
We met at Blossom Park, the sun was just setting, & I was reading on the bench right underneath the pink tree I always sat at when I was 9, it was always my favorite. I remember it so clearly, when he first kissed me, telling me "My dear, do not fret, I will show when time is right" he kissed me that very night, promising me we will see each other when the time is right, & I believed him, knowing less than I already do now. It was 6;30 tonight, I was reading Romeo & Juliet, the edited version. I saw someone, they were wearing a suit & tie, I thought nothing of it & went back to my book, 5 minutes has past, & I looked back up to see where that guy in the suit went, next thing I knew someone wrapped their hands around my eyes & said; "SUPRISE"! I pulled his hands down & looked behind me & tears were streaming down my cheeks. "Scott"? I said. "Yes, my dear"? I got up & hurriedly wrapped my hands around him. He turned me around & hugged me back. "See? I told you I would come back", Scott said. I hugged him even so. The next 15 minutes went by ever so slowly, but I enjoyed every bit & pieces of it. We were walking home, hands tangled together, he said he would stay the night.

The next morning I woke up & saw him sleeping on the pull out bed across from me, & I thought that was a dream, a dream that I didn't believe, but oh my, he was here. I got up, made my bed, & went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge & pulled out eggs, milk, & flour. I went to the stove & began stirring the ingredients together in the medium bowl he had gave me when I was 9. It was blue with pink little flowers, it was a antique, & my favorite. He came in right when I began stirring the ingredients, he hugged me from behind &

asked me what I was making, & I said; "Ooh, that's a secret"~. I turned my head & he was chuckling; "Right, Right". He let go of me & went to the book shelve right beside the kitchen table & picked up a book & started chuckling again; "Dear? You kept the diary?" I turned my head to look at him, then turned my head to look at what he was looking at, it read; "Our Secrets, by Y/N L/N & Scott Van". My cheeks started to turn red. "Mhm, yeah, why"? I said. "No reason, dear, just wondering, I mean we've known each other since we were babies". I nodded, not sure how to respond. I went back to stirring the mix. I stared at the oven & started pressing buttons, & put the ingredients into the oven & leaned on the counter, sighing. He came back over to me & asked me what was wrong. I shook my head.

A few hours went by, we were strung out onto the floor in my bedroom with our photo album & diaries we wrote when we were 6. We read & looked at the photos for an hour & a half before the oven was done, I got up & went too the kitchen & took out the cake. I set the cake down on the counter & went to the China cabinet & grabbed the icing & went back to the counter where I set the cake down & put Scott's name on top & wrote; "Scott- I love you". The cake was Vanilla with White icing. & I put tiny pink little hearts around his name & on the side of the cake, then I put little blue & pink flowers beside the hearts, then I went to the China cabinet & grabbed the red icing & went back to the cake & rewrote the 'I love you' part in red, but I made the O's a heart with the icing, & set the icing packets on the counter & backed up to get a better look at it, & went into the bedroom again to grab my phone, when Scott said; "is that little surprise you made done yet"? "No". I replied. I went back into the kitchen & took a picture of it, but deleted it because I wanted to make the picture look good for the future, then that's when I saw that there was a message on my phone with no caller ID, so I deleted it & thought nothing of it & went back to designing the cake some more when that same number messaged me again saying; "You know, Y/N L/N, you can never get rid of me even by deleting this number, I'll always watch you". I dropped the phone & the phone smashed into a million pieces. Scott came running in when he heard the drop. He asked me what happened, but I was hyperventilating, so I couldn't quite get what I was saying out. He told me he could buy me another phone & that it was no big deal, we could worry about it later he said. He soon saw the cake, & we ate & talked for hours when I then told him this caller ID messaged me twice, even when I deleted it, I said. "Weird", Scott said. Again, he said we could get me a new phone tomorrow & figure who that unknown person was messaging me. But after we were done eating the cake my phone screen lit up & I'm sitting here thinking 'How could my phone light up when the battery smashed to a trillion pieces'? I nudged Scott & he looked back at me & saw my phone light up with 1 message, 2, 3, 4, 5, & so many more from the SAME unknown caller, I was scared for sure. Me & Scott couldn't have a better explanation for how in the world my phone lit up!

December 14, 2023 02:16

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