomach, I dropped the knife in horror of what I did.

Mother fell to the ground, blood immediately pooled around her. I panicked, I didn't know what to do in this situation, I didn't know if there was anyone else around me.

I ran away, the format of the house unfamiliar to my eyes, I didn't know how to leave for around 20 seconds. Then I found the front door, I ran out.

The first thing I saw was a blinding light from the sun, and a couple people walking by. I didn't know if I could trust them, but I decided I didn't have a choice. I called out to them "HELP THERES BEEN AN ACCIDENT"

The people looked at me with a confused look. "What?" I called to them begging for help. eventually they pulled something out of their pocket, some magical communication device I belive its called a phone, and it made light. Just like the light bulb from the basement, only dimmer and colorful.

In the next couple minutes I saw cars drive by, then special cars drove up, stopping where I was, with blue and red lights and loud siren makers.

The people inside asked me for my name, I felt confused "Name? Whats a name?" I asked, The person in blue looked confused and said "What the fuck do you mean, whats a name?!" I felt attacked, and tried to focus on my mothers injury. "My moms hurt, please help"

They seemed to jump into action, and the sprinted inside the house, eventually they came out with my mother over one of their shoulders. She was alive, but not well. Soon white trucks drove up, with siren's too.

The people inside jumped out and ran to aide my mother. Eventually we were all at the hospital, and we were asked questions such as

"How did this happen? Was it intentional? Whats the girls name? Why is she so bruised? Why did she get a hold of a knife in the first place? Why doessnt she have a name?"

my mother answered all of them, but now. I live with someone else, but they dont keep me in the basement. I guess the worlds pretty safe after all. I think my mom went to a prison, for life. I hope I dont see her again, I'm afraid she might hurt me again, or worse. Now I live with someone named Margaret, and they gave me a name.

My name is now ashley, and I'm happy. I never want to leave this place, and I guess I'm gonna go to a place called school? That sounds fun, I will get to learn even more math, and make more friends!

February 14, 2025 06:01

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