Love on “My Love”

Submitted into Contest #53 in response to: Write a story about summer love — the quarantine edition.... view prompt



I was collapsed when I heard the Nationwide Lock down news on March 21, 2020 because of the pandemic disease called Corona (Covid- 19). The world was getting into the danger, everyone was worrying about their lives and economy of the world, some people rushing to the supermarket to buy groceries which was more than they want, on the other side shop owners used this chance to sale the things in high price and few was getting ready to leave to the hometown, but me !! thinking about “My Love” to meet on May 31, 2020. I thought this time, this meeting would be successful.

I met My Love last year on June 02, 2019. I was eagerly waiting for that day. I was happy, when the days has been reduced from last year to present. But when I came know the plan was cancelled, the pain that I felt couldn’t explain in a word. Suddenly, my mind started to thinking about how much I prepared myself for the meeting. The entire story of one year comes around my mind and shows the scenes in front of my eyes. It girdled like a roller coaster. Literally, I started to cry and screaming without making noise.

Getting an opportunity and taken away by someone makes us so anger. I should have angered on Corona. But, I didn’t and am not going to blame the pandemic issue. Am I the only one who is going to suffer? No. Everyone is suffering in this world. Everyone’s opportunity for making something was disappeared. A sudden surprise for my patience was I came across one good news that was I have the second opportunity for the meeting in this year, not only for me but also for more than 8 lakhs aspirants

Yes. Love on My Love is an UPSC exam that is Union Public Service Exam. One of the toughest exams in the world. Getting into this preparation accidentally (suggestion by my friend) and fell in love with this purposely. I don’t know really whether I would write this exam or not in this year because situations may even worsen. But one thing I am sure that My Love on UPSC will never fade.

Quarantine !! the most using word now a day. People can’t control them to stay in a home to avoid the covid- 19 contraction. I was very anger when the people violated the lock down rules and roaming outside. But I wondered when they said the reason, couldn’t sit in a home simply. Why I wondered by this reason??  because quarantine is a new word for me but the action was old. During my preparation in a city I used to sit in a same place from dawn to dusk without talking to anyone. Literally, staring at my laptop only.

I am not a loving or caring person. I was focused only on my aim to clear this exam. Usually it was a rare for me to make a call someone. But at the very start of pandemic issue first time in a while I called my family and few friends that I well known during my college days to ask about their safety, that time I realised the love that hidden inside me.

Sharing the memories and gossiping about someone with our friends is the most joyous moment. In the midst I might forgot this. I should thank to this pandemic issue to remember the things which I forgot for some time. Love on something which we really want for our career gives happiness but at the same time we should not forget to love the people who around us.

I came to know lot of lovable moments during this lockdown. A 15-year-old girl, who cycled down 1200 km carrying ailing father. It was not an easy task. What makes her so strong?? Yes, Love on her father. A 50-year-old women rode nearly 1400 km on a scooter over three days to rescue her son. Love on her son makes her so determined that overtook all her fears.

Everyone in this world is running behind the money, name and fame, they don’t have a time to speak to their family or friends. Even the parents forget to spend some time with their children. Before the child speak fluently in their mother tongue, the parents put them in a kinder garden and primary and then higher secondary and life goes on. They simply think that the education is the primary. In fact, education is mandatory for everyone not primary.

Recently I saw one cartoon, that time I understood earning money is for sustaining is a part in our human life. But few people think that earning money is the only thing in their life. The cartoon depicts that yama standing in the middle beside him the coffin box was kept. Lot money was packed and kept right hand side of the yama. That time one died old man carrying a suitcase full of money entering to that place. Yama said “sorry sir luggage’s are not allowed”. We are not going to take away anything expect the memories of love.

Newly, I fell in love with the digital things which we really needed at this time. It helps us to communicate with our loved ones whenever we think. Video call makes us to think that the person is really in front of us.

Sexual or physical attraction is not the whole thing in love. It seemingly is more emotion and reason related. Understanding is the most important parameter in life. Understanding something which we really love whether it is a living being or not, that’s not a problem. The bond helps us to lead a stress free life.

Love on My Love is not only the UPSC exam but also my family, friends and those who around me. Some people think that love occurs once in a life time. I think Love is everywhere, we often come across in our life but we fail to realise. I realised! What about you??

August 07, 2020 15:18

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