The black halks

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic thriller.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Drama Mystery

My my covers was drenched in blood the murder happened so quickly,my husband's dripping blood woke me just in time. The killer had me pend down about to kill as well but he wasn't quick enough. I had one arm free lucky for me to grab the knife 🔪 I had under my pillow. I slit the killers throat ,the blood all over my face just gushing out of his neck. He was there for me his mistake he didn't kill me first. A member of the black halks my past caught up with me, and it almost left my son without both parents. I grabbed him out of his bed , and left without thinking. I can't believe I stayed in one spot for so long. I usually don't stay in a spot very long the fear of the black halks finding me. I once was an black halks but left I just stayed long enough to pay off medical school. I didn't do anything to drastic for them few drug runs here and there , delivered some black mail pictures off to people. Once I got the money to pay off my school I left ,and never looked back. I never stayed in one spot for very long always changing my name always traveling, I became a traveling doctor so was easy to keep moving. I didn't mean to fall in love but have an actual life but I did. My one rule of leaving the black halks. I broke it when I met Jace I couldn't help it but that man took my breathe away, and now he's dead. I'm on the run and tracking every last black halk down and killing them all. Starting with Mika the love of the guys life I just killed. Stan the guy I killed tonight I believe it's only fair. Mika wasn't hard to find her and Stan still living in the same house Palm springs. She was already high school it wasn't hard to kill her , just injected get with more drugs so just looked like an over dose. The next one Stephanie she was harder to find but with some money anyone will talk her own brother gave her up. I injected him with the same drug the moment he gave her up. Once again made look like an over dose. Stephanie I couldn't do that with her she's not a druggie so I slit her throat. The same knife 🔪 I killed Stan with. I made hers look like a robbery went wrong. Just two more to kill which lot harder to do since they have body guards since one is the mayor and his wife. I waited until it was a public event made look like a terrace attack planned an bomb on the stage it triggered once they both stood on the stage. I watched them both blow up and then left. I then drove back to my sister's house got my son and started a life for me and my son in Canada like nothing happened. I started out with my name a Katie,and now it's Sophie and work at a clinic where no one ask questions. My son kept his name Jace I couldn't change the name I gave him. Naming him after his dad is the only thing I aloud to keep from our old life. No turning back no keeping in touch with everyone I love. I know it's for my son's safety and it's worth it. The town is peaceful and everyone keeps to theirself. The house is on a lake so Jace can swim and a boat to sail once he is old enough. A nice school for when school starts up in the fall Jace starts kindergarten this year. He's asking about his dad but he's too young to know I'm not even sure to say to him, only thing I do say is his dad is in heaven. Everything happened so fast I never had a chance to morn my husband death I went out on the boat to have a little privet ceremony for him at sea. I know he would loved it he loved to sail to fish while on the boat. We always talked about buying a house on the lake but never did. I balled my eyes out when I bought the lake house knowing how much he would of loved it. I can't believe he's gone and I am raising our son alone and I would do anything to bring him back. I just wish I would of moved us a couple years ago when I got a job offer in Africa to treat sick kids and open up a free clinic. I turned it down because I thought Palm springs would be great place to raise a family. I was wrong stay and the price to pay being comfortable. Now my husband is dead for my comfort. Another rule I broke move once you get comfortable. I was comfortable in that place for years. I thought killing those people out of revenge would make be feel better but it doesn't. Just have sailing on my free time with my son like I did nothing. I'm just a normal mom and doctor living a life like no other. Year later and nothing has happened same routine I take my son to school then I work in the clinic get off in time to pick my son up from school. We go to the shake shop then take a sail out before bed. The same routine every day and nothing has happenend so I thought was safe to say we can have a life here. I was wrong I forgot about one black halk and some how he found me. Brice I seen him at the shake shop he had hate in his eyes, so I know I was in trouble so I got Jace out of school and ran. I thought I would get away but I was too late he grabbed me before I got in the car. I killed him by self offence. He grabbed me from behind so I head-butted him and he fell on a sharp rock so his head busted right on the rock. With witnesses they didn't charge with me with any thing, I'm so grateful for that. I thought about leaving but I couldn't do that to Jace he's already making friends. So I decided to stay back with are routine like nothing happened. Back to the shake shop and sail evening before bed.

September 23, 2020 09:36

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