The Fire Within

Submitted into Contest #267 in response to: There’s been an accident — what happens next?... view prompt


Drama Friendship Inspirational

Togo opened his eyes wide. This was not a dream. Something urgent hit his nostril a millisecond ago and in the same instant, he knew it spells trouble. The smell of burning cataloged immediately in his head and his body sprang into action. On his all fours, the remains of his tail up, the sinewy lean body taut and poised, head up high with ears tuning into the whole range of frequencies scanning the auditory horizon. His nose was working overtime, scanning for the direction of the source, while the ears were calculating the proximity of the screams and cries of his fellow habitants of the Stone Farm up in the Pyrenees. It was very early, before 5am, but the sun was already creeping up over the mountainous horizon with a promise of another hot day. Togo pushed back on his hind legs and leaped out of his outdoor camp-out-spot - which was no more than a comfortable grass clearing on the edge of the high forest a short run away from the barns – and sprinted into action.

‘Not good, this is not good’ thought came in his panicked head just as he turned to the house and saw the giant flames enveloping the picturesque stone-clad farm. Even from the distance, he could see the utter panic spilling out and all around the engulfed abode. There was Ellie, rushing her two calves Erin and Stacey away from their barn. The barn must have caught on fire right after the main house, because it looked like the roof caved in already, and the dry hay inside the barn went up in no time, fueling the fire. Erin was half asleep and Stacey was crying. Judy and Mike were bleating their way out right after Ellie, Judy’s buttocks missing a copious amount of wool. Poor Judy was screaming and shuffling her little legs as fast as she could. The kids were already out and nervously stomping their feet some distance away, looking out for their folks. Smart kids, though Togo, stay away towards the pastures. Where is Amber and Jaco? They must be helping with the evacuation of the main house. No time to waste, he will find them later.

Togo ran on, nearing the entrance arch towering over the estate driveway. He knew he was less than a minute away from the chicken coop and the feeding stations. He could see the shapes of hens and chicks chaotically running around and peeping and clucking in panic, some chicks running in circles and bumping into each other. The smoke was spilling on the ground as the shorter outhouses and structures caught on fire, adding to the panic and disaster of the cruel morning. The oldest mother Julia getting her senses together as she saw Judy running out and away towards the field, started to round the chicks and pushed them in the general direction of the escape. “Run to Judy, kids!” she pushed and shoved some of the frightened youngsters and got the line going, with the rest of the motherhood following in short distance. Julia scanned the bright orange remains of their house, now hopelessly falling to the ground; with a heavy sigh, she closed the sad procession and staggered away to join her brood. “Clever Girl”, thought Togo, secretly proud at Julia for her conduct and quick thinking. With the hen coop clear – well, not much of it standing now anyway – Togo changed his direction and cut to the left, aiming to circle around the back and check on the main house.

Nearing the house, the heat was becoming unbearable. The stone cladding had time to heat up as all the wooden beams and structures perished in the red-hot blaze of the fire. And now, acting as a skeleton and forming a cradle for the fire to destroy everything in a searing inferno, it was almost a mesmerizing focal point for Togo. “I must find Amber and Jaco” thought the hound circling around the estate and checking for the damage. In the distance, Ellie, Judy and Mike along with Julia could be heard calming down their sniffling and crying babies. He registered the comforting neighs of Paula, meaning Ruby and Jack are also safe. But nowhere could be hear even a whisper of Amber’s throaty signature growl. ‘Not good, this is not good’.

Togo’s heart suddenly sank way down and he stopped dead in his tracks. What did Amber say last night right before he fell asleep? Something about Jaco not feeling well, and she is taking him inside for the night? Into the main house? That was now falling to the ground? Togo bolted from his place at the speed of light, adrenaline shot out into every cell in his body, and flew into the burning blaze without a thought. He barely registered the pain creeping up his legs as his paws and cushions burned; a collapsing book shelf hit him across his lower back leaving a line of sparks and fire searing his white coat and sizzling his skin; nostrils burning and lungs filling with poison – none of this was going through, as he pushed thought and into the house.

There! Under the burning dining table, there is a barely distinguishable ball of white fluff desperately squirming in panic. Jaco! Togo, zigzagging around the burning chairs, some already charred remains of the former selves, dives under the table and envelops his firstborn into a protective ball. Jaco is scared, Togo is out of breath, because here they are, the table barely holding, heat rising all around, smoke blinding their eyes and burning their airways into ragged breaths and panicked glances. Togo is feeling the desperation, Jaco being shielded from the worst of it. The smell and sound of fire is becoming everything; it is all Togo can hear and see as the distance between them and the Sweet Outside lengthens and starts blurring. ‘It is the end, my son, don’t look up, breathe into me and stay hidden’ Togo can barely feel the little scared hearthbeat against his chest. It is now hard to breath, and he doesn’t know how long he can take it, too weak to make the impossible move to safety. A last great big howl escapes his raw throat, useless to be heard through the blasting furnace.

‘I am sorry I failed you, Jaco, I love you’ are his last thoughts before everything starts spinning and the light becomes dark. The last feel of Jaco’s ragged breath and a tug on his neck registers and all goes quiet.

he moisture on his truffle is the first sensation he registered. Second one was the pain all over his body and searing sensation in his paws. The fire! My friends! Jaco! His eyes open in an instant, body trying to follow. To his utter surprise, 26 worried pairs of eyes are staring back at him. Amber is the closest, and when she sees he is awake, she becomes alive his excitement. The licks follow, everywhere and anywhere, on his parched truffle nose, face, eyes, ears and her face comes in for a tight snuggle. Everyone else is closing in, wanting to touch and hug and comfort him. The sounds of excited clucking and bleating and mooing fills the air.

“You saved me” Togo manages to let out, his throat barely working right. He is being smothered by all of his friends from the Stone Farm he and all his neighbors and family call a home.

“Dad”, comes a small voice from the mass of feathers and fur, and Jaco appears worse for wear, but without any apparent damage. “You saved me”. Jaco comes in for the tightest hug yet; and the world is beautiful once again for Togo.

September 12, 2024 16:32

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